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Hare Raising Tail with Sofia the Bunny Pt 2


This is the 2nd part of what happened, to know how it got to this point, please read Part 1

Hare Raising Tail with Sofia the Bunny Pt1

Part II

As we are outside, I notice that the guy that was chatting up with us earlier found what he was looking for as he was walking down the street with someone.  I pointed this out to my new friend, and we both laughed.  So the evening had gotten really chilly!  I was a bit surprised as I was not expecting it to be cold!  So there we both are shivering, and I inquire where she parked, it happened to be in the same area that I had parked.  Once traffic is clear we cross the street so we can get to our cars.  I’m pretty damn cold getting to my car and get in, when my “new friend” got in the car with me on the passenger side.  I really didn't think any of it, as it was cold, I was still a bit tipsy, and really needed to warm up.  So I start the car and turn up the heater.  Took a minute since it was a rental and I had no clue what did what.  As the car warms up, we sit and chit chat a bit more.  I told her that I have to be up early and a long drive ahead.  She said she wasn’t too far and apparently has a studio or something like that 20-30 min away.  I said she was lucky in that she didn’t have far to go.

I am not sure why, or what possessed me to ask.  Perhaps some odd feeling of obligation due to the drinks that were bought, maybe just the feeling camaraderie?  Maybe I just wasn't in the right frame of mind.  I don’t know, sheer stupidity I guess, but this is what started a chain of events that may never be forgotten.

I asked her if she would like to see me lick my nipple seeing how it had seemed to spark her interest earlier in the evening.  She said that she would like to see that.  So it was a bit awkward, as I had never shown anyone my breast in person like that before.  Why did I say anything for.  So after a bit of struggle, I demo’d my ability.  Then she asked if she could see, or I think that’s what she said, and I said okay.  She leaned in and examined my breast, and then she went for it.  I was shocked, but at the same time I was caught up in the moment.  I tried to say something, but unfortunately what came out of my mouth were not words. Sad  I was swimming in a sea of emotions.  At the same time she was working on me up above, she was trying to free me down below.  I pushed her hand away, but shortly after it would return.  Though my legs were tightly pressed, she was able to eventually free me.  Angry

There was a momentary lapse when I was hit with a new sensation.  It was enough to jolt me out of my euphoric state of being.  She had started to go down on me.  After the initial shock of WTF wore off, I started to try and close my legs and push her head away, I felt a couple of mildly sharp twinges of pain as I tried to get her to stop.  I told her no that I didn’t want that, it’s not something I like or want.  I was having a difficult time trying to explain that as a female state of mind, that which is between my legs is not something I associated with well.  Unfortunately my body was not cooperating with me and was saying otherwise!  Sad  *sighs*  She did stop and resumed on my top half.  I felt like an on/off switch and the sea of emotions filled my head again.  I was a little bit less out of it, and was able to utter low uh uh for her to stop.  I am not even sure it was audible, but I took the opportunity to put myself away, and close my legs as tight as I could.  She tried to work her way back into my panties and I would push her hand away.  I was able to utter out why, and she said something but I am having trouble recalling what was said.  Sadly resistance was futile and I was freed once again.  Angry

It didn’t take long for her to resume what she was doing before.  Sad  Luckily it also didn’t take nearly as long for me to snap back to reality.  Though my squirming trying to get away was not helping the situation at all, more than likely aiding.  Angry  In my squirming resistance, I felt a few mildly sharp pains again.  Now I asked her why she kept doing that to me.  She said she wanted to make me cum.  I said no, I don’t like that, and I can’t climax that way!  Which was a lie, but I was hoping it would get her to finally stop.  The ruse was a success, that finally put a stop to it.  She said she needed to get going, and for some odd reason I apologized for not letting her do that to me.  Why I apologized to her a few times in regards to that, I don’t know.  My head was massively scrambled and I wasn’t really sure exactly how I got into this situation.  I sat in my car for quite sometime also I was struggling to hook my bra back together.  I wasn’t sure what to think, or do.  Why did I let this happen?  

