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Has anyone had major sensitivity to fenugreek. I am a bio-male and I'm a heavier guy but the fat redistribution is so fast. Also experienced some weight gain. I was a 42 b and in 2 weeks I am a 38 d. It's mostly fat tissue. Any thoughts?

(16-12-2014, 10:26 PM)Natural d Wrote:  Has anyone had major sensitivity to fenugreek. I am a bio-male and I'm a heavier guy but the fat redistribution is so fast. Also experienced some weight gain. I was a 42 b and in 2 weeks I am a 38 d. It's mostly fat tissue. Any thoughts?

Hi N-d,

Fenugreek is supposed to slim the midsection, although everybody's different in the way supplements work. High doses can tie up estrogen like responses in the metabolism process. In addition, high doses can also make other meds less effective, which could explain the excess weight, what else do you take?. But yeah, it can cause side effects from an upset stocmach to rashes and other allergic reactions, similar to a nut allergy.

Hi Lotus your comments on Fenugreek are interestingWink I dont mean to hijack your thread Natural D sorry...

Just wondering what a good starting dosage would be, I have some here and Im considering adding it to my program... Just did actually, popped a 600mg capsule to startTongue WOW it stinks anywayDodgy

Im on a high dose of estradoil valerate, 17mg injected in the thighs every five days... Also .5 mg dutasteride daily, 100-300mg of spiro daily and 100-200mg micronized bio identical progesterone cycled for 1-2 weeks a month...

Ive been happy with my program so far but Im looking to add some herbal enhancement to my NBE... Bio identical E and P are as "natural" as it gets in my opinion so I'll call that NBE Tongue

So Im starting with 600mg Fenugreek today... Im gonna research it here and elsewhere of course... Thats my 2 cents on it so far.... Anyone else with experience with it have anything to add ???

I do not take anything but fenugreek. I take 1200 in morning and 1200 in evening before bed. Also butt is getting wider. My jeans don't fit me. They did 2 weeks ago.

Well I can tell something else not so published about Fenugreek,

Drum roll please......

It also inhibits 5 alpha-reductase, which prevents DHT-(you know the one that prevents boob growth). That's according to a couple of studies, (albeit weak ones). But none the less, depending on you're BMI you could be converting (free tetoseterone) to aromatase, which could explain the ur-uhm chunky butt. Blush

And as we know excess E production packs on the fat, so maybe back it down to 1200 to 1800 mgs.

@Eva, I'd start slow at the 610mg mark as you stated, keep in mind though it also might effect the bio-availablity of your other meds.

Oh one more thing, fenugreek is supposed up-regulate prolactin, which WILL lower Estrogen production.

BUT Lotus I get all my E endogenouslyTongue... There is none made by me from T because there is pretty much ZERO free TBig Grin Whatever is there gets blocked by the Dutas and the Spiro and the E I take... It was 3.8ng/dl on my last test, LOW for even a cis girl....

My only concern is the possible rise in prolactin, Im sure mine is pretty high on the high dose of E Im on, I dont want it TOO high thoughWink

Seemed to get em buzzing anyway, I think I'll just try one cap a day for a while and see how it goes Big Grin

Quote:And as we know excess E production packs on the fat

YES it does and even excess injected E does the sameBlush

Thats why I found your comment interesting and I feel like Im stalling out on my program so Im looking at changing thingsWink

Mmmm... Fenugreek sounds tempting, but I'm worried about the maple syrup smell...

So because I have a high BMI I am converting testosterone to estrogen. That explains by breast increase so fast and my ass and hips getting it's own area code. Will this help the breast tissue to grow faster?

(17-12-2014, 09:32 PM)Natural d Wrote:  So because I have a high BMI I am converting testosterone to estrogen. That explains by breast increase so fast and my ass and hips getting it's own area code. Will this help the breast tissue to grow faster?

In men yes, it's likely, even more likely with a sedentary life style. It's estimated that older males will have about that same estrogen levels as menopausal women, and in that case estrogen isn't produced from the ovaries (in women with menopause). So the similarities of getting estrogen production from secondary sources (fat stores, breast, bone, skin, etc) are quite the same.

The same would hold true for a couple of the steroidal pathways like androstenedione and testosterone to estrone and estradiol. (See attachment).


Btw, I get the zip code too. Rolleyes

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