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Project X (hrt)

Ok then,

These are facts I know,

PUFA's- polyunsaturated -fats increase estrogen.

Monounsaturated-fats increase testosterone

Polyphenols (specifically Green Tea) promotes aromatase, anti-oxidation, estrogen, modifies signaling transduction pathways, relieves oxidative stress (reduces lipid oxidation), possess potent iron-chelating radical-scavenging and anti-inflammatory activities (polyphenols are powerful free radical destroyers), protects against neurological diseases. Green tea catechins ameliorate adipose insulin resistance.

Why is it important to improve metabolism and reduce inflammation for NBE?.

Metabolic and inflammatory responses are reactionary, meaning it's our body telling us "hey wait a minute, you making me crazy here!, stop it already" lol.

Hormone signaling goes crazy when the hypothalamus is telling it to make more testosterone because there's an increase in estrogens, it seeks hemeostatis (balance).

(30-01-2015, 07:23 PM)iaboy Wrote:  O.K. But what does all this mean for us non bio chemist's out here. It's one thing to slap on and massage creams on breast's and gonads, plus take some herbs or prescriptions... That's what I am saying. I can fix computer's, build web sites and had high school chemistry, but beyond that...........

I'm kinda like you. I can fix and build computers, build websites, do some code in C, C+, C# and C++, Python, COBOL (don't ask), I mess with PHP as a hobby and I am an amateur Astronomer, tech geek, and science lover but I read the stuff Lotus posts and my brain runs screaming out my ears and down the hallway in a panicked frenzy.

I WILL figure this stuff out though. Somehow XD.

*just a note on Green Tea... my ex wife used to insist I drink a cup or two of it a day and I would, but i'd always feel bogged down afterwords. Brain fuzzy and almost like I could FEEL my brain entering a foggy state. Any alternatives to green Tea? Cause I think I was having a rather negative reaction to it personally.



Lol, I get the point, computer science is jibberish to me. It wouldn't make sense to me either if I applied coconut oil to the monitor to make it process faster. Big Grin

But in essence, breast growth is about changing the signaling process, or pathway.


(30-01-2015, 08:02 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Lol, I get the point, computer science is jibberish to me. It wouldn't make sense to me either if I applied coconut oil to the monitor to make it process faster. Big Grin

But in essence, breast growth is about changing the signaling process, or pathway.

*chuckles* A simple program in Python I wrote for you Lotus...

1 print "Hello Lotus!"
2 print "Hello Breasts!"
3 print "I like growing breasts!"
4 print "This is amazing Lotus!"
5 print 'Yay! Breasts!'
6 print "I'd much rather you 'not' touch my breasts please."
7 print 'I "said" do not touch my breasts.'
8 print "Can't touch this!"



If you haven't guessed yet, Green Tea is phenomena I spoke of earlier, why?

Green tea, (in extract & essential oil preparation) makes perfect sense for NBE, and here's how.

Aside from this partial list of what green tea does, there are many other benefits not previously disclosed:

promotes aromatase, anti-oxidation, estrogen, modifies signaling transduction pathways, relieves oxidative stress (reduces lipid oxidation), possess potent iron-chelating radical-scavenging and anti-inflammatory activities (polyphenols are powerful free radical destroyers), protects against neurological diseases. Green tea catechins ameliorate adipose insulin resistance.

this is a great user friendly site in explaining how Green Tea Essentail oil can be utilized.

What Are the Benefits of Green Tea Essential Oil?

Green tea essential oil has many useful properties that make it beneficial. It is an astringent; this means it has the property to constrict and shrink body tissue. It is an antioxidant; this means it neutralizes free radicals in the body. Free radicals occur naturally in the body, but are also produced by exposure to ultraviolet rays, radiation, cigarette smoke and air pollution. They are responsible for cell and DNA damage. Tea seed oil has anti-inflammatory properties. It also has anti-aging properties as it inhibits the breakdown of collagen that is responsible for keeping the skin firm and elastic.

Therapeutic Benefits
Green tea essential oil, and green tea leaves are widely used because of their beneficial properties. Green tea oil is used in the cosmetics industry to manufacture creams, soaps, shampoos, hair conditioners, lotions, perfumes and massage oils, because of its anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties.

