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Rethinking PM (and the dangers of self-medicating)


I've been on BN a little over 2 years now, and on PM for most of that time as well. While there is no doubt PM has given me significant relief for GD that I have experienced most of my life, some recent health issues are popping up that make me wonder if I may have made a very bad mistake.

I reported on the muscle fasciculations I was experiencing in an earlier thread. After consulting with my PCP and my neurosurgeon, I am now convinced that the fasciculations are being caused by a malfunctioning thyroid. While they aren't dangerous (just very annoying) I'm afraid that the nerve damage may be more or less permanent.

Today, however, on a routine visit to my optometrist I learned that I have the onset of macular degeneration. What concerned the doctor is how quickly it came on -- I showed no evidence of the disease whatsoever during my last exam about 2-1/2 years ago. There is recent research that links MD to the suppression of sex hormone production (in particular of testosterone in males). I have already initiated the process to get into an endocrinologist ASAP. The most painful part is waiting for the referral process. It will be several weeks before I will have any real answers.

I guess my primary point is that self-medicating is a horrible idea. PM acts like an estrogen, and when a genetic male takes it he is without question going to disrupt normal hormonal balance. If we on this forum think that we aren't playing with matches by taking PM we are seriously deluding ourselves.

I am still deciding what course of action to take regarding the PM. I kind of think I should continue taking it until the endo can run tests but I am afraid of further (and possibly irreversible) damage.



For myself, considering I fully intend to transition, reversing my hormone balance from male to female is what I want. But that is just my journey.



Until you have concrete evidence that the macular degeneration is linked to pm, it may just all be a coincidence. Did the optometrist mention any other potential causes of the degeneration?

Assuming the pm is a major factor at play, trying to choose between your physical and mental health is a very difficult situation I think. Two options you could pursue I think is either taking a bare minimum dosage of pm to keep the GID at bay, or you could go cold turkey altogether and hope for the best.

My wife's mother has MD and thyroid problems and was told the genes that causes both were threw heredity ,not that one gene causes both to happen ,thyroid problems over active or under active is not tied to MD Just coincidence that she has both problems.

I don't think she has ever heard of PM

Misty, I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. I hope that everything turns out okay for you.

Your physical health is the most important thing right now. I don't know if you've talked to your doctor about the herbs you have been taking but you may have to bring everything to light to make sure a proper diagnosis is given to you. Good luck and take care!

(17-02-2015, 02:32 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  Until you have concrete evidence that the macular degeneration is linked to pm, it may just all be a coincidence. Did the optometrist mention any other potential causes of the degeneration?

Yes it may be coincidence. My doctor did say, however, that in 30 years of practice she never saw the macular drusens form so quickly (and in such quantity). The drusens are the spots behind the macula that cause the degeneration. She said it typically takes 10 to 15 years for them to develop to this degree and was surprised that my earlier scans were completely drusen free.

(17-02-2015, 02:32 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  Assuming the pm is a major factor at play, trying to choose between your physical and mental health is a very difficult situation I think. Two options you could pursue I think is either taking a bare minimum dosage of pm to keep the GID at bay, or you could go cold turkey altogether and hope for the best.

I have reduced my PM intake from 3000 mg/day to 500 mg/day as of February 1. I was "cold turkey" for the entire month of January. I can say that the muscle fasciculations have reduced considerably, although they aren't gone altogether. I have no symptoms of vision loss as of yet so it will be a little harder to tell if reducing the PM effects the MD. I have another appointment on March 25 for an OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) that should shed more light on the progression of the MD. I only posted here as a warning to others to be careful.

Thank you for your input and concern!



(17-02-2015, 02:55 AM)small A Wrote:  My wife's mother has MD and thyroid problems and was told the genes that causes both were threw heredity ,not that one gene causes both to happen ,thyroid problems over active or under active is not tied to MD Just coincidence that she has both problems.

I don't think she has ever heard of PM

Thanks, Small A. I am not aware of any instances of MD in my family but I have let my siblings know just in case.


(17-02-2015, 03:11 AM)Fire And Ice Wrote:  Misty, I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. I hope that everything turns out okay for you.

Your physical health is the most important thing right now. I don't know if you've talked to your doctor about the herbs you have been taking but you may have to bring everything to light to make sure a proper diagnosis is given to you. Good luck and take care!

Thanks, F&I. I do plan on letting the endo know about the GD and PM. I'm still thinking about how to do that, but the stakes are too high not to be completely truthful.


(17-02-2015, 01:21 AM)ElainMoria Wrote:  For myself, considering I fully intend to transition, reversing my hormone balance from male to female is what I want. But that is just my journey.



I believe that's fully OK. My only advice is to proceed under a doctor's care and supervision! My mistake is thinking I knew better.


I wish you health and a speedy recovery Misty!

Do TG on synthetic hormones have these problems at a higher rate? If it is caused by lack of testosterone wouldnt that be the case?

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