Poll: Would you like to start an informal Group exclusively for "Males who only Want Breast's? - You do not have permission to vote in this poll.
Yes, I think we could share important thoughts or interests
NO, it is not needed
Maybe in the future, but not now
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For Guys who Want Breast, Not full transistion


I'm late to the party but would offer my support to the additional thread. I do not believe it will be necessary to exclude anyone. Members can vote with their feet, so to speak if they are not interested, or become uninterested.

I don't fully understand the "club" aspect beyond the thread. I will go back through and read all of the comments to see if that has been clarified.

In any event, I admire our sisters and in no way want to push them away. Who knows, although today it seems unlikely, someday I might be one one of them. "Girls will be boys and boys will be girls. It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola. . . ."

It's the word "exclusively" in the poll question that I object to.

(10-07-2015, 01:50 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  It's the word "exclusively" in the poll question that I object to.

Why, because you are not just a guy with boobs anymore??? That's the whole point, isn't it? You look at things from money and your new persona. Many, believe it or not, do not want to full transition. Now, if later some or all of these folks do want to transition, that's o.k. too. Just offer advise on the road, DON'T try to convert the rest who have no inclination to do so.

Some peeps like to break down perceived barriers, myself, if there is a barrier there is a reason for it. DONT DRIVE INTO THE BARRIER just to prove you can. That in itself shows why you wouldn't fit in to this group, and probably should avoid it.

That is your choice, just like it was for me not to look at or read your threads after you decided to go "all the way".


(10-07-2015, 12:15 AM)spanky Wrote:  I'm late to the party but would offer my support to the additional thread. I do not believe it will be necessary to exclude anyone. Members can vote with their feet, so to speak if they are not interested, or become uninterested.

I don't fully understand the "club" aspect beyond the thread. I will go back through and read all of the comments to see if that has been clarified.

In any event, I admire our sisters and in no way want to push them away. Who knows, although today it seems unlikely, someday I might be one one of them. "Girls will be boys and boys will be girls. It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola. . . ."

You may read anything you so desire, I am not here to play semantics with peeps who see only what they want to. If you have something to add, to enhance to a group.... do so, if not you are free not to look at or post in a certain groups area any longer. So sorry if you don't get it, understand, or don't want to understand, that is, after all, more your problem than mine.

As far as club aspect, what is the definition of a club???? Do you need me or someone else explain that it is a loose association of like minded individuals?? Or are you a looking for a reason to complain over word usage?

(10-07-2015, 03:10 PM)iaboy Wrote:  
(10-07-2015, 01:50 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  It's the word "exclusively" in the poll question that I object to.
Why, because you are not just a guy with boobs anymore???

In my early days here, before we split the forum into many subforums, the variety of view points and cross discussions were valuable to me. I think we've lost a lot of that by segregating into special interest groups. But, what's done is done, so creating another new subforum focused on self-induced gynecomastia is not a big deal. I just don't think it's right to exclude a member of this forum in good standing from viewing and, if appropriate, contributing to that or any other subforum here at BN.


(10-07-2015, 04:26 PM)ClaraKay Wrote:  
(10-07-2015, 03:10 PM)iaboy Wrote:  
(10-07-2015, 01:50 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  It's the word "exclusively" in the poll question that I object to.
Why, because you are not just a guy with boobs anymore???

In my early days here, before we split the forum into many subforums, the variety of view points and cross discussions were valuable to me. I think we've lost a lot of that by segregating into special interest groups. But, what's done is done, so creating another new subforum focused on self-induced gynecomastia is not a big deal. I just don't think it's right to exclude a member of this forum in good standing from viewing and, if appropriate, contributing to that or any other subforum here at BN.

Clara, we are arguing the same point. Please stop reading between the lines. Anyone who is interested, and or wants to contribute are very welcome to do so.

It's just that "certain" flame throwers should be protected from things that seem to get their attention, that makes them want to show their stupidity and utter contempt of different view points.

