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Interesting New York Times article on Gender Identity


This link should take you to the article:

How Changeable Is Gender?

I started to read it, then one of the ads either here or there started playing, so I had to shut it off and never finished it.

(24-08-2015, 01:04 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  I stargted to read it, then one of the ads either here or there started playing, so I had to shut it off and never finished it.

Then you should download AdblockPlus: It really works, unless the ad is resident to the site.

(23-08-2015, 10:59 AM)Wuerstchen Wrote:

That really is an excellent article, thanks for the link.

BTW, both the original direct link and Clara Kay's short cut work for me.

I read the article twice to make sure I understood the author's message. It reads good, but plays loose with the facts. It also carries a subtle but unmistakable anti-transgender tone. Don't put too much stock in this man's understanding of transgenderism. He doesn't get it.
Clara Dodgy

I didn't care for the idea that he suggests that dysphoria disappearing can be equated to it going away. It completely ignores the probable reason for disappearance: the pressure to not be dysphoric (pick your term for this) causes the child to hide their true feelings in order to not feel judged by authority figures and in social interactions of various descriptions. I suspect he chose the word "disappear" rather carefully.

Friedman writes:

So if you were a parent of, say, an 8-year-old boy who said he really wanted to be a girl, you might not immediately accede to your child’s wish, knowing that there is a high probability — 80 percent, in some studies — that that desire will disappear with time.

80 percent, in some studies? Oh really? This figure is thrown around so much people start believing it. It's bunk.

“The ‘80 percent’ statistic is based on a flawed 2008 study done in the Netherlands,” states Dr. Johanna Olson, MD. pediatrician, and gender specialist.

THE FACTS (about transgender kids)

Take everything this article says with a large grain of salt. Friedman just doesn't get it.


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