18-04-2016, 09:03 AM
(14-04-2016, 07:55 PM)Dana Mantra Eon Wrote: Definitely agree that sexuality/sensuality should be on the list Dianna. I think it didn't occur to me off the bat because part of my program involves keeping away from such things (for now). (Which I just want to add is entirely personal, I think anyone should explore these to their hearts content if they want to). I'll add it to the list.
What's up Huggy? Yeah, I think I get where you're coming from. For one thing, it is really hard to define "thinking like a woman." So really, I think as a goal, it's pretty much impossible to shoot for. I also agree that the thinking side is probably more of an excavation rather than a implementation. A matter of self discovery and "revealing"/activating this hidden side of yourself rather than drumming it up from scratch. Another reason why at this point, I'm decently convinced that the physical changes (hormonal included) are enough to sort of "lure out" this side of yourself. I did have a few thoughts, however, that there might be certain meditation/visualization/or mantra practices that could help ease the mind into accepting its feminine side. But that'll take more thought and research to nail down.
Hi Dana
When I saw your post I thought I had to respond. Can see you have been busy :-)
There is now clear documented evidence that HRT can not only create major physical changes it also influences brain chemistry and structure, and some evidence that even an NBE programme can have an effect too. Lotus found some very interesting info on that a little while ago. So quite literally, you are right that a well thought out programme can possibly/probably have a profound effect on your thought processes and how you feel about feminisation, and not just because of the physical changes. And we have examples here on BN of just how far those changes can take us sometimes. So in this regard at least I would say just go with the flow and the body should lead the way :-)
Been thinking a lot of how to put this, but trying to think like a woman is like chasing rainbows and trying to catch one. It is an impossible illusion which can only lead to frustration and disappointment.
But what can be done is to learn how to stand and walk and move with femininity and grace. Something that even some GG's haven't mastered. It takes time and effort to overcome male mannerisms and behaviour but it can be done. And the joy of noticing the first time your hand moves with a gentle grace without having to consciously think about it is wonderful! To feel that little wiggle as you walk (that you have tried soooo hard to get) is becoming natural is almost indescribable. These things you can learn. And the psychological feedback can be powerful.
Another is to find your female voice (literally). You have a wonderful instrument in your voice. Take time and learn how to play it like a maestro. Fine tuning the pitch and intonation so it sounds just right can be a delight, enjoy getting good at it. And let it become the voice in your head. You would be amazed the effect it can have on your mind.
Chasing after rainbows is ultimately self defeating and to be honest is a distraction. Become the best "you" you can be. As you learn your new skills, embrace them, let them grow into you and be a part of you. Take delight as you feel yourself becoming more at ease with the new person you want to be. A true woman is one who has found peace in herself. And isn't finding peace what we are all here really trying to achieve?