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Wandering but definitely not lost


(31-12-2015, 08:13 PM)MarcyAno Wrote:  Thanks so much Lotus. I'll pull the DHEA as I do want to include the MACA. I'm worried that I don't have a strong enough AA. I'm very happy with the Reishi, but worried I need a spearmint/licorice/white peony in addition. Any thoughts? Am I out to lunch? Late for dinner? Anyway... thanks for taking a look. I'm having a great time!

Your AA's are: (I think your good atm).

Progesterone (anti-DHT, 5 ar inhibitor)
Spearmint (AA)
White peony(anit-DHT-5 ar inhibitor)
Licorice (anti-DHT via 5 at (Alpha Reductase) inhibitor)
Green tea- (blocks androgens-receptors)

MSM (combined w/HIIT releases growth factors, GH)

Btw, white peony IS a strong 5 ar inhibitor:

Pure Light Chinese peony, helping oily skins to rebalance

Quote: a significant inhibition of 5 alpha reductase is inhibited @ 23% compared with finasteride, that induces an inhibition of 38%.

Pure Light Chinese peony acts on different levels of epidermis before and after the phenomena of sebum surproduction by the sebaceous glands. First, it limits the quantity of the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase, which is at the origin of the activity of the hormon responsible for the production of sebum.


Paeonia lactiflora decreases testosterone production by inhibiting the conversion of delta 4-androstenedione to testosterone in the ovary, while stimulating aromatase activity in the ovary to promote estradiol synthesis.

Just wanted to update my program. It's evolved slightly over the last couple of weeks. I've been doing a lot of reading on forums and have settled on the following after a few missteps. I'm happy and definitely getting growth and changes in the ductwork and areas directly behind the nipple. It's a nice start. I'm happy that this program has started to feel right. Thanks to all who have contributed by sharing your stories, successes and failures. I'll do pictures on the 24th (end of my first month).

3 times a day
PM 500 mg (Ainterol pills)
FG 1220 mg
Reishi 400 mg
Maca 750 mg
Hops 310 mg
Coconut Oil 1000 mg

2 times a day
Bovine Ovary 250 mg (waking and sleep)
MSM 1500 mg (waking and midday)
PABA 500 mg
L-Arginine 500 mg (waking and sleep) switching to a multi-amino soon.
* Looking at adding a white peony extract twice daily next month

1 time a day (waking)
Licorice Root 450 mg
Stinging Nettle Root 500 mg
Dandelion Root 515 mg
B6 100 mg
Progesterone cream 15 mg each breast (every other day)

Minimum of two times a day. More if possible. Warmed coconut oil with lavender essential oil. Noogleberry on the way (Large cups). Supple cups (size 2) on nipples for the first 2-3 hours of sleep.

* Spearmint/Green/White Peony/Licorice/Reishi/Fennel teas throughout the day. I don't drink all of these every day. Just vary the flavors as I drink my tea. I've cut out coffee and am OK with that.
* I eat a Zone balanced diet with lots of dairy and lean protein. Also, I include low glycemic vegetables and lots of fruit as carbs. I haven't always eaten this well, but I am on a good streak now. The teas and herbs have really reduced my sugar cravings.

3-4 high-intensity, CrossFit type workouts each week. I've been doing this for the past 10 years so that is not a problem to keep it up. I include at least one heavy lifting session every couple of weeks to get a good nuero-endocrine response.

Got my Noogleberry today and did one 7 min session, 2 minute massage and another 5 minues. I'll keep working that up each day. I'm going to like this; I can tell already Blush

(16-01-2016, 03:18 AM)MarcyAno Wrote:  Got my Noogleberry today and did one 7 min session, 2 minute massage and another 5 minues. I'll keep working that up each day. I'm going to like this; I can tell already Blush

Cool, what size did you go with?. Btw, I had the same feeling too, BlushTongue

(16-01-2016, 09:10 PM)Lotus Wrote:  
(16-01-2016, 03:18 AM)MarcyAno Wrote:  Got my Noogleberry today and did one 7 min session, 2 minute massage and another 5 minues. I'll keep working that up each day. I'm going to like this; I can tell already Blush

Cool, what size did you go with?. Btw, I had the same feeling too, BlushTongue

I measured up for a large, contoured and I can definitely get them to "stick", but I'm thinking that an XL might have been better. It's way easier if I just use one at a time. However, I really like the inflate/deflate cycle I can do with both hooked up at the same time. When I have time, I've found I can lie on the bed and that makes "hooking up" easier. LOL.

I'll stick with the large, contoured for awhile and see if I can figure out the best angle. It sure is fun to see the possibilities as those cups fill up on expansion. Shy

OK - so I've been getting a little freaked out about the idea that I've been inadvertently overdosing my system with BO and PM at the same time.

I guess I've learned the hard way. Lesson learned. I've had a "swollen gland" in my neck for the last few days and that has me worried that my thyroid is getting overworked. Now that I read these articles, I can see that my thyroid has probably been very busy trying to make sense of the overload I've put it under.

No more B.O. for now. I like the idea of it but perhaps I'll cycle out of PM in a few months and cycle in with the B.O. for a few months.

Any thoughts or ideas? Is PM AND fenuegreek overkill too? Thanks in advance for any comments.

You need to allow them to grow naturally, in that, its a long journey. Don't try and grow them over night cause it does not work that way.

Think about how young girls develop. As a general rule, we can start to bud as early as 11 or even younger. Most of us don't have full breasts till we are 16 17ish. It takes years not months.

Be Careful and take your time. You're messing with your body's chemistry and over doing it can cause very serious medical conditions.

Thanks Barb Smile I totally agree and have seen some nice budding already. I do have that philosophy and am looking forward to the journey. I really appreciate hearing it from others as well. Best of luck to you along they way. BTW - as I type my body butter is in it's final stages of turning back into whipped butter. Equal parts kokum butter, shea butter, coconut oil and mango butter with a good hint of lavender. Can't wait to massage some of that in today!

I see in several of your posts that you are using MSM....I recently started with some but seems to cause some stomach or intestine issues....have you had any problems with using it....for me seems to cause a bit of constipation....

I have started to have some irregular stomach cramping from time to time recently and have been toying with my program to see which thing is causing it. I have not tried taking MSM out of the mix yet. I think it's time to give that a try. I'll let you know through here if I find that the MSM was the culprit Blush

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