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Growth stopped


Hi, I took PM 4 capsules aday for 2 years (with pauses from time to time). However, not even there is no growth any more (maybe I reached my maximum), but my breasts are getting smaller!
Is it possible my body got used to PM and doesn't react now? Should I add e.g. FG or SP to my regime?
Thank you a lot.


Yes, it sounds like you're stalling, but out of curiosity, how much growth have you attained already? Between the 2 herbs you mentioned, I would suggest adding FG. It may help with adding fullness to your breasts. Another alternative is to change up the times of day you take pm. For instance, if you take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 at night, you could try taking 1 capsule at four different times in the day.

Hey Flame, could it be maybe horseboy might need to think about using some progest cream?? I think that has helped when I stalled about 3 months back??

Just a thought.

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