(02-01-2016, 09:53 PM)Tanya Marie Squirrel Wrote: [...]
Must be before bed as sleep is the best time of hgh to be released.
Also, use Niacin at night to increase HGH secretion.
500 mg, I believe was enough.
I like the kind that makes you flush - Nicotannic Acid. It can also reduce LDL Cholesterol, and may help prevent atherosclerosis or clear hardened arteries. (That's in the 4g/day dose range, and MUST be nicotannic acid. Expect to feel like you're burning, or even like there are bugs crawling through your skin. Like the nerves are all firing at once... ;-) )
Nicotinamide does not reduce cholesterol or cause flushing. Not sure about HGH results, though. Nicotinamide is also referred to as "time release" Niacin.
I like the flush, but you don't want to do the high dosages for too long. It's a sort of "Purge, and reset" method. Used for a long period of time, it can cause liver damage, and also will become ineffective.
But I'd love to see how it would effect the body when used with pumping methods, esp. Kangzu or pump-and-release methods. :-D