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its all in our heads


I suppose I am alone in agreeing with some of his points. I won't bother trying to discuss it here since everyone seems hostile to the idea of increased mental care, and because I'm more of a nbe lurker than an active member of the community, so I think my opinion can stay with me.

(03-05-2016, 07:02 PM)The Annalyst Wrote:  I suppose I am alone in agreeing with some of his points. I won't bother trying to discuss it here since everyone seems hostile to the idea of increased mental care, and because I'm more of a nbe lurker than an active member of the community, so I think my opinion can stay with me.

Oh, I know I need to be seeing a psychologist. I need to be seeing one for the plethora of other issues that stem from gender dysphoria, not the gender dysphoria. For the gender dysphoria I need to be seeing an endo, a laser technician, an electrologist, and, eventually, a plastic surgeon.

And, yes, sadly, I do not have access to any care, let alone mental care, or all the physical needs. But no, mental care is already wayyyyy too overemphasized when it comes to us. Even the shrinks who know better still treat gender dysphoria itself as something we need to see them about. No, you dumb fucking quacks, we need to see you for all the problems that stem from our gender dysphoria. The only thing that can fix the dysphoria is to transition however fucking far we have to. In my case, as far as is possible. For now, neovagina is as far as is possible, hopefully, within my lifetime, a real one can be made from my stem cells.

Truth is everyone is on a wide ranging scale of experience and no one fits conveniently in a box of another's making (or even in that of one's own). The closer we become to embracing our true selves, the more comfortable in our own skins we will be.

it would be intersting to see how he`d try and reconcile the irrefutable evidence of Many MRI type scans that actually Show there is a brain difference between trans people and their cis counterparts.

he wants `Evidence based`, well there`s Evidence Smile

Me... I`ll stick to Real Science!

He says that it hasn't been ruled out that having trans fantasies can change the brain's structure like watching porn does.

(05-05-2016, 03:24 AM)Candace Wrote:  He says that it hasn't been ruled out that having trans fantasies can change the brain's structure like watching porn does.

Isn't that the same as saying if you force somebody to watch gay porn videos, they will eventually turn gay?

How does he counter the fact most of us have felt like this since before pre school, no fantasies or peer pressure involved.

I think he's one of the people who says 80% of trans children spontaneously outgrow it.

Quote:What is needed now is public clamor for coherent science—biological and therapeutic science—examining the real effects of these efforts to “support” transgendering

well then, if more coherent science is needed for transgendering , (lmao) let's stop calling it a fetish, and 'ering. Just a personal observation, did the good doctor have a man crush for the former olympic decathlon champion?.........not once did he acknowledge Jenners current name change (Caitlyn), idol worship?, somebody peed on his wheaties, maybe Caitlyn. (Sorry) Rolleyes

Quote: Olympic decathlon champion, is turning away from his titular identity as one of the “world’s greatest male athletes.”

The bio-science is there, " public calmor " should be focused (researched) by why motor nuerons are changed by brain aromatase, where more than likely the fetish (call it aromatase signaling) are synthesized. The hypothalmus/pituitary axis shouldn't be overlooked as well.

From reading all the posts, it is extremely obvious that it is ALL IN OUR HEADS. It is just not he way the the over educated twit proposed in the article that was initially referenced.

Yes there is something going on in our heads that makes us who we are. Unfortunately, no one has ever done enough research with a large enough sample over a long period of time to identify the million and one factors that contribute to why we are wired the way we are.

Every one of us who is going through transition, or fighting the demons of accepting our transgender selves, or who simply want to look and feel more feminine that the societal norm has a different set of circumstances that has caused our brains to work and think the way they do. Some is nature. Some is nurture. How much varies with the individual. Because there are so many variables in the equation there is no way to control the outcome successfully.

I feel the solution is simple. Just accept who you are and those of us who are the way we are. Unfortunately that is too simple and does not fit into the neat little boxes the pin heads who are running things want to be.

Sigh, so i trudge on. Accepting who I am, and hoping beyond hope the rest of the world will some day, so i can openly be who i want to be.

I yield the floor.


Well put and I bow to your wisdom.

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