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Project X (hrt)

Sorry, forgot this one:

Growth hormone secretion pattern regulates hepatic gene expression. Estrogen administration converts the male intermittent growth hormone secretory pattern to a continuous secretion (40). Also, we and others (51, 63) have reported that estrogen administration, as well as gonadectomy, in male and female rats changes the levels of CYP2C11 and CYP2C12 that are markers of male and female dominant genes, respectively.

Multihormonal regulation of hepatic sinusoidal Ntcp gene expression

So, I'm not talking gonad removal, just the fact that we can count on things like PM (Miro & dexyomiroestrol) and estradiol to help target these proteins in the liver and brain, along with targeting certain amounts of growth hormone (aka Pulsatile) signaling.

(08-02-2016, 02:48 AM)missboobshirt Wrote:  ps: I see that chinese red yeast is an herb? would you recommend that for lowering DHT?

Hi missb, Smile

Red yeast does seem to have potential, I like the way it can block one of DHT's pathway Aldo-keto reductases (AKRs). Though it may have an issue with toxicity, so will just say " let's see how and why it inhibts DHT " and maybe we can learn about the pathway in detail and see how it can help us determine other suitable profucts.

Quote:which is another superfamily class of enzymes like the Cytochrome P450 enzyme super family, which are present in most tissues of the body, and play important roles in hormone synthesis and breakdown (including estrogen and testosterone synthesis and metabolism.

(13-02-2016, 02:53 PM)spanky Wrote:  Thanks, Lotus. That is some very interesting information. One question I have is whether the clitoris is similarly endowed with an abundance of estrogen receptors and aromatase activity.

Hi spanky,

Thousands of nerve endings for sure, the hood is said to be stimulated by an androgenic action, (not sure what that meant?). But, (imo) it would suggest it's possible for an aromatase response (or action).

Sorry for the late response.

Here's something that makes sense, and it's how we oxidize/metabolize our food/medications.

hypo/hyper-thyroidism comes to mind, a slower metabolism/oxidizer means we don't process as fast as say a person with hyperthyroidism. The slower metabolism (and which soy FYI inhibits the thyroid) needs a kick in butt, while the higher metabolizer needs to slow things down.

The delivery of supplements can be key, sublingual/liquid/transdermal delivers rapid metabolism, (like a cascade if you will). Oral, as we know takes longer, and misses the 1st pass metabolism, but.........liver metabolism offers the activation/inhibition of supplements/meds and enzymes/hormones etc.

This is an interesting subject, (too me that is lol). I'll get back this part later.

What really intrigues me is this STAT5 protein. If I were to say that this (STAT5 protein) is the holy grail of NBE?, I think it would be an understatement. Here's another example of the potential of this novel protein.

Activation of Stat5a and Stat5b by tyrosine phosphorylation is tightly linked to mammary gland differentiation.
Liu X1, Robinson GW, Hennighausen L.
Author information
Signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat)5 was originally identified as a mammary gland factor (MGF) that binds to promoter sequences of milk protein genes and activates their transcription. We have generated isoform-specific antibodies against Stat5a or Stat5b and show that both isoforms are present in similar amounts at the protein level in mammary tissues of virgin, pregnant, lactating, and involuting mice. In contrast, Stat5 phosphorylation is very low in immature virgins, rises sharply during late pregnancy, and declines rapidly during involution. Upon phosphorylation, Stat5a and Stat5b form homo- and heterodimers. The induction of Stat5 phosphorylation during late pregnancy correlates with the transcriptional activation of milk protein genes. Using electrophoretic mobility shift assay and supershift analysis, we demonstrated that the DNA-binding activity detected during lactation is composed of both Stat5a and Stat5b, but not of other STATs. The hypothesis that Stat5 is directly involved in mammary cell differentiation was tested in estrous cycle and in transgenic mice with impaired mammary development. Transient differentiation of mammary alveolar cells and milk protein gene expression during estrus in virgin female mice coincide with transient Stat5 phosphorylation. Impaired mammary development and very low levels of milk protein gene expression in mice carrying the truncated form of the cell fate protein Int3 correlated with reduced phosphorylation and heterodimer formation.

Oh, hell yeah , is it me or did we just open a #10 can of whoop-ass?, I think maybe:

(We now demonstrate that not only Prl (prolactin), but also growth hormone (GH) (growth hormone) and epidermal growth factor (EGF), can activate Stat5 in mammary tissue.)

