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Feeling lost!!


So, I'm on my break from PM. But instead of the normal 5 days, I decided to stretch it out a few more days ( my PM is low, and new supply has yet to arrive ). This morning I have no nipple pain, and the feelings that made me want to take PM are back with a vengeance. I'm feeling lost & confused, my head is definatly not in the right place today. I'm going to ramp back up to 3 tabs today, hopefully that will help.

So, quick question for you all. Do your feeling come back after only 7 days off PM, or is it generally a longer period.

sorry to hear you're feeling down Sad

I haven't taken that big a break so can't say from experience, but it does seem to be the general opinion that nbe/hrt does help with feelings of gender dysphoria and the half life of estradiol is around 18 hours, so almost certainly PM would be out of your system within a week.

Hi Janet

pls describe the feelings your having

has your sex drive ramped ?


Hi Jannet.

Big Hugs (they don't call me Huggy for nothing :-)

For different reasons I have had to take a number of breaks and I could notice a change after just a few days. I have to say that I had more of a mental affect coming off WP than PM.

Upping the Reishi did help me and the psychological effect was actually quite nice. Didn't flat line it like a full programme does but gave things more of a soft focus and fuzzy feel.

As for regaining the effects after a break, it varied. But generally within a week I could feel things getting back into place.


Well last night my wife said to me

oh thought you were off pm again as you have gone all grumpy


then I asked her

Im not that grumpy am I , as thought I was ok , ish,

she said well no to be fair your about half way normal ie


normal and fairy happy ,

well I have been on low doses for 1.5 weeks and she is spot on


halfway normal that I am feeling ?


(08-12-2015, 05:07 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Hi Janet

pls describe the feelings your having

has your sex drive ramped ?


Mr happy is defiantly looking around like a dog sniffing the air ...

I'm feeling empty, Moody, emotional. On PM my head feels clear I feel positive, off PM I feel lost, it's almost like a depression. Its these feelings that made me finally come out to my wife. It's funny how quickly we forget these feelings, and how hard it hits us when it comes back.

and your just on PM ?


(08-12-2015, 06:10 PM)julieTG Wrote:  and your just on PM ?


I normally take PM, and WP. ( My WP is cut 70/25/5 with reishi and licorice extract.)

On top of that I take a vitamin C supplement, with wild salmon oil, and L-lysine twice a day.

When I go off PM for a few days, I add wild yam in.

*hugs* pms? :p

(08-12-2015, 09:12 PM)Tanya Marie Squirrel Wrote:  *hugs* pms? :p

Lol ....I never looked at it like that ... Its possible it's PMS without the cramps ??

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