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Abi's temporary program.


(24-03-2016, 08:09 PM)ellacraig Wrote:  Too fkn right

Lol. I'm also going to carefully, slightly, increase my water intake starting now to attempt to help flush my body. Not as good as a full cleanse, but I don't currently have anything for that, only thing cleansing I have is only for bacterial, fungal and so on "living" microbials, my DE.

Don't want to add water toxicity to my problems, but this is listed as one way to help fix the problem without immediate medical attention.

(24-03-2016, 07:54 PM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I did some searching and it seems my symptoms could align with early signs of liver damage, and that in large enough doses with certain other conditions met, too much EGCg supplementation can cause liver toxicity. For now I am going to skip the next few days and evaluate. I might after recovering resume with only a third as much and see if that proves safe for now. In a couple weeks when the partner starts getting pay checks from the new job I'll see what I can add to reduce the liver impact at more concentrated doses. It's going to require extensive research into the anti-oxidant chain.

What apparently happens is that at high blood concentration with just the right mix of oxidative stressors and other anti-oxidants the anti-oxidative quality of the EGCg gets turned on itself, becoming its own source of oxidative stress without enough of the next anti-oxidants in the chain to scavenge the radicals formed by the EGCg with the lessor radicals it scavenged in turn.

The good news in all of this is that it means I was indeed getting my blood concentration of EGCg nice and high from my synergistic combo... But it's going to take more work to make it safe long term, with more supplements to protect my liver from the oxidative stress being introduced at this time, and also to ensure I don't just shift the danger somewhere else, it won't just be liver anti-oxidants I may need to add, thus the extensive research. The complete chain of free radicals and anti-oxidants to scavenge them is not a field I've done any previous study in.

It may be I can find a pre-made synergistic blend to take the liver damaging radicals all the way to an inert form, that'd be nice... But it would require the aforementioned research. I'm not risking any further damage to any of my other organs.

Sorry you're not doing well. Sounds pretty bad...
What I've read and experienced would point to dandelion root tea, and blueberries. Wolf berries, if you can find them, even "worse." Dark berries will help detox the system, and dandelion root tea is a common liver cleanse. Also removes heavy metals (the blueberries).
Not sure, you might also benefit from a Cayenne/lemon water approach. Cayenne has Niacin, will cause a flush to improve circulation. You can also use hot sauce, try Tabasco. Lemon water supposedly helps clean the body, and causes a diuretic effect. So will normal tea or coffee, though.
You might also want to consider candida yeast as a cause, if your tongue is coated in white - that's a good indication the yeast has gone fungal. Lemon water helps kill it, and another go-to is coconut oil, I believe.

One thing I'm dealing with is over-exertion for food in. It would be awesome if we could just workout for 10 hours straight and lose (500 calories / hour * 10 hours = 5,000 calories, 3500 cals = 1 pound of body fat, so) like 1.5 pounds just of fat...
Well, I've hit a point where body parts aren't recovering, because I'm working too hard for the food intake on the Keto diet I was using. Still am using. ;-)
I have a work-around, but check your nutrition. Might be worth it to look into Superfood (t-nation supplement) or at the least, a good multivitamin, if you've been foregoing the expense. One of the first bariatric surgery patients died from malnutrition, and she was still fat at the time. They overdid her stomach reduction... She couldn't keep food down or digest it. The symptoms also sound similar to yours, dizziness, infirmity, etc. So electrolytes, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, in salt forms. Gatorade would work, or if you have some, pink or red salt - just put it on your tongue, enjoy (if it tastes bad, it's the wrong solution), and then some water to wash it down.

Keep us posted, please. We'll want to hear your recovery. ;-)

(24-03-2016, 08:33 PM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(24-03-2016, 08:09 PM)ellacraig Wrote:  Too fkn right

Lol. I'm also going to carefully, slightly, increase my water intake starting now to attempt to help flush my body. Not as good as a full cleanse, but I don't currently have anything for that, only thing cleansing I have is only for bacterial, fungal and so on "living" microbials, my DE.

Don't want to add water toxicity to my problems, but this is listed as one way to help fix the problem without immediate medical attention.

Jump up and down, lymphatic ?

I'd love to try DE but it scares the s@@t out of me.

(24-03-2016, 08:51 PM)ellacraig Wrote:  Lemons?
Jump up and down, lymphatic ?

I'd love to try DE but it scares the s@@t out of me.

Don't have any lemons, I do have lemon juice which is in my water together with, sadly, sugar. I can't stand lemon without added sweetener and can't afford the stevia I'd rather use right now.

Jumping right now would be a major bad idea. No maybe about that one, I WOULD fall and likely hurt myself.

DE is ok for very short cleanses immediately followed with probiotics. It WILL kill EVERYTHING currently living inside you that is smaller than an insect but still consumes things. It's the penultimate anti-microbial. But it'll kill the probiotics along with all the bad. Thus the immediate supplementation. Sadly, free radicals aren't microbes.

Not sure what you meant by lymphatic? Massage?

Almost everything you listed is not presently available to me Dianna.

