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saw palmetto nightmare


(06-02-2016, 06:21 AM)sp2000 Wrote:  So nobody knows why Saw palmetto acts like bovine ovary extract?

It doesn't.

thanks to Lotus,AbiD and Ohb.

No I am not going after any lawsuit. I am just trying to get my health back.
I am trying to understand how it affected me. No duoubt it works like Fin/Dut. I have got the same symptoms.Fin/Dut are 5 AR inhibitor. SP also is 5 AR inhibitor. I intially thought it is due to 5 AR inhibition and maybe SP has messed up my 5AR production. But when I looked at this thread and FAQ on a Bovine webiste I was surprised to see similarities of side effects of BO and SP/Fin.for example
33. Once I stop taking the pills will my estrogen level always remain the same
or will it decrease?

This varies from person to person but usually the estrogen hormones stay the same or increase.
Adding prescription testosterone injections to regain testosterone has been shown to be ineffective in reversing the effects of Transfemme. Additional testosterone will aromatize into estrogen.

34. Will my testosterone level increase after I stop taking the pills?

This can vary from person to person usually testosterone stays at the new lower level or decreases. You should count on being stuck with low testosterone and higher estrogen for the rest of your life.

and warning too ... nlargement

Like I said before even after stopping SP my sides continu like I am still taking SP. I feel like all variables in my body have been assigned new values.I have shifted 180 degree. Fat (or maybe small gyno) on my chest does not go away. Sometimes my niples itch or burn still year after. I was a skinny person but now I have got ugly shape with a round belly.

Here's the thing sp2000... In your other threads you said you took 1 pill a day for 4 months 5 1/2, no, 8, no, 7 years ago. There is just no way that little SP for that short of time would have this much effect on you. None at all. Your issues (if real) are more likely the result of a pre-existing medical condition, or you're not being completely honest with us in regards to your dosage and length, or you were also taking something else at the time that you haven't mentioned.

You've said in another thread that you've been under the care of a doctor who has done blood tests and MRIs among other things. Listen to them, not to a random group of people who are trying to grow breasts (especially since you say that is not your goal.)

Don't bother going to breast growth product sites (like the 2 you just referenced, especially if you truly have no interest in growing breasts). I don't know how herbals and dietary supplements are regulated in Canada, but here in the US, they aren't. They can make whatever claims they like. They're under no obligation to provide proof that the product does what it says it does. Heck, they're not even regulated to determine that their product contains what it says it contains. Those pills may contain nothing but rice and sawdust. Of course, even if they're 100% legit, what good does that do you? You've found products that will feminize your body. But as you've said multiple times, that's not what you want.

Basically, you're looking in all the wrong places for answers. You are going to a website full of women and men wanting to be more feminine, and feminizing supplement websites, looking for advice on getting your body to become more manly again. It's like going to a vegan website asking for the best hamburger recipes. At best, they'll give you a veggie/tofu burger recipe. But that's not what you want.

I took 320 mg liquid capsules.
I was not taking anything else.
I initially started with 2 caps per day then one cap per day but dont remember exactly for how long took 2 caps per day.
I already told you why I am here.
1- Is it reversible some how? (I think it is not because many years have passed)

2- Since I have got so many health issues, I am surprised how you guys are taking these herbs( I read here many people are taking SP) without any health issues or how you are dealing with them?
Yes I have been with many drs/Endos that is why I got many tests. My full history is with my dr.No issue whatsoever before taking SP.

(07-02-2016, 05:20 AM)sp2000 Wrote:  I took 320 mg liquid capsules.
I was not taking anything else.
I initially started with 2 caps per day then one cap per day but dont remember exactly for how long took 2 caps per day.
I already told you why I am here.

What we're struggling with is why. What has your doctor told you? We're not doctors here, and even if we were, we're not YOUR doctor.

(07-02-2016, 05:20 AM)sp2000 Wrote:  1- Is it reversible some how? (I think it is not because many years have passed)

It should have fully reversed on its own within months of you stopping taking it.

(07-02-2016, 05:20 AM)sp2000 Wrote:  2- Since I have got so many health issues, I am surprised how you guys are taking these herbs( I read here many people are taking SP) without any health issues or how you are dealing with them?

Yes I have been with many drs/Endos that is why I got many tests. My full history is with my dr.No issue whatsoever before taking SP.

Ever heard of a little thing called coincidence? Just because something happened at the same time as something else doesn't automatically make them related.

Now, please kindly take your "issues" somewhere else. Quit spamming up this board with your BS.

Oh, I WILL drop you a bone though. If you really want to try to get your T back up and really are having problems there, get your doctor to give you shots of T. He could even prescribe them to you and instruct you on injecting yourself. That's what FtMs do. It's an intramuscular shot for T btw.

Listen AbiDrew85 and other Guys
I came here to see your help because I thought you might have more experience with these herbs, ovaries, meds and God knows what other garbage that you take to become ???? but instead of helping me you guys started fighting with me, trying to prove me dishonest. You all are nuts and idiots. You think what you know is true and what other guys like me are telling you, is not true or not possible.Go tell your admin to ban me or delete my posts.Honest to God I will be very happy. I never belonged to your crazy community anyway. Stay happy with your own BS.

you say you're not part of our community, but you sure have posted on a lot of TG boards. And that makes the existence of this site all the more peculiar.

(07-02-2016, 04:10 PM)OHboobs Wrote:  you say you're not part of our community, but you sure have posted on a lot of TG boards. And that makes the existence of this site all the more peculiar.

Either you are dumb or don't want to understand what I am telling you. I have told you many times that I wanted to know through your experience if my condition is reversible because only you guys on earth take these poisonous stuff happily. No normal person on earth knowing the after effects of these endocrine disruptors will ever touch them. I have told you repeatedly if I knew what I was doing would never touch saw palmetto. If you guys still don't understand this then it means with the shrinkage of your junk, your brains have also shrunk.
Also some retards, dumb heads here are denying me about the effects of saw palmetto. For these idiots I can post here the emails of many boys and girls( very young in their twenties) who are in big pain after using saw palmetto.

Well SP, here is my experience after getting gynecomastia and deciding to help nature out.

I too noticed my "junk", sick term only used willingly by kids, IMHO, shrinkage. But, I am also over 60, have PAD and had a very serious heart attack 11yrs back.

So, what caused the shrinkage??? Take your pick of the above, and add into the mix all the heart meds that I take... Half of which can screw with hormones and enzymes in their own right....

SEE a DAM DOCTOR.... I don't think any of us are qualified to soothe or baby you. We may feel sorry for your problems, but I suspect you have an underlying problem that rather you took herbs or not would of eventually showed up..

Go to or NCHI and do research if you think you can... Your a bore.
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