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Abi's temporary program.


(23-04-2016, 08:38 PM)missboobshirt Wrote:  Hey Abi Smile I wanted to ask-- do you like to work out? I know how hard it is to eat healthy when you're broke Sad That was my problem in the first place (malnutrition) I know weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise but if youre trying to lose on your tummy you should look into calisthenics and core work outs ^_^ That is how I maintain my waist-- also waist training, but I had to save up for that Tongue Just some 2 cents to consider adding to your plan if you're not already doing it ^^=

Working out is one of those things I KNOW I should do, but just can't get myself to... LOL. A large part of my problem is space. We just don't have room enough for me to spread out anywhere to get a good work out. When the weather gets warm enough again I'll start riding my bike again, at least as long as I can get back down to where I'll actually fit into clothes I can go riding in, or we can afford to get me new ones that I can fit into. :/

Though from tomorrow on the weather is supposed to be warm enough again that the plants can go back outside, which will free up some of that space. However, that space is going to be almost immediately consumed by mountains of boxes as we are preparing for the eventuality that we will likely need to leave this house to somewhere rented when the bank forecloses if we don't short sale first.

I feel you on exercise. I know I need to, I have the gym membership, but I hate it so much. The only thing I've ever enjoyed doing was hula hooping (which works fantastically by the way.) but we live in a tiny crackerbox apartment and I don't really want to go out to the playground area at our complex to show my moves to our sketchy neighbors lol.

We both still look cute with a lil meat on our bones though so it's not too bad Tongue

(24-04-2016, 03:48 AM)echapman Wrote:  I feel you on exercise. I know I need to, I have the gym membership, but I hate it so much. The only thing I've ever enjoyed doing was hula hooping (which works fantastically by the way.) but we live in a tiny crackerbox apartment and I don't really want to go out to the playground area at our complex to show my moves to our sketchy neighbors lol.

We both still look cute with a lil meat on our bones though so it's not too bad Tongue

We live in a house, but it's a smaller house, only a little over 1,000 sq. ft. A lot of apartments are larger than that. My BF is also almost like someone right out of the hoarders TV show. Not quite THAT bad, but he definitely fills up as much available space as he has, but it's not filled up to the rafters like the hoarders... Just... no real floor space either. If we did move somewhere much smaller though we probably would end up looking like something straight out of the hoarders TV show... :/

My apartment is maybe 600 square feet. Come over for dinner sometime. You'll enjoy a nice home cooked meal sitting around my coffee table on the floor lmao. And we pay almost 800 a month for this which is crazy considering in the town I moved from we can have a three bedroom house for that but my husband doesn't to make the 45-60 minute commute.

We have a friend who is a pack rat. I would flip. I love my weird old lady furniture and whatnot but I go through a period every few months where I just go through and toss shit out of donate it. Too much clutter gives me anxiety. Maybe if this job works out yall can eventually move somewhere a bit bigger and you can have your own little space to exercise or whatever you want to do.

If space is an issue then I think when it gets warmer going outside is a good idea Smile keep in mind all you really need to do is burn fat, so drinking a lot of water ^^ Also if you have just a little bit of room on the floor, doing 5 minutes or doing 2-5 sets of 5-20 crunches a day is a good start to working on your core/burning core fat Smile
ps: biking is such a nice work out!

(24-04-2016, 04:53 PM)missboobshirt Wrote:  If space is an issue then I think when it gets warmer going outside is a good idea Smile keep in mind all you really need to do is burn fat, so drinking a lot of water ^^ Also if you have just a little bit of room on the floor, doing 5 minutes or doing 2-5 sets of 5-20 crunches a day is a good start to working on your core/burning core fat Smile
ps: biking is such a nice work out!

We don't even have THAT much room inside the house! We really are VERY crowded by junk here. Between that junk, and plants that have to be kept inside for the winter, we have no space. When the plants finally go back outside until next winter we'll be replacing them with mountains of boxes, we already have a couple box mountains as it is.

Outside really is the only option, and it's not warm enough for that yet. Even though it'll be warm enough to put the plants out, it still won't be warm enough for me to be doing stuff outside without bundling up, which makes it kinda impossible to work out if you're all bundled up.

(24-04-2016, 05:04 PM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(24-04-2016, 04:53 PM)missboobshirt Wrote:  If space is an issue then I think when it gets warmer going outside is a good idea Smile keep in mind all you really need to do is burn fat, so drinking a lot of water ^^ Also if you have just a little bit of room on the floor, doing 5 minutes or doing 2-5 sets of 5-20 crunches a day is a good start to working on your core/burning core fat Smile
ps: biking is such a nice work out!

We don't even have THAT much room inside the house! We really are VERY crowded by junk here. Between that junk, and plants that have to be kept inside for the winter, we have no space. When the plants finally go back outside until next winter we'll be replacing them with mountains of boxes, we already have a couple box mountains as it is.

Outside really is the only option, and it's not warm enough for that yet. Even though it'll be warm enough to put the plants out, it still won't be warm enough for me to be doing stuff outside without bundling up, which makes it kinda impossible to work out if you're all bundled up.

rebounder? walking /jogging on the spot? Only need to take a few steps forward and a few steps back at the right speed. I have a "walking" dvd and all it is, is walking on the spot, front back, side, kicks, side steps, all you can do inside in a sport space.

I don't know what you're talking about with a rebounder... I've always had difficulty trying to walk/jog/run in place without actually moving... Back when I was in grade school and that was part of phys ed occasionally instead of having us run actual laps I'd always wind up actually going forward quite a ways without even realizing it, and before I'd realize it was happening, I'd be almost bumping into someone else.

(24-04-2016, 09:55 PM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I don't know what you're talking about with a rebounder... I've always had difficulty trying to walk/jog/run in place without actually moving... Back when I was in grade school and that was part of phys ed occasionally instead of having us run actual laps I'd always wind up actually going forward quite a ways without even realizing it, and before I'd realize it was happening, I'd be almost bumping into someone else.

Well honestly you get a good workout with Leslie's vids. You need to be able to take a few steps forwards and sideways.
A rebounder is a mini trampoline

(24-04-2016, 10:13 PM)ellacraig Wrote:  
(24-04-2016, 09:55 PM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  I don't know what you're talking about with a rebounder... I've always had difficulty trying to walk/jog/run in place without actually moving... Back when I was in grade school and that was part of phys ed occasionally instead of having us run actual laps I'd always wind up actually going forward quite a ways without even realizing it, and before I'd realize it was happening, I'd be almost bumping into someone else.

Well honestly you get a good workout with Leslie's vids. You need to be able to take a few steps forwards and sideways.
A rebounder is a mini trampoline

Leslie Sansone, right? Hehehe. She's she's adorable! So quirky and encouraging! I workout "with" her, too-- once in a blue moon. My favorite walk in place work-out is with my air-stepper.

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