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The personal appearance double standard


If we really had equality in this society it would be totally a non-issue for boys to wear whatever they want. Just like girls, they should be able to create an appearance that boosts their self-confidence and makes them look and feel really great – choosing the clothing, accessories, hairstyles and makeup that they like best.

But this is not the reality of today’s world. Although there has been some progress, we are still a long way from equality of the sexes in personal appearance. Despite a hundred years of feminist rhetoric on equality, it is still mostly one-way equality.

It should not be necessary for any male to justify their personal style choices while another social class freely exercises the same choices without being questioned. The implicit and often expressed requirement for justification is little more than a cover-up for a presumption that free choice for males is somehow abnormal.

No one should be considered transgendered merely because they do things supposedly reserved for another gender. If someone wants to change gender, that is their choice, but no one should be pressured to do so as a requirement for exercising free choice in how they present. Two or three generations ago, when females started wearing pants in western society, they came under the same pressure, but successfully argued that this did not mean they wanted to be male. They were merely asserting freedom of choice.

Today, males have not fared as well in asserting their freedom of choice. Instead, it seems, the latest generation of parents have taken feminism to heart and are fighting for their princess boys. This is the new front line of gender reform. Oddly, it is predominantly mothers who are behind this new wave of equality.

In Canada, where i live, there has been a string of recent legal cases pushed forward by the parents of gender non-conforming children, and these cases have already begun to transform the system. For instance, in British Columbia anyone can now change their gender marker in government records simply by making a formal election, much like in Argentina (except still with a gatekeeper in BC). There is currently another human rights case pending in BC that could eliminate gender completely from official documents (i’ll believe that when i see it though).

Here is a Ted Talk on YouTube describing this trend :

So things are starting to change at a quicker pace now, but we still have a long way to go. It seems the trend is now heading more toward gender freedom and gender fluidity, and away from gender switching. The binary is being broken down. I wonder where that will leave previous generations who have taken a different approach in asserting their lifestyle choices?

Absolutely!!!! I've been saying the same thing for decades!!
Why is it girls can wear pants,, but I can't wear skirts??
I wore a skirt to work at the bank one day in the late `90's and nearly every one there was very supportive of it!! The bosses were at least marginally supportive, but said I had to change into pants. One of them, before that day, told me that there's nothing in the dress code that says I CAN'T wear a skirt!! Once I changed into pants, a LOT of people on the floor were disappointed and a few even said I should cry "discrimination"!!

In my band, I wore a skirt and pantyhose for every gig from 1986 to 2005 and nearly everyone either loved it or DEMANDED that I continue to do it!!

No to go racist, but, it's VERY obvious to me that black people can also get away with murder in the way they dress and present themselves! I'll see them with flaming orange air, extremely flashy clothes, fingernails 5 inches long, eyelashes well over an inch long lots of VERY flashy make-up, but, if I go out in shorts and a T-shirt, guess who laughs at whom?? I see nothing wrong with them dressing/looking that way, I may think some of it is over the top a good bit, but, I'll defend their right to do it!! Too bad they hardly ever think the same towards me! If I laugh at THEM, LOOK OUT!!!! Suddenly, I'll get hit with law suits of all kinds!! Heaven forbid I should have the freedom THEY have!!!!

If I was the head of some company, as far as I'm concerned, you can come to work dressed any way you like!! The ONLY "style" I make fun of is those walking piles of dirty laundry, the ones with the waist band below the crotch, the oversized baseball hat over the ears, the T-shirt long enough to be a dress, the pants 5 sizes too big. These people should be hired as the "After" picture in weight loss ads!!

Right on Wink

I hafta laugh a bit at your comment about "black" people getting away with more expressiveness. Here in Canada we don't have black people, as far as i know. There are lots of different shades of brown, but people don't seem to pay much attention to skin color.

In the US things are so screwed up that sometimes i'll see a reference to "black" and cannot find the black person ... because what is called black there is merely shades of brown, or in some cases actually as white as some of the albinos.

So, just like gender, so-called race is mostly a social construction with minimal basis in phsiology. Like the so-called yellow race (Han Chinese) is whiter than most Europeans, so um... And i couldn't tell a native American from a European if my life depended on it.

But then, i guess we all know that social classes like gender and race were invented by control freaks to divide and thereby control humanity. Peace and harmony and freedom just aren't good enough ...

(24-10-2015, 02:17 AM)shae Wrote:  Right on Wink

I hafta laugh a bit at your comment about "black" people getting away with more expressiveness. Here in Canada we don't have black people, as far as i know. There are lots of different shades of brown, but people don't seem to pay much attention to skin color.

In the US things are so screwed up that sometimes i'll see a reference to "black" and cannot find the black person ... because what is called black there is merely shades of brown, or in some cases actually as white as some of the albinos.

So, just like gender, so-called race is mostly a social construction with minimal basis in phsiology. Like the so-called yellow race (Han Chinese) is whiter than most Europeans, so um... And i couldn't tell a native American from a European if my life depended on it.

