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I know the amount, timing and administration route of PM and WP taken will affect your results, and the results of the same regime will vary from person to person because of the natural variation in our metabolisms.

All drugs have an optimum performance level. That is, there is a point when increasing the dose dose not increase the effectiveness of the herbs and in some instances can be counterproductive if not toxic.

My question is, generically, is there an optimum daily dose for PM and WP?

NBE can be expensive, and I am sure everyone would love to find a level where they are maximizing their results by taking a minimal amount product.

good questiion! glad you mentioned toxicity too. so easy to forget in the fervor to gain boobs

there will certainly be a point where taking more will not have any effect. for normal estrogen i've seen it is anything abov 800-1,000 pg/ml serum level. unfortunately we don't know for certain how much miroestrol is in the PM extract and it doesn't show up in standard bloodtest anyway. Sad

It is claimed by Ainterol that 500mg of PM contains 0.2mg or miroestrol, and so to get even a low dose compared to pharma hrt you would need to take 10 pills a day :o monstrously high dose. Of course there are other estrogenic compounds in PM that we don't know if ainterol take into account. deoxymiroestrol is thought to be even more powerful than miroestrol. We generally think of 3g of PM per day as the very upper limit for most people.

Saying that, there are people who have good results with just 1g per day. Your mileage will vary. And of course the best thing you can do to get strong results with the dosage you are taking is by taking a good antiandrogen alongside it. For every microgram of androgen you manage to block makes an extra microgram of estrogen effective.

Long story short, miroestrol is said to be as powerful as estradiol. 1 PM capsule is said to contain 0.2mg of miroestrol. Starting dose in pharma hrt is usually 2mg estradiol valerate. It doesn't seem safe to take PM doses high enough for it to become ineffective.

But there's just too many unknowns to say for sure!

(Disclaimer : Not a doctor. All info is from the interwebs which is also not a doctor. Wink )


Thank you for the informative summary.


dc. I have been using the PM extract. Supposedly, 3 drops equals the efficacy of 1 500mg capsule.

Average day for me is 9 drops, or 1500mg of capsules. 2 days of my "on cycle" I do 12 drops. I think that kind of shocks the body a bit and helps keeps from to many or long plateaus.

I go 3 weeks on with PM and Progesterone, and then break 1 week from all. Mainly to detoxify and let my body reset itself.

Hopes this helps..

I think I am going to shift my program to something similar
The plan today is a 28 day cycle
21 days on 1000 mg PM a days 15-17 on 1500 mg /day
I will take a WY mix on days 22-28
and take a 600 mg of WP the entire time
I will see how that works for 3 months and adjust from there

Just never know cd, like we all know... Every BODY is different. After actively trying to develop a more female form for like the last 5- 6 yrs, and TONS of input from the Boob Guru I think I finally have found mine.

Good Luck CD ! !

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