It is used as a therapeutic oil in aromatherapy. Five drops of tea seed oil mixed in 10 ml of carrier oil can be added to a warm bath to relax the muscles. Six drops can be added to water and used in a tea light oil burner or electric oil diffuser to create a soothing environment. Green tea essential oil is also used to make candles and potpourri.

Read more :

The oil rub technique is simply using a combination of oils for maximize effect. Now honestly I hate smelling like a nut or sardine lol. But for those who already untilize oils they know how effective it can be. These oils would be an effective approach for breast growth, you might feel a fullness, (this might take up to an hour), so make sure you have that amount of time to invest, include a shower too. Rolleyes

Fenugreek oil (use for estrogenic, prolactin/progesterone)
Coconut oil- (5 alpha reductase, tissue promoter) aromatase promoter
Omega 3-6-9 oil (essential fatty acids) anti-inflammatory, pro tissue/aromatase
Green Tea oil- anti-inflammary, estrogenic, aromatase promoter.

If you can't do these topically than orally would work ok too. So before anyone asks "how much do I take?, first see or talk to a medical professional, supplements can reduce blood sugars (fenugreek), and others slow blotting (anti-coagulant), allergic reactions, stomach cramps/ingestion etc. I'm not a medical professional, nor Is anyone else at BN, equally said advice shouldn't be taken as medical advice. Information is shared at Breast Nexus, if you so choose to follow said advice you assume responalbity, that said, please be careful......we hear too many reports of some dangerous interactions, seek help immediately and please don't dismiss those signs, or think by waiting it will gets better. PSA over.


Here's the techno stuff, this study is a complete breakdown of how effective green tea is, I'll also provide additional info/pics etc, related to GT.
New insights into the mechanisms of polyphenols beyond antioxidant properties; lessons from the green tea polyphenol, epigallocatechin 3-gallate ☆


Many biological actions of EGCG are mediated by specific mechanisms other than its well-known anti-oxidant properties.

EGCG is a pro-oxidant per se in some biological contexts.

EGCG directly interacts with cell surface membrane proteins and specific known receptors.

Treatment of cells with EGCG regulates specific intracellular signaling pathways and transcription.

Specific biological actions of EGCG are regulated in a concentration-dependent manner.
Green tea is rich in polyphenol flavonoids including catechins. Epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG) is the most abundant and potent green tea catechin. EGCG has been extensively studied for its beneficial health effects as a nutriceutical agent. Based upon its chemical structure, EGCG is often classified as an antioxidant. However, treatment of cells with EGCG results in production of hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals in the presence of Fe (III). Thus, EGCG functions as a pro-oxidant in some cellular contexts. Recent investigations have revealed many other direct actions of EGCG that are independent from anti-oxidative mechanisms. In this review, we discuss these novel molecular mechanisms of action for EGCG. In particular, EGCG directly interacts with proteins and phospholipids in the plasma membrane and regulates signal transduction pathways, transcription factors, DNA methylation, mitochondrial function, and autophagy to exert many of its beneficial biological actions.


This one is for you sweet cheeks,

Globulin, calculated free testosterone, and oestradiol in male vegans and omnivores.

Total testosterone (T), total oestradiol (E2) and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) concentrations were measured in plasma samples from fifty-one male vegans and fifty-seven omnivores of similar age. Free T concentration was estimated by calculation. In comparison with the omnivores, the vegans had 7% higher total T (P = 0.250), 23% higher SHBG (P = 0.001), 3% lower free T (P = 0.580), and 11% higher E2 (P = 0.194). In a subset of eighteen vegans and twenty-two omnivores for whom 4 d diet records were available, there were statistically significant correlations between T and polyunsaturated fatty acids (r 0.37), SHBG and fat (r 0.43 for total fat, 0.46 for saturated fatty acids and 0.33 for polyunsaturated fatty acids), and SHBG and alcohol (r-0.39). It is concluded that a vegan diet causes a substantial increase in SHBG but has little effect on total or free T or on E2.

My interpretation, a vegan diet may not produce enough free (bioactive) hormones to interact with the receptors. This could explain why you haven't experienced the optimal growth spurt yet. That doesn't mean all hope is lost, just a slight nudge to get more activation of the free state.

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