But then, i guess we all know that social classes like gender and race were invented by control freaks to divide and thereby control humanity. Peace and harmony and freedom just aren't good enough ...

You got THAT right!! Anything BUT peace is the norm!! :-(

Well, I'm called, "white", but I'm actually a bit on the pink side, but, because we're much lighter, we get called white and because those brown people from Africa are so dark, they are called, "black". I often wondered why they aren't called brown, too, but even they call themselves, "black"!

Native Americans are generally reddish and may be prone to wearing feathered head-dresses.

Another thing I forgot to mention on the "if I was boss" scenario: If I hire you, it's because of the work you do, not the clothes you wear!! I'm not hiring you to be a showroom dummy!! And I ESPECIALLY want you to be as comfortable as possible at work in the hopes that it'll allow you to get more work done! Wearing painful shoes or tight pants can be quite annoying!! As long as your bits aren't showing, it's fine! But, if anyone wants to work topless, go right ahead! The only reason I'd shun total nudity in the work place is just in case someone has something that MIGHT be transferred via a commonly used seat!

The thing that "they" (the elite/controllers) desperately don't want to happen is humanity discovering the true nature of reality and who we are.

Once we realize that we are not our sex or race or age, once we realize that we are not a social role like gender, we have actually started down the slippery slope into the rabbit hole of self-discovery. We have set the stage for realizing that we have a body but are not our body per se, that we have a persona but are not our persona(s) per se. With these illusions cleared out of the way we then naturally ask who we really are, if we are not these things.

The stage is being set in this generation for questioning the nature of consciousness, of existence, of the nature of earth-reality, and of who we are and what our origins are, both as a species and individually. That is a very big can of worms, and one that "they" don't want us to open.

Religions and systems of "knowledge" have been created to distract us from reality, and witch hunts have been launched to cleanse humanity of those who have escaped these illusions, yet we continue to move in the direction of awakening.

When i listen to some of the self-described "non-binary" people on YouTube - notably those who make up their own gender - it's not easy to distinguish them from people who call themselves "otherkin". The latter are those who feel that they are some other creature, like a wolf or a cat alien, ensouled in a human body.

So i think when we question the fundamentals of gender, we are treading very close to the edge of the veil, with the next step being more fundamental questioning of who are we, really.

I don't think we'll ever have true 'equality.' I don't mean to be a booger, but equal and fair are 'feel good' words and something meant for mainstream media and political parties.

Until we remove stereotypes from society - IE, men are strong, woman are docile, gender roles, and things of that nature, we are always going to have a divide about what people are 'assigned' to be simply based on their sex.

On the other side, it's easier for cis females to associate with male clothing wear, and society think nothing. But for a cis male to wear a skirt or hip huggers shorts, then the stereotypes, stares, and bigotry is seen.

We are a world of entitlement. We are entitled to think and make choices to live daily life and make decisions, until those acts effect the ideals of someone else. Then the debate of right and wrong, sick or perverse, moral and immoral start. Fair, free thinking, and equality, are dismissed simply over an immoral concept or debate with ignorant and closed minded people.

I have equated the Gay Rights and Transgender Movements that's been started in the country over the last decade to those of the Civil Rights Movements of the 1960's. The hate crimes that happened then to African Americans are eerily similar to those that happen today to trans and gay/lesbians.

The cycle is still here.

Will we see full acceptance? Only time will tell.

But as Dr. King would say religiously, 'there is hope.'

@jamiemason ~

There's plenty of evidence that the human species is generally peace loving. The problem i think is that it's part of the elite's agenda to promote division. We see it in political feminism. We see it from the creation of Israel on stolen land. We see it in the so-called refugee crisis in Europe. They are continuously trying to foster stereostypes and stir up hatred in order to control us. It's the game of social class, elitism and othering that we see everywhere.

The amazing and sad thing is that it's only a few hundred of these bullies who are causing all the chaos in the world.

I guess i'm lucky that i live in a small pocket of relative sanity, as i've never experienced any problems in my community related to sex or gender or anything else. The only problems that i've encountered have been discrimination by government bureaucrats.


It makes me happy you are living in a place where you've never experienced anything like that.. I haven't personally either, but it is all around if you pay attention. Arguing about gay marriage and all this other stuff is just pathetic. There's more important things to worry about in our world - education, medical, homelessness/hunger, the high cost of living, etc..

It is a game of social class, agenda, and elitism/entitlement. Totally agree..Angry

I just wish we lived in a world were gender/and orientation didn't matter.. Sad

Well i think if we could somehow remove the elite and their mercenaries from the equation the rest of humanity is peaceable enough. The sex/gender war and its political narratives have many parallels with the "terrorist" problem in the Middle East. They are trying to break down society and create havoc. Marxism 101.

(25-10-2015, 09:15 PM)Shae Wrote:  Well i think if we could somehow remove the elite and their mercenaries from the equation the rest of humanity is peaceable enough.


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