I shook it off as best I could, and hurried back to my hotel where I could hopefully just sleep it off.  I hurried through the front door, and the lady attendant from Tuesday night was there again, i just hurried past as I just wanted to get to my room and end this outing already.  I get to my room, and quickly try and remove as much of the makeup as possible, I just want to go to bed.  I get it off and I decide to wash myself off down below.  In doing so, I immediately notice that something does not look right.  The left side of my skin is swollen, not tender, just puffy right below the head.  I washed the area and saw there were scrapes, son of a b*tch, skin was broken!  I was horrified, it would seem that my night out ended from bad to worse!  I of course immediately start searching the internet for information.  Most of what I found was likely a bacterial infection.  So soon?  In just an hour?  I finished up and went to bed.

A few hours later I woke up to get ready.  Was it all just a horrible nightmare?  The swelling of my skin told me otherwise.  I was still a bit out of it, and things hadn’t fully sank in.  I knew i was going to have to get an STI test.  Just how exactly was I going to explain this?  I would have to deal with that when the time came.  I was still groggy, lost and confused, things really hadn’t clicked yet.  I hurried to get to where I needed to be and pushed everything to be back of my mind. 

Luckily I was meeting up with my brother that day and it would prove to be an excellent distraction from all of this.  The rest of my day went fine, I was able to suppress everything quite well.

Saturday morning was a different story.  I talked about it with a friend in the chatroom.  Went over what had happened, not in this great of detail, but covered a lot of it.  Everything came flooding in.  How could I have been so stupid?!?!  What was I thinking?  What was wrong with me?  How did I even let this happen?  It was my own stupid fault, I brought this upon myself, and now I would have to deal with the consequences of my own stupidity.  I was filled with shame, embarrassment, humiliation, I was completely disgusted with myself.  I knew everything was my fault.  I should have known better, and yet I let it happen anyway.  So many things I should have done differently, yet it didn’t happen that way.  I cried all morning, ashamed and embarrassed, of myself and what I had become.  

I had already made up my mind the day before I was not going out again.  I felt I really needed to end this, I couldn’t do this again, I couldn’t go out again, not if I was going to be so f*cking stupid and naive that it was going to get possibly result in something quite possibly far worse.  Sadly, it is in my nature to be trusting of others.  Doesn’t help that I am an open book, so easy to read.  They say there is a sucker born every minute, and I guess I just happened to be the lucky one.  Thankfully a couple of close friends from here helped change my perspective slightly.  They both brought about valid points, while hard to disagree, I can’t help but blame myself.  I am the perfect prey for anyone.  New to the world, where all that glitters is not what it seems.  I was not prepared for what was out there, I took it for granted that things would be safe when I knew we live in an unsafe world.  I let my emotions get the better of me, instead of listening to my instincts.  

I decided then I would not ever do this again.  My next goal, if I get the chance, would be to go out normally.  Like at a mall, lunch, or dinner, something along those lines.  I would not go out alone without a friend I knew and could trust to a Bar or Club.  I would not let something like this happen to me again.  I could no longer have my pictures up, as I felt dirty, and wrong, ashamed of myself.  Somehow the topless pictures of me brought this down upon me.  I didn’t want to feel objectified, I didn’t want to be ever seen in that kind of light.  I was not some piece of meat to be had.  It really was my own fault, I did this to myself, no one else but me.

So Monday I went to the doctors to get my STI tests done.  They gave me some pills to take care of any potentials.  Hopefully I will hear back soon the results.  Even if everything comes back clean, I will have to go back in 6 months just to be sure.  Luckily my wife and I are not very intimate.  When she’s hot, I’m cold, when I’m hot she’s cold, we’re never in sync.  Also we never have unprotected sex.  Neither one of us are “fixed” and we’re done with having children.  A part of me feels that I deserve the worst, that’s what I get for playing with fire.  Then everything will come to a miserable end.  I know that is really messed up, and it is not what I want, not anywhere close.  Just somethings are hard to forget, and some things are even harder to let go.  I’ll try my hardest not to let this ruin my outlook on my future, but until all tests come back clean, I’ll have that dark cloud hanging over me.

I’m sorry to be a disappointment to any of you that follow me.  I hope you never make the same mistakes I have made, and hopefully people will learn from my mistakes.

Oh Sophia- I am so sorry this happened.  Please try not to beat yourself up over it, or let it dim your light.  You did not cause this- the person that took advantage of  your trust and good nature did this and is responsible.  My heart goes out to you.

