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I'm Back,,,


Well... never really went away. It's getting on for 2 years since my last post..

My, doesn't the time fly! Various things had been going on in my life which pushed contributing to low priority, hopefully over now.

So, I think it might be worth giving a quick update as I have now been taking PM for 3 years and 4 months, consuming around 1.25 kg so far.

1) I haven't been on cold turkey probably well over a year as my wife's menopausal condition meant that erections were no longer required... It doesn't matter to me, but it is worth reporting (to those for whom it would) that I can no longer achieve one greater than zero degrees (horizontal). So if you want to keep it, cold turkey every once in a while is essential.

However breast orgasms are now phenomenal (tmi?) because...

2) I am now 34" under bust, 39" around. Photo when I get the opportunity.

3) Weight loss has continued steadily, now down to 147 lbs from a maximum of 182. Let me know if you want to know how easy it is. (Hint: 5 lbs a year keeps it off)

Hello to Flame, Sara, Etna, Misty, Lenneth and anyone else I missed Smile


(05-03-2015, 01:33 AM)bryony Wrote:  Well... never really went away. It's getting on for 2 years since my last post..

My, doesn't the time fly! Various things had been going on in my life which pushed contributing to low priority, hopefully over now.

So, I think it might be worth giving a quick update as I have now been taking PM for 3 years and 4 months, consuming around 1.25 kg so far.

1) I haven't been on cold turkey probably well over a year as my wife's menopausal condition meant that erections were no longer required... It doesn't matter to me, but it is worth reporting (to those for whom it would) that I can no longer achieve one greater than zero degrees (horizontal). So if you want to keep it, cold turkey every once in a while is essential.

However breast orgasms are now phenomenal (tmi?) because...

2) I am now 34" under bust, 39" around. Photo when I get the opportunity.

3) Weight loss has continued steadily, now down to 147 lbs from a maximum of 182. Let me know if you want to know how easy it is. (Hint: 5 lbs a year keeps it off)

Hello to Flame, Sara, Etna, Misty, Lenneth and anyone else I missed Smile


Great to see you back!Big Grin

[Image: smiley-excited001.gif]

You're back!!!!

Lenneth mentioned earlier to me you might be returning. I'm happy to see you posting again.

Welcome back Bryony!

I sent you a personal note but also wanted to publicly welcome you back and let those who don't know you, know, that you have earned your stripes and are worthy of listening to. Your insight is not always delivered, in a package of warm fuzzies, but always has the best of intentions. Smile There are plenty of new folks to encourage and maybe even a few old dogs left that I'm sure you'll remember. Here's to you buddy! Cheers.

Hey bryony! Good to know you're doing well!! Smile

Thanks for the warm welcome folks! Big Grin

Flame, when I saw you threatening to go I thought I'd better do something about it! Smile

I saw the note and replied thanks Kari,

Lenneth, Hellooooo!

Sarah, my how you've changed! What a girly! (Is it ok to say that? Big Grin )

Well. What shall we talk about?

I ought to make a correction to my last post. I've actually swallowed 2.5 kg of PM since Nov 2011, not 1.5 kg. So, that's an average of 2g per day.

Good news is that I am living proof that continuous consumption does not actually fry your brain and give you an all-consuming desire to go the whole hog.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that I've become a lot more stable without the periods of cold turkey. Of course, I'm in the fortunate position of no longer caring about sterility or impotence! Big Grin

Along the way I've been developing some interesting theories on the nature of testosterone, marital fidelity and paraphilia.

If anyone is interested in discussing that topic, I could start another thread - if so let me know.

Anyone interested in really effective weight loss? Since I was last on here I took it really seriously - particularly as the PM had caused me to gain weight for a while, and over the last year I found how to lose weight steadily, and reasonably rapidly, without hunger. All it requires is to ignore pretty much what we've been told over the last 40 years, and eat the way I did for the first 25 years of my life - incidentally, when I was 25, I weighed 147 lbs, and that is what I weigh now.

If you are interested, then this guy, a South African sports scientist, medical doctor, and university professor, can give you the skinny in 15 minutes of your time. Tim-Noakes



(06-03-2015, 12:46 AM)bryony Wrote:  Sarah, my how you've changed! What a girly! (Is it ok to say that? Big Grin )

LOL, it's perfectly ok....but I don't think I've changed all that much! Happier, and probably weirder...but still the same fundamentally. Oh's been three years since I joined this site.

Ok, maybe I've changed a little.

I often wondered what happened to you. I thought maybe a PM overdose or sickness due to a lack of eating bread. Tongue

(06-03-2015, 12:56 AM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  
(06-03-2015, 12:46 AM)bryony Wrote:  Sarah, my how you've changed! What a girly! (Is it ok to say that? Big Grin )

LOL, it's perfectly ok....but I don't think I've changed all that much! Happier, and probably weirder...but still the same fundamentally. Oh's been three years since I joined this site.

Ok, maybe I've changed a little.

I often wondered what happened to you. I thought maybe a PM overdose or sickness due to a lack of eating bread. Tongue

We joined at about the same time, I think. I feel bad about ducking out, but things were getting hectic at home - I had to get involved in protesting a local development which lasted about a year - and I found some of the discussions getting too aggressive for my liking, so I reverted to lurking. Some of the aggression may have been my fault. As I said I've calmed down a lot.

I did miss out on quite a bit going on at the time though... So you're all converted now? How are you getting on? If it's all in a post somewhere, I could search if you'd rather Big Grin Anyone special in your life? Am I too nosey? Big Grin


PS Good joke about the bread! Big Grin But it really isn't any good for you any more. It might have been once (debatable) , but that would have been before the 1960s. I can honestly say that I feel much, much healthier now that I avoid wheat.

Great that you're back!!! Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin



(06-03-2015, 01:27 AM)Misty0732 Wrote:  Great that you're back!!! Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin




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