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Crossing the BO Point of NO Return Line


I was curious if anyone actually used BO continuously for over the magical 6 month period?

I read a lot of post that peeps have used it for periods of up to 3 and 4 months, but no where have I read about anyone who has actually used BO beyond the 6 month point of no return.

Sure there are the "I know a girl who" antidotes. But I would like to hear some feed back from anyone who has actually been on BO for more than 6 months CONTINUALLY

Drop me a lin here or privately

I love to chat about it as I plan on doing the full montie

Most probably drop it after 3 or 4 months because it was not effective.

That is what I am thinking.

I have been on BO about 2 months with no noticeable effects. Actually, I have gone a little backward in the erection department in that night time erections have returned and emissions have gotten thick and white.

I will finish the jars I have and re-evaluate if iti si worth continuing or if PM would be a better fit for me.

My experience is about the same. Libido is skyrocketing and growth is reversing. When I started BO I said I would give it 3 months. So far it's been 2 months.

It looks like we are on the same path to nowhere.
I have been on BO about 2 months as well.
I will probably give it until December to see if there are any significant changes in my progress. If I see some tangible results I will stay the course to the 6 month point of no return. If not, I will jump into the PM pool for a while and see how that water is.

I have been on BO for year and half, I classified myself as transgender. I do not have obvious breast development (I do experience sensitive nipple and budding) and I am really satisfy the mental effect and fat distribution.

I do not know about 'the point of no returm' effect yet, but my BO gonna to run out this month and I plan to take 2 months break. If I notice anything I will post later

I'm currently almost at the three month mark, still have a supply to last another month and a half. Currently trying to decide whether or not to order more.

So far:
- Libido went down in the beginning, but may also be increasing for me now. (Not certain on that, it may have just leveled off.)
- Breast growth was noticeable during first month, going pretty slow now, if at all. I would expect this as I am very thin, It will be slow for me.
- Nipples are getting even more sensitive this month. That suggests to me that something is still happening.
- I have confirmed some head hair regrowth around areas that were balding before.

For me, If this stuff actually fills in the balding areas then I'm going to be more than happy. So I will at least continue until my supply runs out for sure.

Not sure yet whether or not I will reorder right away or take a break from it for a month or two and then reorder.

The curious side of me really wants to go past the 6 month mark just to find out what happens.

(03-11-2015, 05:46 AM)andielee Wrote:  I have been on BO for year and half, I classified myself as transgender. I do not have obvious breast development (I do experience sensitive nipple and budding) and I am really satisfy the mental effect and fat distribution.

I do not know about 'the point of no returm' effect yet, but my BO gonna to run out this month and I plan to take 2 months break. If I notice anything I will post later

Thanks for the response. It is nice to hear from someone who has taken BO for more than 6 months. I would love to know what effects you experience if you do take a break from the BO. My hope would be that the claims of changing my internal workings from male to female are true. But you never know with advertising and claims of success, especially with something like NBE which works differently for everyone.

Could you expand on how your mental state has changed and where the fat has redistributed itself?


How much BO is everyone taking?

I am on a simple 1000 mg a day with no additional supplements.

I am open to suggestions on things to take to enhance the effectiveness of the BO

For what it's worth I'm on month #7 at the moment so I just crossed the 6 month mark. For the most part I still look like a guy. I have had some breast growth but it's nothing to get really exited about. I have had some fat redistribution, mental changes to some degree but I'm also bi-polar so my moods change everyday anyway (actually if anything it has leveled out my moods). My skin got softer. I could really go on so if you want to anything specific just send me a message.

3000mg/day BO - I take other stuff too so if you want to know just ask.

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