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Eloise's Progress


(21-10-2015, 04:33 AM)Lotus Wrote:  
(21-10-2015, 04:17 AM)eloise614 Wrote:  
(21-10-2015, 04:06 AM)Lotus Wrote:  
(21-10-2015, 03:53 AM)eloise614 Wrote:  Lotus, I haven't tried any creams yet. I was thinking about adding coconut oil into my massage routine--to see that would help. PC cream? Nope. What do you recommend, Lotus?

Progesterone cream helps grow tissue (side branching) while E2 elongantes breast growth. I've seen (posted) studies that indicate E2 in the presence of Progesterone stimlutates growth more so then if used separately. For instance, try making a tincture of PM extract, then apply first (let dry 10 minutes) then apply PC, let dry 10 minutes too. Or coconut oil then PC. Or red clover tincture then PC. 1/4 teaspoon of PC delivers about 20 mg.

You cannot leave us, Lotus. I will not allow it. Who else could have told me this? Big Grin Thank you thank you thank you. I just ran out of my first bottle of PM extract (perhaps b/c I over-did it, but my body took relatively well to my large doses) and have one more bottle left. Time to order another few. In the meantime, I'll pick up some pc cream and coconut oil to add in. I don't want 'tubular' shaped breasts so if PC will help me prevent that, then I'm 100% all for it.

I do believe PC does more to round out the breasts then anything we have in the NBE Arsenal. Adding healthy fats helps, which I do believe something like coconut oil can do, which adds an aspect (linkage) of growth hormones, the capric/Caprylic acid in coconut has so many benefits towards NBE, it does upregulate metabolism (much like a thyroid medication would do) which coconut oil raises body temp, a great way to influence thermogenesis don't yah think. Plus the proteins in coconut oil resembles mamas milk, which has a direct impact on breasts (ducts).

I'll miss yah too. Big Grin

Therefore, to speed up duct development: use PC cream as well as coconut. Doesn't fenugreek also aid this process?

So, I've taken a 3 week break because work was too hectic and because I was running out of PM and other herbs. I've started back up today (motivated, in part by Lotus' last picture) and hope to keep on seeing changes. I'm getting a little giggle on top and on bottom. Yay! Big Grin



Gobble gobble, everyone! I hope all had a good Thanksgiving. Big Grin

I have run out of PM extract Angry and have been thinking about trying out the next step: BO. I have read the vast majority of the threads on BO and have come to the ultimate conclusion that I will never know about it unless I try it. Given that my body has responded really well to PM in both capsules and extract forms, I have always wondered what BO could do. It could do absolutely nothing--as some have found out. It could do absolutely a lot--as some others have found out. Like Goldilocks, I hope for the 'just right' amount. But hoping is one thing. I've ordered 3 bottles--enough for 1 month. I plan to take 2 in the AM and 2 in the PM and see how that goes.

Yep, so I've gone down the BO path. I can't say I've had any crazy BO experiences. What I have noticed is the following: not so much breast growth itself but more breast fat; my arms and legs have become less muscular and more jelly/squishy; and my bum has rounded a bit. I've got one more bottle of BO left but PM has actually created breast buds and tissue whereas BO just adds fat, I feel. So when I'm out of BO, depending, I may switch back to PM or maybe something else. I'm at a bit of a crossroads...

Here's some minimal progress:



(23-12-2015, 11:26 PM)eloise614 Wrote:  Yep, so I've gone down the BO path. I can't say I've had any crazy BO experiences. What I have noticed is the following: not so much breast growth itself but more breast fat; my arms and legs have become less muscular and more jelly/squishy; and my bum has rounded a bit. I've got one more bottle of BO left but PM has actually created breast buds and tissue whereas BO just adds fat, I feel. So when I'm out of BO, depending, I may switch back to PM or maybe something else. I'm at a bit of a crossroads...

Here's some minimal progress:

Hi Eloise,

Lol, Like many before me, I have been at these same crossroads you face currently. The journey we take is the part of life that makes us stronger, live and you learn along the way (call it on the job traing, OJT, lol) hopefully you spread some of that learned wisdom (of experience) to those who need it. Smile

My experience with BO was a FAIL Rolleyes, PM moved things down the road for me, now, +3 years, (the past 18 months on Hrt). I finally made it official almost 3 months ago.........official meaning medical care, testing and Pharma meds. I don't think of it as "Full Transition".......just can't live as a full time woman.........its a non-gender binary transition for me. I wouldn't say it's rare given the fact that many here (elsewhere too) feel this way (too bad it's not a mainstream thing though). And who knows, we'd probably see a lot more folks declaring this gender variant if it, Eloise, (my good friend) take the appropriate time to find the direction you seek, no pressure.

Take care. L

Big Grin

I'm not ready to call BO a total failure just yet. I've noticed many small body changes and some breast (but no budding, just fat Angry). Like all experiments, I'll give it a little more time before I come to a definite judgement. However, as of right now, if there were a contest between PM and BO, I'd score it this way:


-Breast budding
-Some fat redistribution
-More sensitive emotions

-Leaves that after taste if you belch.


-Faster fat redistribution to bottom and breast area
-Softer skin
-Feel in heat 24/7

- No breast budding
- Smells like a cow pasture
- Not sure what else to take with

You be the judge.

(30-12-2015, 05:26 PM)eloise614 Wrote:  I'm not ready to call BO a total failure just yet. I've noticed many small body changes and some breast (but no budding, just fat Angry). Like all experiments, I'll give it a little more time before I come to a definite judgement. However, as of right now, if there were a contest between PM and BO, I'd score it this way:


-Breast budding
-Some fat redistribution
-More sensitive emotions

-Leaves that after taste if you belch.


-Faster fat redistribution to bottom and breast area
-Softer skin
-Feel in heat 24/7

- No breast budding
- Smells like a cow pasture
- Not sure what else to take with

You be the judge.

Hi Eloise,

A blood test would certainly shed some light as to what BO actually does. It would require a baseline test followed by 6 months of testing. I believe I'd checked 2 hormones, Estrogen and Testoerone. Lab testing services have a 2 hormone test for I believe for about $50.

Question is, who'd be willing to add the expense right?.

However, this testing would hold true for PM too, (just to be fair). Rolleyes


You are probably right that a blood test would be required to provide some concrete data on the effectiveness of BO or PM. By concrete data, I mean actually numbers--objective facts and not some subjective observations. I wish I would have got a baseline blood test before starting anything.

from time to time, i'll still post stuff here--sort of as a longitudinal study, so to speak. not so much in the boob department Angry it all seems to be going to my hips and butt, however. which isn't a bad thing, i suppose. it could be going nowhere.



You have a lovely body!

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