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Project X (hrt)

(10-01-2015, 06:55 PM)Lotus Wrote:  
(10-01-2015, 05:53 PM)twinklepose Wrote:  So is this bad or good for those of us who might, one day, just possibly, like to consider fatherhood?

You mean NBE in general?, if you have any concerns I'd look into storing (sperm banking), and talk to someone about all this, namely a medical professional.

NBE will have an affect, to what extent is a good question, whether it's directly or indirectly cannot be individually predicted, again, thus the need to speak to someone. Smile There are those of us who aren't really concerned about reproducing, and that's something worth repeating on occasion.

Thank you. Has anyone ever done this? ie go to the doctor, tell them what you're doing and ask for sperm tests? I assume you need to do this every few months or so? Wouldn't mind doing that. Not crazy about the kids idea myself, but my other half would like them one day.


(10-01-2015, 06:59 PM)twinklepose Wrote:  
(10-01-2015, 06:55 PM)Lotus Wrote:  
(10-01-2015, 05:53 PM)twinklepose Wrote:  So is this bad or good for those of us who might, one day, just possibly, like to consider fatherhood?

You mean NBE in general?, if you have any concerns I'd look into storing (sperm banking), and talk to someone about all this, namely a medical professional.

NBE will have an affect, to what extent is a good question, whether it's directly or indirectly cannot be individually predicted, again, thus the need to speak to someone. Smile There are those of us who aren't really concerned about reproducing, and that's something worth repeating on occasion.

Thank you. Has anyone ever done this? ie go to the doctor, tell them what you're doing and ask for sperm tests? I assume you need to do this every few months or so? Wouldn't mind doing that. Not crazy about the kids idea myself, but my other half would like them one day.

There was somebody who got tested, I don't recall who it was though. And if I recall correctly the person wasn't on NBE long and decided to stop NBE for the reason of fatherhood. You could do a search function inside BN network and see if you find something, otherwise I'd do a search on sperm motility on the web.

(10-01-2015, 06:58 PM)Lotus Wrote:  
(10-01-2015, 06:22 PM)Demon Lord Etna Wrote:  One I don't see mentioned nearly enough is black cohosh. It has a very similar make up to saw palmetto, but is more stake in the raw herb form so it doesn't need any binders. This makes it gram for gram more effective in the long run.

Hi Etna,

How much black cohosh do you currently take?

50 mg early
50 mg mid day
100 mg before bed

Always with PM

(10-01-2015, 07:25 PM)Demon Lord Etna Wrote:  
(10-01-2015, 06:58 PM)Lotus Wrote:  
(10-01-2015, 06:22 PM)Demon Lord Etna Wrote:  One I don't see mentioned nearly enough is black cohosh. It has a very similar make up to saw palmetto, but is more stake in the raw herb form so it doesn't need any binders. This makes it gram for gram more effective in the long run.

Hi Etna,

How much black cohosh do you currently take?

50 mg early
50 mg mid day
100 mg before bed

Always with PM

You'd have see these posts here regarding black cohosh,

Posts 457 to 459

It probably doesn't get much fanfare because of those reports, regardless, the liver needs to be up to snuff to handle NBE in general. I had BC early in my starting program and stopped because I didn't think it was helping, It does shift the balance towards E1, which in the long run is the estrogen that is more protective against breast cancer.

Quote:I had originally stayed away from BC because of its weak estrogen like effects ( i did not want it to compete with my PM ) but, If I read into it a little more : In men, LH is also produced in the pituitary gland. LH binds to receptors in certain cells in the testes called Leydig cells. This leads to the release of testosterone, a hormone that is necessary for producing sperm cells. So I would think the BC is shutting the tests down, by suppressing the LH.

(10-01-2015, 06:31 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Hey there bobie,

Maybe you've noticed a shift in fat metabolism? (Fat redistribution, especially subcutaneous) and that's what hrt will do, shift the fat stores to hips and ass, (breast tissue too) plus estrogen drives hunger.

