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KrissyB's program


Hi! I've been studying NBE for quite a while now. I'm a teenage ts and my parents don't approve so I can't go to a doctor. But I'm going off to school in two months so I decided it might be time to take another step towards finally being me. After researching online I found out my local grocery store actually carries SP so I thought I'd go get some to try and see if it can help me get this T down. The bottle recommended taking 900mg twice a day so I'm starting out taking 900mg three times a day, but I might up it if it doesn't seem to be working. I'm considering ordering some pm, but I'm going to have to spend the next two years in a dorm. So I'm not sure if I'd be able to keep breasts hidden, especially having to share a bathroom with three guys. But there are a ton of gay people at this school so they should be pretty open. Any advice is appreciated seeing as I'm so early along in my journey. My mom wears a 34a bra and my half sister wears a 32a, but every other woman in the family has larger breasts. I'd like to get to a b cup, but I'm aware genetically that is unlikely and I will need surgery, but I'd like to get as far along as I can naturally.

My measurements:

Height- 5'7"

Weight- 135lb

Band size- 34

Waist- 29"

Hips- 34"

Okay so it's been one week. I changed to taking 4500 mg, half in the morning half in the evening. This dosage feels about right. I have noticed some headaches, but those appear to be more likely attributed to reading this website. Definite decrease in libido, but more would certainly be welcome. Will this be gradual or is this going to be it? No apparent decrease in size but things just seem smaller. I'm definitely more emotional and have nearly just started crying for no reason multiple times. I really feel much better in general and now I want nothing more that to start with some form of estrogen. My plan is to wait a month or two into dorm life and decide if I can handle it.

Hi Krissy
Ah to be young again!
I wish you luck with your program, but I think you need to look at the bigger and distant picture.
If your indeed TS, you should look for a TransGender knowledgeable Psychiatrist and discuss your feelings. If your really TS then you should begin by explaining what this means to your parents and family, and you should begin to let your female side out. Being the same age and Ms Jenner. I can tell you how miserable it is to live your whole life in the wrong clothes. If your not TS then its a wonderful relief to know that cross dressing is your fun hobby and the boy part gets to play when he wants too.
Help is available please use it.

(11-06-2015, 04:59 PM)Happyme Wrote:  Hi Krissy
Ah to be young again!
I wish you luck with your program, but I think you need to look at the bigger and distant picture.
If your indeed TS, you should look for a TransGender knowledgeable Psychiatrist and discuss your feelings. If your really TS then you should begin by explaining what this means to your parents and family, and you should begin to let your female side out. Being the same age and Ms Jenner. I can tell you how miserable it is to live your whole life in the wrong clothes. If your not TS then its a wonderful relief to know that cross dressing is your fun hobby and the boy part gets to play when he wants too.
Help is available please use it.

Excellent advice; no sense in making things harder than they have to be.


Thanks for the reply! I've actually been seeing a therapist for about three years now, and I started trying to express my feelings to my parents at about 7. My parents didn't take it well and have tried to just shove it under the rug while occasionally making some snide remarks. My therapist hasn't exactly been helpful either as he is either trying some type of therapy of doesn't get it. He always makes sure to use masculine pronouns and say stuff like "see you next time big man". I don't think I have a chance at pursuing this though any type of doctor until I'm completely depend on my self and not living on my parents dime, but in the meantime I'm just trying to do what I can. This may be just me, but it feels like every now and then I get a really soar spot under my right nipple and it's there for a little while then it goes away. Does this sound like its related to the drop in t or is it something else?

(11-06-2015, 10:06 PM)KrissyB Wrote:  Thanks for the reply! I've actually been seeing a therapist for about three years now, and I started trying to express my feelings to my parents at about 7. My parents didn't take it well and have tried to just shove it under the rug while occasionally making some snide remarks. My therapist hasn't exactly been helpful either as he is either trying some type of therapy of doesn't get it. He always makes sure to use masculine pronouns and say stuff like "see you next time big man". I don't think I have a chance at pursuing this though any type of doctor until I'm completely depend on my self and not living on my parents dime, but in the meantime I'm just trying to do what I can. This may be just me, but it feels like every now and then I get a really soar spot under my right nipple and it's there for a little while then it goes away. Does this sound like its related to the drop in t or is it something else?

