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Damn I just got a call from the nurse again... My T was 3.8 ng/dlBig Grin

So Im real happy about that and Im gonna stick with 100mg spiro and keep a close watch for T poisoningCool

Well I made it out alive after having voice feminization surgery in NY with Dr Haban Big Grin In about a month I should have a much more feminine voiceSmile We did it all endoscopic, no incisionsCool

Same thing Yeson in Korea does but actually a bit cheaper and he also did laser thinning of my vocal cords... He says he tried for 8 notes higher or 80 hz...

My fundamental frequency WAS 90-100 Hz he said... My comfortable trained voice was actually pretty good he said but only 150-160hz... Rarely could I pass as female on the phone, but no problems in person... Hopefully this will fix thatBig Grin

So far just a sore throat and a pretty bad headache... I hope both get better soon, the headache is actually worse than my throat...

Lunch was pretty good and ice chips and ice water helps a lot...

Actually Im glad I decided to stay overnight in the hospital... I kinda like having all the attention!!!

Im getting lots of questions, gotta write everything down... I accidentally said "OK" and it sounded terrible...

I will be going back to Dr Habens office in the morning and hopefully cleared for my flight home tomorrow afternoon... Thats gonna suck... Only available flight has two layovers and best case no delays its an 8 hour flight...

Oh did I mention I cant talk at all for a week, this outta be interesting getting home!!! Rolleyes

Im thinking I will only cry for a week or two if I actually like itBlushBig Grin And like my GF says if I do like it hopefully I wont just talk nonstop now and never shut up!!! LOL

Hi Eva I'm glad everything went well. I want to hear about the results when you can talk. I have not heard much about voice feminization surgery. I hope it turns out great.

Thanks Robin... Im hoping this works out, its permanent...

OK so I made it through my surgery just fine, Im alive and well and I just got home today Smile

First I guess I will show a pic of the Drs work...

[Image: img003_zpsfc0614b9.jpg]

These are my vocal cords... They are now 1/3rd shorter, that HOLE you see is on both sides and I believe they are stitched closed... That made them thinner and shorter.... The doc said "Im confident this will be all you need to put your voice into the female range"...

He said I will keep all of my dynamic range and power and I should be able to even sing if I want to eventuallyCool I hope so that would be cool Cool

BUT first I have to complete 1 week strict no talking at all... Been two days so far and its been hard to do, especially traveling home to SD from NY yesterday all by myself... I had the travel day from hell, 2 layovers, 2 delayed flights... Had to RUN just to barely board one on time only to be delayed 45 minutes to de ice when it started snowing at Ohare... Like 12 hours just to get home Angry

Anyway thats over... Im amazed it didnt hurt a lot more than it did... It sure LOOKS like it should hurt!!!

Really not bad at all though... I was under for about 2 hours... No problem coming out of anesthesia and surprisingly very little discomfort... For the first day just a little itch in my throat that was easily relieved with ice chips and ice water... LOTS of ice and water really helped... I went out to NY alone and stayed overnight in the hospital for an extra $300.00... Money well spent I thought... It was nice to have so many nurses there to look after me and they took great care of me Big Grin

So after a week I was told to expect it to actually be worse than it was... it will take a month just to get rid of the hoarseness and "surgical laryngitis"... I have slipped and talked a few times and aside from one time close after the surgery its sounded TERRIBLE... There was one accidental "Hi" in reply to a nurse that sounded absolutely incredible though Cool

I had to kid the doc and ask him if he really actually did anything??? Really surprisingly little discomfort Smile

The day after surgery Dr Haben checked everything out (he definitely did a lot Smile ) and it all looked good even to my untrained eye Smile

He said "thats exactly how it should look, healing very well, couldnt look better"... He said in about a month I should be happy but it will take three months to fully heal... He said to call him back in three months to record an after to go with my before recordings....

It will be a while before I can post any before and after recordings but I plan to... Hopefully this works out...

Oh and as far as My program goes.... I absolutely LOVE 17 mg EV shots every 5 days Big Grin

Gonna have to get some progress pics soonSmile

Quote:There are no dietary restrictions after the surgery. Sometimes taste will be altered post operatively
for up to a month or so. This is due to the pressure of the scope on the tongue causing a “Charlie-
hoarse” on the taste nerve during the ‘endoscopic’ portion of the procedure. This is annoying,
however it is expected to fully resolve in time. Please be patient.

OK so its WEIRD I actually have this strange loss of taste Sad NOTHING tastes good, kinda scary I hope it goes away soon.... Whats weird is I didnt have this right after surgery, it seems to have creeped up very slowly....

I guess I will use it as an opportunity to try to lose a few pounds by eating less, very disconcerting though Angry

I had a few instances last night where quickly out of nowhere Id get a STRONG urge to cough...

Luckily I was able to easily control that by chewing up a sugar free cough drop and swallowing it Smile

Also just sipping water helps a lot with the urge to clear my throat...

Almost NO pain at all today, just a very slight sensation of having a sore throat but really not bad at all... 4 more days to go, cant wait to try it out Cool

Just COLD and bored recovering here and to my delight really liking the girl I keep seeing in the mirrorBig Grin Not to bad for an almost 46 yr old ladySmile

Starting to see real tits and ass developing nicely and Im very happy I still haves YEARS to go with my feminizationBig Grin

7 months on HRT and really loving my shots....

17mg EV IM injected every 5 days, 300mg spiro, .50 dutas, 100mg micronized progesterone cycled on and off...

[Image: 004_zpsca2ada28.jpg]

[Image: 010_zps506efc33.jpg]

I sure hope your new voice turns out to be everything you hoped for. Having a feminine voice is very important for passing. I don't think I would be as brave as you in having that procedure done, at least not while there was a chance I could train my voice to be feminine. I'm holding my breath and am interested in hearing a comparison when everything heals up (6 months?).

Keep in mind you may still have to do voice training exercises because raising the pitch alone is not enough to get an authentic sounding female voice. Timbre, which is also important, is mainly determined by the size and geometry of the airway which you have no control over. You will need to move your voice resonance from your chest into your head. That takes months of training to become habitual. Sorry, you probably already know that, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.

Good luck dear,


Well I have to say that what you two ladies have gone thru to reach your goal is truly brave indeed.

Now stop sharing the gross stuff, j/k Big GrinTongue

(16-11-2014, 03:16 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Well I have to say that what you two ladies have gone thru to reach your goal is truly brave indeed.

Now stop sharing the gross stuff, j/k Big GrinTongue

Thanks Lotus, yes I still got BALLS!!! Little non functional and in the way ones but I still got em for now anywayTongue

You know there is a psychological aspect to this I really wasnt expecting but Im really enjoying it... Its permanent, it has the potential to be very good... I may NEVER be able to speak like a man again, thats a game changerBig Grin

There is NO going back now and Im thrilled!!! Very liberating Cool

Id think its close to the same feeling girls like me get after an Orchie or SRS...

I am closer for sure but nowhere near achieving my goal... That would be living 100% stealth full time as a woman and getting to the point it would be ridiculous and unbelievable to suggest Im anything other than a womanWink

Thats gonna take a while!!!


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