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Can I scream yet?


(15-02-2015, 04:12 AM)Candace Wrote:  An extended stay hotel could be an option.

I may have to go that route, but on my extremely limited finances due to being on Disability.. anything over $400.00 a month leaves me w/o resources to live on. Right now (as of March 3rd) I will have a grand total of $600 to apply for rent etc. IF I am lucky I can get into somewhere with just that but it leaves me totally wiped out for the rest of the month and doesn't leave anything for food, electricity if I have to pay that, phone, internet etc. It may simply mean that for a month or two I am basically totally out of touch with everyone I know, and in effect isolated. As EVERYONE I know is on the internet and not in my community except my brother... That literally means I have zero support of friends etc.

I'll go that route if I have too. It will be difficult, especially not being able to talk with my friends etc, but if that is how I have to do it, I will. The biggest problem with anything over $400.00 even if all utilities are included is more being able to save money for a more affordable place, getting around, paying for my part of my medical care etc. I run out of cash fast in those situations.

I've even considered trying to find someone that has a room to rent, but unless they are Trans friendly... I'm not really willing to risk it. I'd rather sign a year lease somewhere (like one of those hotels) and do my utter best to save up every penny I can to make things right.

Sad part is.. if I do this that way... I'll be unable to afford clothing to live as female, makeup etc. It's just making things way harder for me all the way around because I'm going to be forced to settle for whatever I can grab now, instead of having the money saved up to be able to find a place that is both affordable and suitable for my needs, pay for all the utilities set-up and deposits etc. and get moved in.

*shrugs* It is what it is. I'll manage. I've always managed to land on my feet for the most part. So I'll do what I can and hope some luck breaks my way and one of the geothermal heated units around here open up and I can get in cheaply.


(15-02-2015, 05:36 AM)ElainMoria Wrote:  
(15-02-2015, 04:12 AM)Candace Wrote:  An extended stay hotel could be an option.

I may have to go that route, but on my extremely limited finances due to being on Disability.. anything over $400.00 a month leaves me w/o resources to live on. Right now (as of March 3rd) I will have a grand total of $600 to apply for rent etc. IF I am lucky I can get into somewhere with just that but it leaves me totally wiped out for the rest of the month and doesn't leave anything for food, electricity if I have to pay that, phone, internet etc. It may simply mean that for a month or two I am basically totally out of touch with everyone I know, and in effect isolated. As EVERYONE I know is on the internet and not in my community except my brother... That literally means I have zero support of friends etc.

I'll go that route if I have too. It will be difficult, especially not being able to talk with my friends etc, but if that is how I have to do it, I will. The biggest problem with anything over $400.00 even if all utilities are included is more being able to save money for a more affordable place, getting around, paying for my part of my medical care etc. I run out of cash fast in those situations.

I've even considered trying to find someone that has a room to rent, but unless they are Trans friendly... I'm not really willing to risk it. I'd rather sign a year lease somewhere (like one of those hotels) and do my utter best to save up every penny I can to make things right.

Sad part is.. if I do this that way... I'll be unable to afford clothing to live as female, makeup etc. It's just making things way harder for me all the way around because I'm going to be forced to settle for whatever I can grab now, instead of having the money saved up to be able to find a place that is both affordable and suitable for my needs, pay for all the utilities set-up and deposits etc. and get moved in.

*shrugs* It is what it is. I'll manage. I've always managed to land on my feet for the most part. So I'll do what I can and hope some luck breaks my way and one of the geothermal heated units around here open up and I can get in cheaply.


A lot of motels also do extended stay but be warned managers can an often do kick people out for little/no reason, so have 2-3 lined up just in case.

(15-02-2015, 07:55 AM)Lenneth Wrote:  
(15-02-2015, 05:36 AM)ElainMoria Wrote:  
(15-02-2015, 04:12 AM)Candace Wrote:  An extended stay hotel could be an option.

I may have to go that route, but on my extremely limited finances due to being on Disability.. anything over $400.00 a month leaves me w/o resources to live on. Right now (as of March 3rd) I will have a grand total of $600 to apply for rent etc. IF I am lucky I can get into somewhere with just that but it leaves me totally wiped out for the rest of the month and doesn't leave anything for food, electricity if I have to pay that, phone, internet etc. It may simply mean that for a month or two I am basically totally out of touch with everyone I know, and in effect isolated. As EVERYONE I know is on the internet and not in my community except my brother... That literally means I have zero support of friends etc.

I'll go that route if I have too. It will be difficult, especially not being able to talk with my friends etc, but if that is how I have to do it, I will. The biggest problem with anything over $400.00 even if all utilities are included is more being able to save money for a more affordable place, getting around, paying for my part of my medical care etc. I run out of cash fast in those situations.

I've even considered trying to find someone that has a room to rent, but unless they are Trans friendly... I'm not really willing to risk it. I'd rather sign a year lease somewhere (like one of those hotels) and do my utter best to save up every penny I can to make things right.

Sad part is.. if I do this that way... I'll be unable to afford clothing to live as female, makeup etc. It's just making things way harder for me all the way around because I'm going to be forced to settle for whatever I can grab now, instead of having the money saved up to be able to find a place that is both affordable and suitable for my needs, pay for all the utilities set-up and deposits etc. and get moved in.

*shrugs* It is what it is. I'll manage. I've always managed to land on my feet for the most part. So I'll do what I can and hope some luck breaks my way and one of the geothermal heated units around here open up and I can get in cheaply.


A lot of motels also do extended stay but be warned managers can an often do kick people out for little/no reason, so have 2-3 lined up just in case.

we have one here that lets you sign up to a year lease, it's $400.00 a month plus a $400.00 deposit and the "application fee" which is a total rip off (The application fee is nothing more than a way for them to get extra cash w/o having to rent a room etc, the cost to run a credit check and bg check is less than $6.00 a MONTH each so these people charging $40-$50 to do that are just ripping people off and in my opinion shouldn't be allowed to do that at all).


