(01-07-2016, 10:57 PM)Tanya Marie Squirrel Wrote: http://www.haircareetc.com/clean-your-po...-regrowth/
apparently olive oil is good for scalp too.. follow instructions to letter though...
Thanks Katie and Tanya,,
peanut butter who,d of known,, i was literally raised on the stuff, and always had a full thick head of hair..
And ill try the other stuff Tanya,, the viniger sounds right and i always have olive oil on hand.
Guys the real quandary here is i love wigs, there are just so many looks you can play with,, and i really like that.
But i think about how much i spend on them yearly and i start thinking.. maybe just my own hair is a better way to go,, no obvious seperations at the hair line,,(i havent tried lace front yet) . and i dont know what im doing wrong,, when i try to restyle one , just brush it gently into another configuration, i wind up with so many knots and tangles i have to shorten it.lol.
Is there a kind/brand of wig that lasts for years ?of semi regular use .