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Ads on tablet making site unusable


I too have been having problems with ads opening by themselves using Chrome. What I find most annoying however is that when I rotate my tablet sideways the ad at the bottom consumes close to 20% of the screen.

Yesterday I installed ADblock plus and I am so much happier. I can actually enjoy the site again.

I don't own a tablet unfortunately, so I can't replicate this issue. I'll see if I can borrow one. In any event we supply display themes to use here which don't have any ads on, so choosing a different theme to the default one would make installing any adblocker unnecessary. Smile

I'm using my iPod touch and on every single page there is an add for "hotel tonight" that redirects me to the App Store. It's very frustrating to have to go back and forth like this. It's just started over the past couple of days. I hope this can be fixed soon.[/align]

I have the same problem on my iphone. Every time I even go on the site I get redirected to the app store.

Can anyone tell me which ad is causing the problem, because I'm using a PC and therefore not able to see the issue myself.

(02-06-2015, 07:45 PM)Eve M Wrote:  Can anyone tell me which ad is causing the problem, because I'm using a PC and therefore not able to see the issue myself.

For me it's always "Hotel Tonight".

I'm having the same problem with the iPad. Candy Crush is the ad. This happens only on the breastnexus web site. It's been going on for months. ad at the top and at the bottom and sometimes I'm taken to the App Store. The Adblock browser solves the problem but at a price. If continued this will kill the site. The old ad structure was tolerable, this one is not.

Can anyone tell me the exact location of the ad or give me a screenshot, because ads served depend on your location. Describing the ad doesn't help me very much, because I'm not seeing the same ads that you're seeing and therefore can't identify them from your description.

I am in Northeast Ohio, and I have had the hotel ad problem. But as of late it's been SimCity.

Hope this helps.

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