I understand completely. Hell, I am 37 years old and still my mother comes by to make me feel bad about it. Today I even had to send her home in tears because I am just beyond sick of it. It just gets really old.

Only you can really decide what is right for you. I don't really care for therapists either as they tend to impose their own moral code over everything.

The soreness could be related.


That's way too much SP, taking more doesn't speed things up, in fact you'll be putting undo stress on your liver. SP has fatty acids, (triglycerides), the sterols are likely to be anti-estrogenic (it works against progesterone receptors). Here's a good place to start.


Good luck Smile

(11-06-2015, 11:04 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Krissy,

That's way too much SP, taking more doesn't speed things up, in fact you'll be putting undo stress on your liver. SP has fatty acids, (triglycerides), the sterols are likely to be anti-estrogenic (it works against progesterone receptors). Here's a good place to start.


Good luck Smile

Yes I know it seems like it's a lot and even considering that much sounded crazy to me at first. The recommended does was 1800mg a day for men trying to lower dht for prostate health. Given that information I decided to start out with 2700mg a day (they're 450mg capsules). I could definitely feel the effects, but it didn't seem like enough, and then I missed a dose and could really tell a difference so I figure it didn't stay in my system long. So I upped it to 3600mg and that wasn't quite there so I upped it again to the 4500mg and it feels right. I did notice there were two different kinds at the store, one said standardized and it had other stuff in it. I've read about some of it causing increases hair growth and stuff because of the extra stuff in it so I decided not to get that one and got the one that said whole herb. If you really think I need to take less I will, but this has been my experience thus far.


(11-06-2015, 10:21 PM)Rayve Wrote:  
(11-06-2015, 10:06 PM)KrissyB Wrote:  Thanks for the reply! I've actually been seeing a therapist for about three years now, and I started trying to express my feelings to my parents at about 7. My parents didn't take it well and have tried to just shove it under the rug while occasionally making some snide remarks. My therapist hasn't exactly been helpful either as he is either trying some type of therapy of doesn't get it. He always makes sure to use masculine pronouns and say stuff like "see you next time big man". I don't think I have a chance at pursuing this though any type of doctor until I'm completely depend on my self and not living on my parents dime, but in the meantime I'm just trying to do what I can. This may be just me, but it feels like every now and then I get a really soar spot under my right nipple and it's there for a little while then it goes away. Does this sound like its related to the drop in t or is it something else?

I understand completely. Hell, I am 37 years old and still my mother comes by to make me feel bad about it. Today I even had to send her home in tears because I am just beyond sick of it. It just gets really old.

Only you can really decide what is right for you. I don't really care for therapists either as they tend to impose their own moral code over everything.

The soreness could be related.

Thanks Rayve! I keep reading about everyone struggling with this their whole lives, getting married and starting a family and all before they transition. I just don't want to do that. I don't want to have to put anyone else through that. I've felt like this for so long it seems, and I just want to move on with my life and stop feeling like I'm running in circles. I know no one in my life will understand it and they'll even get upset , but there's a point where there's just nothing you can reasonably do about it. I've always care too much what other's think and try to please everyone, but this is something that no matter how hard it may be for me to do I know I need to do it. Even though I'm constantly trying to talk myself out of it.

"I know no one in my life will understand it and they'll even get upset , but there's a point where there's just nothing you can reasonably do about it. I've always care too much what other's think and try to please everyone, but this is something that no matter how hard it may be for me to do I know I need to do it. Even though I'm constantly trying to talk myself out of it. "

Well said, You are wise beyond your years and am willing to bet you will be happy and successful.
I'm sorry to hear that your therapist is not seeing your transgender issues. I would make a few calls to other therapists and ask if they are experienced with Transgender. Then you can talk with someone that can actually help you find you. Dont waste anymore time and money on someone thats trying to 'fix' you.

Also try adding breast massage to your regimen, I've had much more success with that than anything else, Plus the feeling is wonderful.

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