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Somewhere in DNA (the genome) influences its direction, why!, what tells testosterone to synthesize to DHT?. How long is this synthesis?.

With some nbe/hrt products they only partially (attach) to cell surfaces and does nothing, (much like being hit with a paintball lol) we want what can cross into the nucleus and cause transcription to the mitochondria, that's what causes cells to grow (in layperson, if you will), sorry, best i got atm. Rolleyes

Ok, so the battle upstream is waged with 5 alpha reductase inhibitors and pro-aromatase (not impressively right?). So then, elimination is the key because of the metabolite 3 beta diol, which oh by the way resides in the testes (only half the story). The other half is in the prostate, which I might add has the potential of almost pure estrogen (by the same metabolite). Elimination of DHT in the testes, synthesize 3 beta diol in the prostrate, and this is where I stop, not to be a pain mind you, but this is where the true research begins, (which is partly why I step away from BN at the end of the week).......more research. Wink

Smile Thank you so much for your scientific approach. Getting breasts isn´t actually my main goal but a nice bonus if that happens. I live in Europe so the Estriol creams are freely available in pharmacies. I´ve been using 0,5mg daily for over 2 years and I´ve noticed clear mental effects and some fat redistribution particularly in my face. My face looks much more feminine than 2 years ago. The change is obvious and it´s easily seen in photographs. There´s also more fat on my hips and butt area and my testicles have also noticeably shrunk.
Women use estriol creams intravaginally and a medical study has proven, that 1 dose which is 0,5mg, equals 8-12mg taken orally. The group of women were tested for their serum level of estriol 1-2 hours after using intravaginal estriol cream.
Unfortunately I don´t have a vagina, so my practical solution was to rub a cream directly to my glans and under foreskin where there´s mucous membrane that resembles vaginal surface. Skin is thin and there are lots of blood vessels.

SP is said to interfere the effect of hormones, in my case estriol. That´s why I´d like to find a way to lower my DHT without sacrificing the feminizing effect of estriol.

Progesterone blocks DHT production and if you don't have ovaries and are taking estrogen, you likely need more progesterone anyway in order to prevent the effects of estrogen dominance.

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