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What's going on here???


I guess a couple things I wanted to bring up. First, I guess this community really is like a family. One minute everyone is being loving and supporting of one another, the next we are at each other's throats. We all have our differences in opinions, I don't find it necessary to berate each other over them. Constructive criticism is one thing, insulting criticism is another.

And that brings up the second thing I wanted to point out. So what happened to all the constructive commentaries in the Pictures section, or other sections as well? What drove me to share on here in the first place, was seeing so many in the community sharing their thoughts on people's progress, threads, questions etc. Lately there just seems to be a LOT more lurkers, and FEWER responses.

For example, my last pictures update 120 days Progress has 707 Views and 5 Replies. Of those replies, three of them are my responses, one of them is a question, and one is a comment. Mine's not the only one like that, there are other members with similar ratios. I've been wondering why I bother posting any pictures if I am not going to get the feedback or constructive commentary I was hoping for.

So if you're a lurker come on out of hiding and share your thoughts and opinions with the community. This community cannot grow in a positive direction if it becomes stagnant.

Anyways, that's what's been on my mind as of late. I guess time will tell if what I've said has any impact. Tongue

(03-04-2015, 09:40 PM)Fire And Ice Wrote:  I guess a couple things I wanted to bring up. First, I guess this community really is like a family. One minute everyone is being loving and supporting of one another, the next we are at each other's throats. We all have our differences in opinions, I don't find it necessary to berate each other over them. Constructive criticism is one thing, insulting criticism is another.

I think the conflict ebbs and flows. While we all have a common goal, that doesn't negate the reality of NBE being controversial, both in the realm of those who have a significant other and the methods to achieve breast development.

(03-04-2015, 09:40 PM)Fire And Ice Wrote:  And that brings up the second thing I wanted to point out. So what happened to all the constructive commentaries in the Pictures section, or other sections as well? What drove me to share on here in the first place, was seeing so many in the community sharing their thoughts on people's progress, threads, questions etc. Lately there just seems to be a LOT more lurkers, and FEWER responses.

There are a few potential factors I think. One is the growth of subforums. Myself included, not everyone regularly visits all 10+ subforums in the bio-male section.

A second factor is intent. Not all members have an interest in posting their pictures or giving feedback for others. Some I suspect are simply more private individuals or are content with whatever development they get so long as the GD is manageable.

A third factor is retention. It takes commitment to post pictures on a continual basis or to provide feedback to a majority the posters in the picture threads. Not everyone is interested in pursuing NBE and posting progress pictures or providing feedback for the long-term. To really make the picture subforum work I think requires a number of longstanding members to contribute as well as a decent flow of newcomers to keep things interesting. Without one or the other, feedback is destined to stagnate I think.

A fourth factor is the ease and interest in providing a response. It's easier to click on a link than to post a meaningful response. Some members may want to just lurk, while others may not know what to say or would prefer to avoid generalities like 'good job.' Other members may have no interest in raining down on someone's parade so to speak by providing neutral or even negative feedback. There may also be the cynical thought about why bother giving feedback if this person isn't likely to stick around on the forum for the long-term.

Lastly, I don't think anyone has a particularly high response rate to their picture threads. Even though I have posted a number of progress pictures and my areloas have gotten a lot of attention, I roughly estimate only about 1% of viewers actually give feedback.

As far as why you should continue to post pictures with a minimal amount of feedback in return, I think only you can answer that question. Every now and then I get a pm from someone saying they were inspired by my pictures and are appreciative of them.

Now and then maybe an occasional tiff, but I've seen few.
And usually not caused by a longtime member.
I love it here!

Thank you flamesabers and elainecd for the responses, very much appreciated. Smile

Yes flamesabers I too have been through a myriad of what if scenarios of why's and why not's etc. While that's all fine and dandy, it's still a bit frustrating not getting any feedback or responses. I am not just talking about for what I post, I mean for what others post as well. We all take the time to share, or inquire on the forum, and for me, it feels a little disheartening when little to no comments are left, yet there were tons of views. I can't be the only one that has a sense of disappointment when that happens.

To me I begin to wonder if what I post even matters, does anyone even care, is it helpful etc. I suppose it is somewhat beneficial to me. Tracking my progress on my own, I probably wouldn't have kept up with it. But sharing my thoughts and progress on here makes it a routine, and an easy place to see how I am progressing.

I wonder what next years me, will think of what past me thought or did. Tongue

As for the heavy disagreements I have been seeing lately, I suppose it is natural and inevitable, we all have our beliefs, and personal opinions. Some are just more stubborn and strong willed about those than others. I just don't find it necessary to be insulting or condemn others because of a difference of opinion. What is that saying, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Smile

Elainecd, lately it feels more than just occasional. Perhaps I am just blowing it out of proportion. Well either way, as I mentioned, I am sure it is bound to happen.

sorry, havnt even looked yet, been busy like you wouldnt believe.... -.-

(06-04-2015, 07:24 PM)Lenneth Wrote:  sorry, havnt even looked yet, been busy like you wouldnt believe.... -.-

Lenneth!! You're alive!! Ha ha, it feels like it has been forever since I've heard a peep from you. Bummer that you've been busy, hopefully a productive busy. Thanks for checking in, and I hope all is well with you and your family. Smile

I think its very important to Share and feel some type of connection from. This is a very important subject for lot of us its are identity and who we feel inside that makes us feel special to us. Whether it's a self conscious feeling or a mixed gender identification its a part of who we are and how we feel. I know i'm going through a lot right now I could use a lot of help also.

Well, I am relatively new here as a registered user, but have lurked off and on for years. As an introvert, speaking up on a forum like this is daunting and a bit scary. What if I blow it and get a bad reputation or something? Those thoughts run through your head as well as who wants to hear my opinion anyway.

I generally wait until I have something well thought out to contribute before I start to post on a forum so that I can establish myself. This is the way I am in real life too. I am sure I am not the only one like this, so there will always be more thread visits than replies.

Interestingly though, I am finding that as my E levels in crease and T levels fall, I am getting less introverted and more likely to post. I truly believe that this journey is making me a better person. Smile

I used to visit the picture pages fairly regularly but drifted away a couple of months ago for no particular reason. My guess is that many (including myself) who go to the effort to post selfies are hoping for some positive feedback. It is giving a pretty intimate look at what and how one is doing, and a response is clearly what the poster is hoping for. I will try to do better going forward.

Travel often interrupts my ability to visit the site, as I often travel to locations where there is limited internet access and no real privacy. Other times, it is simply that life gets busy and private time at a computer is one of the first things to get bumped off the schedule.

As for the fighting, I have only noticed it erupting due to an agent provocateur. I prefer to poke fun at that particular person, although that may be enough to feed the monster, which is not really my intention. Other than that, I don't find that the site is plagued with flame wars or pitched battles -- mostly just an occasional skirmish between well-intentioned booblets who have come to be the sort of electronic community that the internet, at its best, makes possible.

As for feedback, some of us have been at this long enough that it gets to feeling very repetitive. I don't generally visit the pics forums, or a number of others. I did post my progress pics quite a while ago, not so much for feedback, but to show what I had accomplished for what I had done. I have had a few requests for updated pics, I may well do one. I have done very little to encourage or maintain growth for some time, and yet they are still there, so perhaps it would provide anecdotal evidence about the permanence of what we do in this community.
Regarding the inevitable conflicts, I generally try to stay away from them, but sometimes I find myself thinking that there are probably enough newbies or other folks susceptible to suggestion that some of the opinions that get presented as facts here should be visibly challenged.
Regarding the trivial things (often related to language and communication skills), sometimes I just can't help myself. Blush

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