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(08-03-2015, 03:51 PM)iaboy Wrote:  As far as screening youngster's.. What is the appropriate age? Here in the states, you can drink legally from 18 to 108. But yet, when I was in service at 17, no bar would refuse me saying if I was man enough to get shot at, then I was man enough to buy a drink. But over in England, it's 16 I believe. Some places in Europe, unless it changed recently, it could be younger than that.
If you abuse someone younger than 18, it's called, "child abuse", so, why are they allowed to send 17 years olds into war to be SHOT at and killed?? Isn't THAT child abuse???


Well, WantaPair.....I find myself being more ladylike here.
Polite company and all.....Tongue

edit- just saw your second post- my god....last time I heard that I was 19, had a 1A draft card and there was a war in SE Asia that some of my friends never came home from.

(08-03-2015, 10:14 PM)elainecd Wrote:  edit- just saw your second post- my god....last time I heard that I was 19, had a 1A draft card and there was a war in SE Asia that some of my friends never came home from.

I didn't know it was that old!

yes it is....especially since in some places the drinking age was 21 but you had to register for the draft at 18. So you could go to Vietnam but you couldn't vote either.

check out Country Joe and The Fish Vietnam Song..."and its one,two three what are we fightin' for!"

(08-03-2015, 11:45 PM)elainecd Wrote:  1. yes it is....especially since in some places the drinking age was 21 but you had to register for the draft at 18. So you could to Vietnam but you couldn't vote either.

2. check out Country Joe and The Fish Vietnam Song..."and its one,two three what are we fightin' for!"
1. Yeah, I never got that one, either. You're old enough to be killed for your country but not old enough to drink or vote.

2. You mean, "Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag"?
We used to sing that on the school bus every day coming home from school!! I have the full performance of this, it's a bit longer and he comes back and does an encore verse.

What the heck is going on here ?? Who is having it off with whom ? Pearl neclaces / oil rubbing / diamonds / topaz !!

I can flash my miniture boobies aLl night long. (%) abba

My life is Adult Oriented except I have a son. I write erotica I paint what ever I want I photogragh what I want...

(05-03-2015, 05:37 AM)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(05-03-2015, 05:33 AM)iaboy Wrote:  That's why I didn't use the word weird. LOL.

I expected more action in here to be honest lol I have been disappointed .. Shy

Well Ella, you need to tell us some "Camp Fire Girls" stories.... I know them young ladies are not that Saintly. LOLTongue

(29-08-2015, 04:22 AM)iaboy Wrote:  
(05-03-2015, 05:37 AM)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(05-03-2015, 05:33 AM)iaboy Wrote:  That's why I didn't use the word weird. LOL.

I expected more action in here to be honest lol I have been disappointed .. Shy

Well Ella, you need to tell us some "Camp Fire Girls" stories.... I know them young ladies are not that Saintly. LOLTongue

I have some stories yes ha ha but il be buggered if I'm game enough to post them up here Rolleyes *huntsaroundforhalo*

PPPPPPPPPPPfffffffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wet strawberry for ya.) LOL

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