I'm speechless. I was already committed to never drinking alcohol, but now I'm even more committed.

Where is the sense in this kind of thing? How could someone who seemed so understanding be so predatory, especially to someone like themself?

It's not fair, not fair at all.

there is one piece of good news though, which you probably already know.

It's almost impossible to get HIV from a bite wound, It's only happened once, and that was because the person's mouth who bit the other was full of blood. Saliva does not transmit HIV.

Still that's a far cry from being a silver lining.

I'm really sorry this happened to you. Please take it easy, ok?

Oh my sofia what the heck did you get your self into. I hope everything on the STD side comes back clean, its obvious this lady was not "nice" at all.

Its also disconcerning that not only did have enough to drink to cloud your mind, you actually drove like that too .... Tusk Tusk.
You are a very bad Bunny.

Joking aside, I hope everything works out, God forbid if the wife ever got wind of this.

Crikey Sofia,

When you said it was bad I thought you had had a brush with the fuzz (police!) I didnt think it would be any worse than that!

Hope it doesnt put you off going out again - it would be better to go out for a less risky experience out i.e. a lunch etc, but am sure you will build up the confidence to go out for the evening again - maybe just not drink alcohol though so you have a clear head (and especially not if you are driving!) although after Sunday I cant really lecture anyone about drugs and alcohol!.  I dont think you should blame yourself though, to me it just sounds like you met a very bad person - maybe thats how they get their thrills but who knows maybe they just set out to cause harm for whatever reason!

Hope the wounds heal up and all is well with your test - I cant see any reason for it not to be okay.  I winced reading that part - had an ex who used to a little toothy which wasnt a lot of fun although that came without the other worries!

It has made me realise that going out by myself in the evening probably isnt the best idea.... I am a big girl but a few drinks and I wouldnt be able to put up much of a fight! That said I am not really into the whole scene thing anyway although sadly thats the safest way to be able to fully let my hair down.  I will be sure not to offer the information to anyone though that I can lick my own nipples when I do go out though just in case!


Sofia, are you sure they were JUST drinks?  Back in the day when I drank, it would take 6 - 7 rum and cokes for me to "loose" myself.  She might of slipped a little help into them???


I'm sorry this happened to you. There are reasons women don't usually go to a bar alone. In my many experiences going to one as a guy, there was almost always, to my dismay, a friend who would pull any girl who was interested in me away before anything happened...


yes those were my thoughts


naughty bunny


Thank you everyone for your kind responses.  Honestly, this was the hardest thing for me to do, write about what had happened.  I figured I was signing my own death certificate and expected the worst.  I thought for sure I would be ridiculed, ostracized, or blamed further than I've already blamed myself.  I had been working on getting this out since Sunday, but it was very difficult to focus on this.  How does one sit down and write about an adventure that took a dark and scary detour.  Especially when you feel that you're the one to blame.  If I hadn't done this, or said that, or did this differently, maybe things would have turned out differently?   Huh Huh Huh   A world of what if's and possibilities that will never truly be known.

Looking back little things keep popping back into my head.  For instance, for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why the hell the alcohol hit me so hard. I know I rarely drink, maybe the 3rd time this year, but my tolerance for alcohol when I have drank is pretty damn high.  5-7 drinks, several shots, and I'm still good.  No hangovers, no blackouts, I always remember everything I did.  It was brought to my attention that perhaps it is due to the changes I am going through, but that just didn't sound right to me.  Well this morning it finally clicked.  In my haste to get ready and go out, I never ate dinner.  Last I had eaten was at lunch time.  Just one more stupid thing I did that day/night.

My intentions in writing this was two fold, first, I needed to get this out of me.  Writing it out has been most helpful, and talking about it has helped tremendously.  Bit by bit I am piecing back everything.  Secondly, I wanted people to be aware.  Don't get caught up in the moment, yes, it can be scary and nerve racking, but take it easy.  I know, easier said than done, just take a few deep breaths and take a moment to refocus.  Be mindful of where you are, and who you are with.  Know that there are people out there that will take advantage of an opportunity.  If possible don't go alone, go with someone you know.  There is safety in numbers.  I had a false sense of security thinking that I was safe from potential predators with the person I was hanging out with, unfortunately I was mistaken.  Though I suppose things could have gone much, much worse, and I am grateful that it didn't.

