(10-08-2015, 10:52 PM)Dana Mantra Eon Wrote: Well, all I know right now is I'm not happy with where I'm at. For whatever reason, I feel pulled towards wanting to be more female. It just also happens to cause mental and emotional turmoil to do so. I'm not sure where I fall on the spectrum, but I'd like to really find it. It's not acceptable to me for this to cause stress for the rest of my life.
Ok, let me put my thoughts forward , see if it helps any. From my own experience
I have felt "wrong" since before I started school. I recall trying on my sisters dress when I was @ 4 years of age or so, it felt right, it felt like as it should be. However, mother was not happy, that's not the clothes that " boys " wear. I always had dreams were I was a girl, in my dreams I had breasts that I could feel the weight, the bounce, the warmth.
Since being told that " boys " don't wear girls clothes, I kept my feeling, my thoughts to myself, whenever I had the chance I would dress in my sisters clothes, and yes as I got older it was sexual, but only as much as seeing my self as I needed to feel. I did come out to a girlfriend once, and it ended badly. Not only did we break up, but she told most of my friends. I decided to bury my feelings, keep them buried, try to be what by birth certificate suggests I am.
You can hold off for some time, but not forever. I got married, had kids, but still got the need to dress up once in a while. The difference I found, I now hated myself. I dispised the person in the mirror, the old "man" in the girls clothes. There was nothing sexual, it was a feeling, something I needed to do, until I did it, then I was disappointed with myself. Then this internal conflict, I was not true to myself. I would work 50, 60, 80 hrs a week just to give myself something else to think about.
Eventually, even that did not work. After many sleepless nights, I finally let my wife of 25 years know my secret. After finding this site and starting the NBE herbs, I no longer feel wrong when I try to be me. I have joined a group and find it helps enormously.
My point in all this, you need to find balance. It's very doubtful your feelings will ever completely go away. If it's any help at all, your not alone.