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I guess it's my turn


Hello All,
Well after reading/lurking for a couple of months I guess it's only fitting that I say hi to all.

About a year ago I tried a NBE program but had very limited success. Determined this time to give it another go I decided to forgo the "generic" program using the usual herbs ( BC, SP, YM and such ) and learn as much as I could about what really works. Thus finding this place was a godsend. The amount of info here is amazing. The more I read the more I began to understand the "science" of NBE. Everyone here is so helpful, and Lotus' posts in particular are extremely insightful though in the beginning they were a bit overwhelming. However, the more time I spend here the more things seem to make sense.

Well my PM is due to arrive tomorrow so the journey begins. Along with it I ordered some Reishi Mushroom and White Peony. I'm thinking of getting some PC as well but the opinions seem to vary when it comes to this. Logically it makes sense that you would need it in addition to the PM but from what I read it's only needed after you begin to develop. Thus I haven't ordered it just yet. I'm going to start out with 3 capsules of PM spaced throughout the day along with 2 each of the WP and RM. After the first couple of weeks I'm going to increase the PM to 4 capsules then to 5 while keeping the WP and RM the same. This seems to be a good starting point but if anyone can offer other suggestions or recommendations I'd like to hear them.

Anyway, I'd like to thank you for letting me join and look forward to what the future holds for all of us.

Hello Kristen and welcome to the party.
You're doing what I did except my first month I only did the pM.
Then added the reishi, and ordered the Peony root as an extract.
I'm also going to shift the reishi over to an extract when this bottle runs out.

This is per Lotus advice on the extracts.
not sure about the pC.

Good luck and good growing!
Don't forget to take some pics the first week, you will want to look back at your progress.
Hugs Smile

Thanks for the warm welcome Elaine. It looks like you've only been here a short while but how's the program working out ??

I was going to order the extract form of the WP and RM but still need to do a bit of research on how much of it to take. Ive suffered a bit of info overload lately and am having a hard time keeping things straight. One extract Lotus suggested was the dropped full into 8 ounces of water. The other extract was just a couple of drops in a few ounces of water. That's why I ordered the caps first until I can go back and write it all down.


Welcome aboard Kristen , I know you are anxious to start your PM. But my suggestion is to start one cap/day for the first week, so your body will adjust to it, then two for a while and then check your body to see how you are reacting before going to 3. NBE is a slow process, the more patient you are the better results in a long term. <3 POM

(24-09-2014, 09:07 PM)pom19 Wrote:  Welcome aboard Kristen , I know you are anxious to start your PM. But my suggestion is to start one cap/day for the first week, so your body will adjust to it, then two for a while and then check your body to see how you are reacting before going to 3. NBE is a slow process, the more patient you are the better results in a long term. <3 POM

Hi pom and thanks for the welcome. The reason I was going to start out a bit higher is because I'm doing a lot of aerobic exercising. Even though I'm not overweight I'd like to lose about 20 ponds so my waistline would be smaller. This way if/when I develop and should some fat distribution occur hopefully I'd have more of an hourglass figure. Since I'm trying to keep my metabolism up I was thinking that I may end up burning off some of the PM before it would get absorbed.

Please let me know if I'm totally off the wall in my reasoning.

Thanks again...

(25-09-2014, 12:53 AM)Kristen Wrote:  
(24-09-2014, 09:07 PM)pom19 Wrote:  Welcome aboard Kristen , I know you are anxious to start your PM. But my suggestion is to start one cap/day for the first week, so your body will adjust to it, then two for a while and then check your body to see how you are reacting before going to 3. NBE is a slow process, the more patient you are the better results in a long term. <3 POM

Hi pom and thanks for the welcome. The reason I was going to start out a bit higher is because I'm doing a lot of aerobic exercising. Even though I'm not overweight I'd like to lose about 20 ponds so my waistline would be smaller. This way if/when I develop and should some fat distribution occur hopefully I'd have more of an hourglass figure. Since I'm trying to keep my metabolism up I was thinking that I may end up burning off some of the PM before it would get absorbed.
Please let me know if I'm totally off the wall in my reasoning.
Thanks again...
Anything you ingest has to go thru the liver. I think you will overload your system by taking anything too much. Your body needs to get used to anything new. As for hourglass shape, that also takes time, unless you are a bio-female with a good hip to waist ratio already. I hope other senior members will help you out too. POM


(25-09-2014, 01:16 AM)pom19 Wrote:  Anything you ingest has to go thru the liver. I think you will overload your system by taking anything too much. Your body needs to get used to anything new. As for hourglass shape, that also takes time, unless you are a bio-female with a good hip to waist ratio already. I hope other senior members will help you out too. POM

Your point about needing to get used to it does make perfect sense. Perhaps I will start off a bit lower with the PM. Unfortunately I wasn't born a GG so I realize the hour glass figure will take time if it does happen. I was thinking that by reducing my waistline it may at least give the illusion of one along the way.

Thanks again for your help and it would be great if the more experienced members had some advice as well.

(25-09-2014, 01:53 AM)Kristen Wrote:  
(25-09-2014, 01:16 AM)pom19 Wrote:  Anything you ingest has to go thru the liver. I think you will overload your system by taking anything too much. Your body needs to get used to anything new. As for hourglass shape, that also takes time, unless you are a bio-female with a good hip to waist ratio already. I hope other senior members will help you out too. POM

Your point about needing to get used to it does make perfect sense. Perhaps I will start off a bit lower with the PM. Unfortunately I wasn't born a GG so I realize the hour glass figure will take time if it does happen. I was thinking that by reducing my waistline it may at least give the illusion of one along the way.

Thanks again for your help and it would be great if the more experienced members had some advice as well.
Reducing the waistline will definitely contribute to an hourglass body. Good Luck...


Pom's right Kristen...meant to mention I started out my first week at bottle recommendatios of two 500mg caps a early morning and one evening before eating. After two weeks I changed to three a day one every 8 hours about.
Then week four I went on to 2 in the morning at 6:00 am and 2 at 6:00 pm. Probably will stay here at 2000 mg a day. Although some have done more and some cycle back to less. Your mileage may

I added the RM about middle of 5th week and will add the WP root extract as soon as it arrives , probably today or tomorrow.

So that's pretty much it for what I will be doing here on out.

So far I haven't had any negative side effects. In fact, I'm feeling more mellow and less stressed these days. it's very nice..

I second what Pom19 said. I'm not a biophysicist but my money says your body needs a chance to create the enzymes and ramp up the metabolic pathways to handle the PM you're dumping into it. Wake it up gently! You should expect NBE to take 3 or more years so the little extra time (3-4 weeks) you take getting to your "full dose" will be insignificant in a year. Besides, it gives you a chance to determine your optimal dose. If you start getting sensations and result from 500mg, why would you go higher? It will only end up costing extra money if you blow past the necessary dose for your body without knowing it. And if you're like me, it will save you some VERY painful start up symptoms. The stabbing pain I felt in my liver regions for a day took my breath away.

Oh, and welcome aboard Kristen! I like your user name by-the-way. Very pretty!

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