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Cycles and explosion points


Cycles and explosion point
This may apply to the middles and TS amongst us,
The only worrying thing I find about all this is the cycle rates becomes less as we get older, not for all but many of us,
Ie looking back my purge rates are now 2 years ie dump and disassociate myself of anything feminine and then OMG reach for the PM or under wear
IT USED to be 4-6 years ????????????????????????????????????????????
Not happy,
Now I reached explosion point I think if memory serves me correctly at the tender age of 45/46 and I had to tell my wife about the urge to grow breasts, this I was really unhappy about and I was in tears,
I rarely do tears,
She actually said is that all , whats the fuss I have no problem with boobs, go grow, so its me that brakes not her , well until they reach a noticeable size, but we shall see. She had an idea as right when we met I was going through a femme phase so no great surprise.
The aim of the post is to try and get everyones take on whether their purge and dump cycles are getting closer as they age or was it worse when younger,
The variance here will be wide as some of us here grew boobs at 22 years , the shock put them off and they went straight back to male mode with no urges 20 years later, others like me its getting worse ?
So all stories please, this thread will be important for all , hopefully,
Now I have a huge list of options open to us all , that I was to tag on here, but think perhaps a separate thread for those ?

This one of your many threads seems to have not attracted much attention, so for what its worth, this how it happened for me:

Started dressing first at about age 12.
Dumped at about 16-ish.
Started again about 19.
Dumped 22
Restarted about 27.
Then was very active continuously until about 46.
Dumped and restarted frequently for about 4-5 years.
Stopped at about 50.
Started about 52
Stopped about 54
Restarted at 62 and STARTED NBE ( first herbs then PM)
Have been on and off at intervals of a few months ever since!

Thanks Pansy,

Surprised this thread looks a little lonesome ?

Am I doing too many threads ?



At the risk of repeating my self from other threads goes.

Although I have known of my GD since an early age, I never did get any clothes just for jannet. I made do with my sisters. I made up my mind once I was married to put those " feelings " behind me. Although they were always on my mind, I tried my best to be the person that the rest of the world thought I was. Since my late 40's Jannets voice was beginning to drown out my thoughts, to the point I decided to come out and tell my wife , that was @ 3 years ago. Jannet now has a collection of her own clothes, the only time I seem to have a clean out is during the times when Jannet and my wife are going through a rough time. The clean out usually never leaves the garage. The PM calms my desires and keeps jannet in check.

I've never had one of those explosion points where I throw everything out.

As far as cycles go though, I have had periods where I am more interested or less interested in feminizing. Thinking back I believe that they did become more frequent over time. They seem, to have just reached a happy medium for me now, I don't really cycle at all anymore. I am in my happy place somewhere in the middle. Big Grin

Julie, your not alone. I never purged until this past June. My wardrobe and shoe collection was just getting to large to hide. In fact, I had about $1000 in shoes alone. I LOVE SHOES! Anyways, I still kept my undergarments. I felt empty afterwards and have strongly considered starting to rebuild my closet. One of my prized possessions is an authentic Hooters uniform. It's complete right down to the socks, sneakers, and waist pouch. I have one in white/orange and one in all black. One of my girl friends got them for me as she is a bartender at one. I recommend getting one if you have the shape for it. They are HOT!

YES the cycles are terrible. My earliest recollections were at ten wearing my sisters panties then stopping. At 12 I used to wear my mom's sanitary napkins in my underwear to school and then purged in denial. In my 20's and 30's I binged and purged wearing lingerie and panties daily. Now in my breast growth it is mostly binge with ocassional purge but it helps to face my gd reality as my breasts do not go away and only develop more with each binge. ( and happily so). It's over a year and a half that I maintain my body smooth from eyebrows down. I was so happy when my wife suggested trying to find what might be called a bra when I had bought a thin polo shirt. Life is good and even better lived feminine with breasts. If then was now I would have a vagina too!

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