Well this is just wonderful. My brother came into my room a while ago to inform me that I have to find a place, with no money right now to do it with, by the end of this month.

Yup.. so come the 1st, I'll have my stuff in storage and be sleeping in my tent for a month or two because there is no fucking way I can find a place in that time, with no money, and on my disability income.

This is why I hate my family. Why I had vanished off their radar for 20 years (only recently restarted contact with them) and this is why once I leave, that's it. My family is dead to me.


(16-02-2015, 03:25 AM)ElainMoria Wrote:  Well this is just wonderful. My brother came into my room a while ago to inform me that I have to find a place, with no money right now to do it with, by the end of this month.

Yup.. so come the 1st, I'll have my stuff in storage and be sleeping in my tent for a month or two because there is no fucking way I can find a place in that time, with no money, and on my disability income.

This is why I hate my family. Why I had vanished off their radar for 20 years (only recently restarted contact with them) and this is why once I leave, that's it. My family is dead to me.


I don't know if this is a good timer of year for this, but, I remember when my ex-fiancé & I were looking for a place, we found a HUGE place REAL cheap that is usually rented out to college students. We were living in a major college area at the time. 3 HUGE colleges within 20 minutes walking distance from each other, at least 5 more within a short bus ride. Now that I think of it, it WAS this time of year! A few years before that, my band played in Youngstown one night and we were invited to sleep over at an apartment these two girls shared. Again, it was HUGE and I couldn't believe how super cheap the rent was!!
Try looking near a college. See if you can share with a friend to help pay for it and get on unemployment, for now. You probably paid into it, no harm in collecting from it!
Good luck!! I hope you find something, soon!!

(16-02-2015, 04:27 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  
(16-02-2015, 03:25 AM)ElainMoria Wrote:  Well this is just wonderful. My brother came into my room a while ago to inform me that I have to find a place, with no money right now to do it with, by the end of this month.

Yup.. so come the 1st, I'll have my stuff in storage and be sleeping in my tent for a month or two because there is no fucking way I can find a place in that time, with no money, and on my disability income.

This is why I hate my family. Why I had vanished off their radar for 20 years (only recently restarted contact with them) and this is why once I leave, that's it. My family is dead to me.


I don't know if this is a good timer of year for this, but, I remember when my ex-fiancé & I were looking for a place, we found a HUGE place REAL cheap that is usually rented out to college students. We were living in a major college area at the time. 3 HUGE colleges within 20 minutes walking distance from each other, at least 5 more within a short bus ride. Now that I think of it, it WAS this time of year! A few years before that, my band played in Youngstown one night and we were invited to sleep over at an apartment these two girls shared. Again, it was HUGE and I couldn't believe how super cheap the rent was!!
Try looking near a college. See if you can share with a friend to help pay for it and get on unemployment, for now. You probably paid into it, no harm in collecting from it!
Good luck!! I hope you find something, soon!!

I can't get on unemployment as I am disabled. I've been disabled for nearly 20 years after rolling a car 7 times ( I was lucky to survive ). No friends in the area. I don't go out. Don't know anybody in the area except my brother. This is a college town but... with my credit and only having $650 as of the 3rd (I have $100 in bills I have no choice but to pay), there isn't much chance of getting into a place I like. But I can probably suck it up and stay at an extended stay place for a couple months. It just REALLY throws my mailing, social security disability, medical appointments and ability to be contacted for same etc, into a great big void of "how the fuck am I going to do this?". I can't get mail at an extended stay.. PO box's are kinda a no no as an address for most things where my disability is concerned, so it really fucks me what he is pulling.


Hope you find a place to stay elain Sad

What are the eviction laws in your state? In some states you are a tenant (paying a rent of $0) and they have to go through an eviction process and give you a certain amount of time to get out. You can say that you'll save him the trouble of paying for eviction if he pays you to move out.

Is your credit good enough to get a loan towards move-in expenses from

I got mail when I stayed at an Extended Stay.

(16-02-2015, 07:55 AM)Candace Wrote:  What are the eviction laws in your state? In some states you are a tenant (paying a rent of $0) and they have to go through an eviction process and give you a certain amount of time to get out. You can say that you'll save him the trouble of paying for eviction if he pays you to move out.

Is your credit good enough to get a loan towards move-in expenses from

I got mail when I stayed at an Extended Stay.

My brother is moving out as well. He just kept changing when to try and gget me to say i'd keep living with them even in Washingtont and then bam, decided it was going to be at the end of this month. It's mostly because his ploy to try and force me to continue living with them when they moved didn't pan out so out of disgruntlement he moved all their plans up just to make things much harder for me. Basically.. There won't be any way I can force them to let me stay because they won't be here either.

Thanks to my ex wife and a supposed best friend screwing me royally just over a year ago, my credit is tanked. I had good credit, now I have credit so low i'd have to go to hell and dig a few miles below it to find my credit rating.

I'll check into that re the extended stay. I am also going to see about getting a P.O. Box simply because it will make some issues for me easier, even though I won't be able to get all of my mail there.


(16-02-2015, 06:49 AM)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  Hope you find a place to stay elain Sad

So do I but if worse comes to worse, I'll put my stuff in storage, keep my tent and sleeping bag out and do some camping out for a month or two till I have enough cash set aside to get my own place.

It just makes everything more difficult for me, which is exactly what my brother intends. It's his way of punishing me for not moving with them. It's this kind of behavior from my family that caused me to have no contact with them for 20 years. Guess i should have just kept that going instead of breaking it. There won't be a third chance though.



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