How much vitamin C is in your diet?, it helps oral E metabolize better. Yeah, the processed food isn't doing you any favors, in fact it might be counter productive. Imo it causes oxidative stress, which is almost as bad as xenoestrogens lol. I'm suggesting eating 4-5 smaller meals throughtout the day.

I'm not a calorie counter, if your weight is ok for you great, just shoot for a balanced diet with healthy fats, protein, fruits, veggies (lol), fiber and hydration. Fat satiates, makes us happy, just make sure it's not trans-fat, fatty-acids are actually 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors and aromatase boosters, (man!!) if that isn't a new weapon for NBE I don't know what else is lol.

Since shifting the balance towards healthy fats & proteins in November I added over an inch+ of breast growth, plus the added curves to the hips and bum is quite noticeable lol. The battle over the middle is/will be fought using fatty acids, it's supposed the reduced the gut, or so they say.

Coconut oil is one of those gut busting tools, a couple of tablespoons daily is what's suggested. Walnuts are awesome, I add some dark chocolate morsels and that's a good trail mix to snack on. Snack on blueberries too, rich in antioxidants (which is key for NBE).

Our NBE/HRT plans will fall dreadfully short if diet is not addressed, and the huge amounts of $$$ spent on supplementing goes down the toilet. So, time to kick the whole program in the behind and make it work smarter, not harder don't yah think?.

Big GrinTongue

Yes on the fat redistribution, upper arms, tum, hips, bum, boobs and thighs, started happening very quickly, within two months maybe of starting, guess i take after my dads side of the family on that as they where that way inclined, could also mean large boobs as the women in dads family where also that way inclined, im not sure on the vitamin c, i take a daily multi vitamin being aware i wont get everything i need anyway with my odd diet and that has a little over the rda of vitamin c so i would imagine im ok there (i also supplement combined calcium/magnesium and an omega 3 tablet a day), only reason for the calorie counting is to make me aware of it really, i want to lose weight, i am overweight for my body, i dont look hugely overweight probably because its stored across my body but i do have a tum and my thighs have grown hugely over the last 7/8 months, now this will sound barking but having put some on to the hips etc i want to try and lose it in the right places as currently i look alright figure wise, im full time now so dress in girls clothes daily, i just have a bit of a tum and could stand to lose a little from my thighs, definately need to try and work out some meals, im finding since drinking lots and lots of water (spironolactone, need i say more) im finding im not as hungry (downside of course loo breaks, spiro) so have been down to two meals a day for the last few days and trying to get more veg and salad in, for eg late last night i was hungry so went and sliced up some pepper and cucumber to nibble on, today i did a green salad with dinner

Congrats on going full-time, Smile

It's definitely a struggle towards finding the balance. Some prescribed meds have unintended consequences Dodgy which sucks when they conflict with current goals.

Pharmacology is fascinating to me, a meh!, and for some it's" just gimme the stuff" lol which cool cause I was that way too at one time or another. Rolleyes

Maybe someone can help you prepare meals in advance, I know I know, easier said than done, just a thought. Cuke's and peppers are great, (red & yellow for sure), pepper on the cuke's for antioxidants, or parsley, oregano, even cilantro. Or throw in a twist with Greek yogurt. Big Grin a nighty cap of protein and GH. Wink

(10-01-2015, 06:37 PM)pom19 Wrote:  Thanks Lotus for taking your time to write this, very beneficial. Smile POM

Big Grin thanks POM


I've had kids.....parenthood is overrated. Rolleyes

(11-01-2015, 02:14 PM)elainecd Wrote:  I've had kids.....parenthood is overrated. Rolleyes

LOL Elaine ^5 Big Grin

(11-01-2015, 08:35 PM)iaboy Wrote:  
(11-01-2015, 02:14 PM)elainecd Wrote:  I've had kids.....parenthood is overrated. Rolleyes

LOL Elaine ^5 Big Grin

I'll bet you love and spoil them just like the rest of us lol. Big Grin

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