I am getting better mentally with each passing day.  I am okay talking about it.  I've shed my fair share of tears and quite possibly more to come from time to time.  All part of the healing process I suppose.  I started working on a lessons learned in the chatroom on Saturday, but I think I need to put those somewhere a bit more beneficial.  So hopefully when I have some time, I can add to it on this post.

Re: Allyson - From the bottom of my heart, thank you! Chatting with you last night helped tremendously.  I spent too long focusing on writing about the events, I had drifted into a dark and dreadful place.  Thank you for help shedding some light.  *HUGS*

Re: Th3saurus - Thank you for that silver lining.  While I realize the chances are ultra slim, there's still that possibility.  The doctor is testing for it, and wants me to go back in 6 months to retest.  The suspense is killing waiting to hear back the results of Monday's test.  Hopefully today, or tomorrow.  *SIGHS*  If you don't drink, don't start, it really isn't needed.  As I said, I don't normally drink, which is probably why I forgot about not drinking on an empty stomach.  I was just so nervous, excited, enthralled, etc. being out as Sofia I had hoped a drink would calm things down.  But honestly drinking really isn't my thing.  I am naturally wired, hyper, and a tad bit crazy, I really don't need anything to release that.  Sure it will take me a little while to open up especially in new surroundings, and outside of my element, but once I do, watch out!!  Tongue

Re: Jannet - Ha ha ha, thanks Jannet, humor cures what ails ya right?  Bad Bunny indeed.   Wink  Regarding my drinking, I was already well on my way to sobering up.  The shock of what happened really sobered me up as well.  Plus I sat there in my car for quite sometime.  Enough time for me to realize that there were plenty of cars still around for well past closing.  Plus I know I had seen people getting into their cars as I was getting into mine, yet they were still there.   Huh Huh Huh   I left shortly after some of those people left.   Regarding my wife, if it comes to be, it comes to be.  I hope she would be understanding, but I doubt it.  She's not one to forget easily, would be just one more thing to use against me and hold over me till the end of times.  She's wonderful about stuff like that. "Yes I forgive you", then in an argument, BAM, sucker punches me with it.  If it had happened under any other circumstances, it would be mildly easier to talk about.  But the way it happened, I am up a creek without a paddle.  It would be quite a bit of explaining and revealing.   Sad

Re: Megan - Thank you Megan for the response.  If it had been the fuzz, I would have definitely mentioned it in the chatroom.  That, I am sure would have been a lot more entertaining.  So yeah, that's kind of why I was being very cryptic about it.  I wasn't exactly comfortable talking about it, and I didn't want really say too much without fully explaining how I got in the situation in the first place. But, it's done, I can talk about it now and hopefully accept the things that happened, and let myself heal.  Will I go out again?  Possibly, perhaps I will in time.  If you read the first part of the evening, I was having a wonderful time.  It was a fabulous experience, that's mostly why I separated this in two parts, the good, from the bad.  I hope I haven't scared anyone from trying this experience, just learn from my mistakes.  Smile Like I said, I need to list out my lessons learned regarding my two outings.

Re: iaboy - While I don't believe my drinks were tampered with, I could be mistaken.  But I am pretty sure the drinks were fine.  As I mentioned earlier, I believe the reason the drinks hit me so quickly was because I hadn't eaten since early afternoon.  So not a good thing for me.

Re: Paula - Thank you Paula for responding.  So I was never one to go out to Bar/Clubs, so not only what this new experience for me regarding going out as Sofia, it was a new experience for me to be out and about at a Bar/Club, especially alone.  The few times I went out, it was always with a large group of friends, and we socialized with one another.  

Re: Julie - Hello Julie, as I mentioned to iaboy, I believe it was lack of eating that caused the alcohol to affect me so quickly.  *sighs*  I wasn't going for naughty.  I wasn't seeking to get laid, or play, or anything in that regards.  I just wanted to find someone I could talk to and be myself around.  But I realize now, I was NOT in the right place for something like that.  *sighs*

Other than my previous statement, I suggest you look at my post of yesterday.  Towards the end I address "going out with a friend".

Girls Night Out

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