Prolactin, growth hormone, and epidermal growth factor activate Stat5 in different compartments of mammary tissue and exert different and overlapping developmental effects.
Gallego MI1, Binart N, Robinson GW, Okagaki R, Coschigano KT, Perry J, Kopchick JJ, Oka T, Kelly PA, Hennighausen L.
Author information
Prolactin (Prl)-induced phosphorylation of Stat (signal transducer and activator of transcription) 5 is considered a key event in functional mammary development and differentiation. We now demonstrate that not only Prl, but also growth hormone (GH) and epidermal growth factor (EGF), can activate Stat5 in mammary tissue. We investigated the roles of these hormones in mammary development using mice in which the respective receptors had been inactivated. Although Prl receptor (PrlR)-null mice are infertile, we were able to maintain pregnancies in a few mice by treatment with progesterone. Mammary tissue in these mice was severely underdeveloped and exhibited limited differentiation as assessed by the phosphorylation status of Stat5 and the expression of milk protein genes. PrlR +/- mice showed impaired mammary development and alveolar differentiation during pregnancy, which corresponded with reduced phosphorylation levels of Stat5a and 5b, and impaired expression of milk protein genes. Development of the glands in these mice was arrested at around day 13 of pregnancy. While Prl activated Stat5 only in the epithelium, GH and EGF activated Stat5 preferentially in the stroma. To assess the relevance of the GH receptor (GHR) in the mammary gland, we transplanted GHR-null epithelium into cleared fat pads of wild-type mice. These experiments demonstrated that the GHR in the epithelium is not required for functional mammary development. Similarly, the EGFR in the epithelium is not required for alveolar development. In contrast, epithelial PrlR is required for mammary development and milk protein gene expression during pregnancy. Although GH is not required for alveolar development, we were able to demonstrate its lactogenic function in cultured mammary epithelium from PrlR-null mice. However, ductal development in GHR-null mice was impaired, supporting the notion that GH signals through the stromal compartment. Our findings demonstrate that GH, Prl, and EGF activate Stat5 in separate compartments, which in turn reflects their specific roles in ductal and alveolar development and differentiation.


The quickest way towards feminization,
  • Liver activation of protein/enzymes & hormones
  • Growth Hormone signal via CYP2AB enzyme
  • Increased GH (growth hormone) secretion via the hypothalamus
  • Inhibit lutenizing hormone

NBE key tools

  • Foods
  • Lemons, oranges, red pigment fruits and veggies.....all of which inhibits CYP17 enzyme (a key enzyme in the steroid biosynthesis of androgens)
  • Green tea-also a CYP17 inhibitor / also a CYP19 promoter (aka-aromatase)
  • walnuts (1/4 cup) 2-3x a week, pro ER-a, antioxidant, w-6 fatty acid
  • Drink (min) 4 cups of green tea daily (80-98% polyphenols)
  • Drink filtered water 6-8 cups (add a slice of fresh lemon)
  • Get 10 minutes of high intensity work outs 3-4x a week
  • Reduce sugars, coffee (1 cup per day), starches.......
  • Add protein and healthly fats


  • White peony extract (2-3 per day) pro-aromatase, 5 alpha reductase inhibitor (inhibits DHT).
  • Red clover extract (1-2 per day)......,low progesterone effect, pro-estrogen alpha receptor promoter. pro-areolas
  • Authentic PM 1000mg (total).....up to 250 mg for women, days 1-14 (after periods ends) mimic, activates CYP2AB enzyme (necessary for feminization)

  • Progesterone cream (applied to breasts, 3-4 times per week).....progesterone
  • L-arginine (1 per day)........amino-acid, for activation of growth hormones signaling.
  • reishi 1-2 (per day)........anti-androgen
  • astaxanthin (1-2 per day)......anti-androgen
  • niacin (inositol) 1-2 per day
  • MSM, antioxidant, pro-breast health, GH (growth hormone) STAT5 protein synthesizer.......

To be continued..........Big Grin

Here's some science that needs to be included about PM (pueraria mirifica), for the ladies.

This enzyme CYP2AB (present in PM) intitiates growth hormone secretion via the hypothalamus, which in normal rhythm the ladies produces sequentially all day, as in men, it's in rapid bursts. PM is upregulating twice as fast (if not more) because of the hidden GH secretion. Men benefit from this additional scretion (CYP2AB) via the hypothalamus (feminization of the liver and brain).

Additionally, PM extends the menstrual cycle via negative feedback (LH, lutenizing hormone). Which in women they should use no more than 100mg to 250mg, and only in the first half, continued use throughout the cycle is a mistake, meaning if your cycle dramatically up-regulates estrogen in the first it would be slower drop off in the second half (via the usage of PM). Thus, allowing for progesterone to make ready (and the benefits of progesterone) down regulates estrogen dominance, resets estrogen receptors (etc) why run the risk of carrying an additional load of estrogen?.

I don't get why this is missed.


Green Tea - stimulates beta-receptors at fat cells to increase release of lipids into the bloodstream. why is this important?, 95-98% fatty acids are bound in the blood stream (just like hormones are), we needed something that displaces hormones and fatty acids, looks like green tea is up for the task. Smile

Green tea stimulates growth hormones

Swansons had a special on this green tea extract yesterday, the price $8.49 is still reasonable.

Teavigo Green Tea Extract 90% EGCG

Ya'll keeping up? Wink don't blink now,........we be at rapid rail-gun speed today. (kidding) RolleyesTongue

I'll be honest, sometimes when I see the studies and it's a blur, and poof!, lights out and I'm zzZZzzzing. Rolleyes but......Wink when the signal is on lol, I see the science popping off, like color coded (highlighted) as I show you, go figure.

Thanks so much Lotus for your new posts today. POM

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