I tried to get a thread going about 2 -3 months back, but do to idiots coming in and not contributing, but launching masses of hatred and vitriol I closed that one. Hence the need for a sub forum where access can be controlled much better and w/out that much harm in restricting problem brats from "mucking" it up.

Its less problems and heart burn for new and old Admins to restrict certain peeps from one section, than to ban them from the site itself. For even some of those stated peeps, may have good info for like minded member's and not be soooooo tempted to create problems for other's.

And no, I not talking about person's who post cautionary thoughts or info, but the ones that come "guns a blazing " with sole purpose of destruction and hatred. If I were an Admin, those would be the peeps I would ban from our proposed section. Not the ones that use restraint and respect and make suggestions. And not because they are not sure if they want to stay male, or fully transition, and especially not the bio females who help or at least attempt to understand person's like myself.

As far as the sub forums go..... They are great. If you want opinions on cross dressing part time... you can find it easier. If you need background on some of the herbs for feminization, you can find that much easier than before. The search engine on Php scripting has a lot to be desired, unless you have the time and interest to set the parameters right, so, with sub forums it helps and is better than the wonky Search Feature. So hence, easier to find the pertinent info.

Judging from the tones coming out, I don't think I would wish to be associated in any way with this group.

A pity though for those who would benefit so much from the all round views that were previously so easily available.

I don't think you will find that any of us would wish to 'convert anyone' - this isn't some kind of recruitment game - this is real life!!!!!



(10-07-2015, 03:14 PM)iaboy Wrote:  
(10-07-2015, 12:15 AM)spanky Wrote:  I'm late to the party but would offer my support to the additional thread. I do not believe it will be necessary to exclude anyone. Members can vote with their feet, so to speak if they are not interested, or become uninterested.

I don't fully understand the "club" aspect beyond the thread. I will go back through and read all of the comments to see if that has been clarified.

In any event, I admire our sisters and in no way want to push them away. Who knows, although today it seems unlikely, someday I might be one one of them. "Girls will be boys and boys will be girls. It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola. . . ."

You may read anything you so desire, I am not here to play semantics with peeps who see only what they want to. If you have something to add, to enhance to a group.... do so, if not you are free not to look at or post in a certain groups area any longer. So sorry if you don't get it, understand, or don't want to understand, that is, after all, more your problem than mine.

As far as club aspect, what is the definition of a club???? Do you need me or someone else explain that it is a loose association of like minded individuals?? Or are you a looking for a reason to complain over word usage?

The only complaint I have is your tone, which is way over the top.

(10-07-2015, 06:27 PM)spanky Wrote:  
(10-07-2015, 03:14 PM)iaboy Wrote:  
(10-07-2015, 12:15 AM)spanky Wrote:  I'm late to the party but would offer my support to the additional thread. I do not believe it will be necessary to exclude anyone. Members can vote with their feet, so to speak if they are not interested, or become uninterested.

I don't fully understand the "club" aspect beyond the thread. I will go back through and read all of the comments to see if that has been clarified.

In any event, I admire our sisters and in no way want to push them away. Who knows, although today it seems unlikely, someday I might be one one of them. "Girls will be boys and boys will be girls. It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola. . . ."

You may read anything you so desire, I am not here to play semantics with peeps who see only what they want to. If you have something to add, to enhance to a group.... do so, if not you are free not to look at or post in a certain groups area any longer. So sorry if you don't get it, understand, or don't want to understand, that is, after all, more your problem than mine.

As far as club aspect, what is the definition of a club???? Do you need me or someone else explain that it is a loose association of like minded individuals?? Or are you a looking for a reason to complain over word usage?

The only complaint I have is your tone, which is way over the top.

The words 'reapers' and 'sowers' and 'O.P.' spring to mind ... can't think why.

This is just too divisive and should be dropped in the interests of forum harmony.


We have trans-centered sections, it's time we have a non-trans section, it's a simple as that. Let's stop making this a trans phobia issue, cis-privilege isn't (shouldn't be) one sided.

We need suggestions on naming the section, (please)



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