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Whoa!!! that was weird



I've been lurking for a while, reading up on people's recommendations, experiences and so forth on uses of PM.

Well I started taking Ainterol PM pills yesterday at 1000mg morning and evening. So far it's three doses of 1000mg.

I just had the strangest feeling. It was like it came in a wave, and I felt like I was out of body for a moment. It went away, but is this something anyone else experienced? I will up my water intake to see if it helps.

Any thoughts anyone? Reduce my intake to the recommended 1000 a day?


(26-02-2015, 05:54 PM)ImaSissy Wrote:  Hi,

I've been lurking for a while, reading up on people's recommendations, experiences and so forth on uses of PM.

Well I started taking Ainterol PM pills yesterday at 1000mg morning and evening. So far it's three doses of 1000mg.

I just had the strangest feeling. It was like it came in a wave, and I felt like I was out of body for a moment. It went away, but is this something anyone else experienced? I will up my water intake to see if it helps.

Any thoughts anyone? Reduce my intake to the recommended 1000 a day?


Sounds like too much too soon, you need to build up the dosage over time, as rushing into this does not make your boobs grow any bigger or quicker. In fact as I've read it can hinder growth. Take it easy. As a male, I am taking my time, for my lovely mounds.

That's kind of where I was leaning, thank you. I'll cut back for a week.

(26-02-2015, 05:54 PM)ImaSissy Wrote:  Hi,

I've been lurking for a while, reading up on people's recommendations, experiences and so forth on uses of PM.

Well I started taking Ainterol PM pills yesterday at 1000mg morning and evening. So far it's three doses of 1000mg.

I just had the strangest feeling. It was like it came in a wave, and I felt like I was out of body for a moment. It went away, but is this something anyone else experienced? I will up my water intake to see if it helps.

Any thoughts anyone? Reduce my intake to the recommended 1000 a day?


Their is 2 popular theories about PM.

1. Best to start at the lowest dosage, then after 30 days, if no apparent growth, increase by one dose. Ect. until you start to feel/see differences.

2. Start out with a large dose, like you have done, but only for a week, then drop down to lowest dosage. Suppose to shock your system into response. There has been a couple of people that have done it that way and have had a good measure of success.

As far as what you felt. That is the Estrogen high you got. At least that's the opinion I get from a friend on this board. Mainly due to the fact you started with such a high dose. The highest dosage usually recommended is about 2000mg per day, although some have gone as high as 4000mg.

Right now, having been using PM Extract for about 4 months, I am up to the equivalent of 1500mg per day, and started to take breaks of 1 week, every month. I may see how that goes, or I may "shock" my system on purpose for several days, as you have done, though not as high dosage as you.

Be careful! Some people react badly to high doses out of the gate. I was one of them. I started with just 500mg AM and 500mg PM and at about three days, I got excruciating, stabbing pain in what I think was my liver. I took a couple weeks off and then restarted with just 500mg daily and ramped up, week by week, to 1500 and finally 2000 after several months. My theory is that your liver and kidneys need time to turn on the metabolic pathways and make the enzymes they need to deal with the hormonal fluctuations you are causing. Give them some time or they might let you know what they think of your exuberance like mine did. ...I never experienced what you described though. Never heard of it happening to anyone else either but I wouldn't rule out PM.

Another possible explanation, given that you haven't taken enough to "sink in" yet, is that your symptom isn't physiological, but psychosomatic.

It's still better to start slower, though, such as 1x 500mg/day for a while, then 2x, etc. You are, after all, putting large amounts of a fairly potent substance into your body that it doesn't know what to do with.

Hi had occular migraines for about six weeks or so when I started - just a shock to the system - my body getting used to the E, I believe.

Not had one for several weeks now, though. Good luck!

Thanks everyone!!

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