Abi, I hope you're feeling better today, hang in there. Smile

Hi everyone, my internet was down most of the day, someone decided it was a good idea to drive their vehicle into a telephone pole carrying the cable exchange for this entire zip code.

(25-03-2016, 09:02 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Abi, I hope you're feeling better today, hang in there. Smile

I am, actually. My partner went out and picked up a package of blueberries, a half gallon blueberry smoothie drink, and dandelion root tea, I ate all the blueberries last night and was able to move on my own again this morning. I'm still not 100%, but I'm recovering. I've been drinking the smoothie drink and lemonade today so far, the dandelion root tea wasn't picked up until the local cooperative grocery opened earlier today because they were closed by the time he got off last night and the large chain groceries in the area don't carry anything dandelion root. I'll be preparing my first mug of that in a moment.

If my recovering continues apace, then the ER will not be necessary.

This is way late, but I AM fully recovered from that experience and have been for a while now... I have not restarted EGCg though, not even at a lower dose. Part of that is that while I was suffering from liver damage I ended up sleeping a LOT and my sleeping pattern still isn't normalized yet. It's getting there though, slowly. Part of it is I'm worried about a repeat even at a lower dose considering what my current diet is like, which is honestly horrible. At present I am planning to restart alongside the new diet in the second week of next month. At that time I'll just be doing diet and EGCg to shed all the weight I've put on over this time of being broker than broke and eating high sodium high carb trash.

Something I have been doing, for I'd say about a week now, is listening to a subliminal I ripped off Youtube using a Youtube downloader. It's not really an NBE sub in any sense though, what it is is a hair removal sub. I didn't have very high expectations when starting it up, but so far I have noticed a distinct slowdown in hair regrowth. The purported effect over time is that I'll shed my facial and body hair all except only for my scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes, but I haven't noticed any of that yet. This slowed regrowth wasn't advertised in the Youtube description, but I'll take it happily for now. Less shaving is a win, even if a temporary one.

I'll report if anything new starts happening from the subliminal, and, of course, when I start the diet and restart the EGCg. Since I am experiencing the admittedly minimal benefit of slowed hair growth from the subliminal, I will continue using it even if nothing else happens until and if I ever manage to get whole-body laser and electrolysis done. That shit's expensive though, and is only going to happen if I manage to get a job myself, my BF is never going to get a job that pays enough for both of us to live on and me to get my transition work done.

(06-04-2016, 12:17 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  This is way late, but I AM fully recovered from that experience and have been for a while now... I have not restarted EGCg though, not even at a lower dose. Part of that is that while I was suffering from liver damage I ended up sleeping a LOT and my sleeping pattern still isn't normalized yet. It's getting there though, slowly. Part of it is I'm worried about a repeat even at a lower dose considering what my current diet is like, which is honestly horrible. At present I am planning to restart alongside the new diet in the second week of next month. At that time I'll just be doing diet and EGCg to shed all the weight I've put on over this time of being broker than broke and eating high sodium high carb trash.

Something I have been doing, for I'd say about a week now, is listening to a subliminal I ripped off Youtube using a Youtube downloader. It's not really an NBE sub in any sense though, what it is is a hair removal sub. I didn't have very high expectations when starting it up, but so far I have noticed a distinct slowdown in hair regrowth. The purported effect over time is that I'll shed my facial and body hair all except only for my scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes, but I haven't noticed any of that yet. This slowed regrowth wasn't advertised in the Youtube description, but I'll take it happily for now. Less shaving is a win, even if a temporary one.

I'll report if anything new starts happening from the subliminal, and, of course, when I start the diet and restart the EGCg. Since I am experiencing the admittedly minimal benefit of slowed hair growth from the subliminal, I will continue using it even if nothing else happens until and if I ever manage to get whole-body laser and electrolysis done. That shit's expensive though, and is only going to happen if I manage to get a job myself, my BF is never going to get a job that pays enough for both of us to live on and me to get my transition work done.
I've never been convinced of subliminals but I figure if I try something RIDICULOUS subliminal and it works il be convinced.
Ps for you lucky the liver regenerates itself huh if your willing to give it a go again..

(06-04-2016, 08:26 AM)ellacraig Wrote:  I've never been convinced of subliminals but I figure if I try something RIDICULOUS subliminal and it works il be convinced.
Ps for you lucky the liver regenerates itself huh if your willing to give it a go again..

Honestly I was a skeptic too, and I'm still skeptical about ones that purport to cause actual physical changes, but I'm willing to give it an honest attempt. Nothing to lose anyways since this one is free. The guy I bought some of my subs from doesn't yet have anything for full body hair elimination, so it's not like I COULD buy one, even if I had money.

And yeah, this one is a pretty ridiculous claim, so if it works eventually, then I'm really going to have to stop being a skeptic. LOL.

As for the liver, yep. It's definitely a good thing it'll recover on its own, and yes, I'll be giving it a go again, just not until I'm eating healthier. My current diet is just too unhealthy and feeds the nasty free radical producing junk too much to risk my liver again right away.

I am so happy that things are improving for you Abi..Sometimes we forget just how precious our health is.

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