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Good News!


Well.... Good news, bad news, and "meh" news.

Good News: My Endocrinologist finally caved in and prescribed me the PATCH! WOOHOO!

Bad News: My insurance company is being a **** and won't cover it. It's $100 USD per month.

"meh" News: There's a good chance they can talk it over with my insurance company and get them to cover it. Good chance, but not a guarantee.

     What kind of results can I expect from the trans-dermal E patch, and exactly how is it superior to the pills? I know there was a thread that covered this but I can't seem to find it. ADHD is a jerk when you're trying to find things.

Ask for a supervisor and then tell them GD is a psychiatric diagnosis. Also GD is a disability.  Under title 9 ADA and Title 22 you cant be discriminated against.  A Women with perimenopause gets the same perscription. For the same condition hormone replacement.  

You have the right under mediation in your health csre contract to demand a third part mediator.  You may have to be the first person in your health care company to pay a co pay for GD meds.  Ask for remuneration ask for your premium refunded.

hi i want too to get patch 
i heard that its ok to be with patchs without any blockers thats correct?

(12-01-2017, 05:38 PM)GamerGuy Wrote:  Well.... Good news, bad news, and "meh" news.

Good News: My Endocrinologist finally caved in and prescribed me the PATCH! WOOHOO!

Bad News: My insurance company is being a **** and won't cover it. It's $100 USD per month.

"meh" News: There's a good chance they can talk it over with my insurance company and get them to cover it. Good chance, but not a guarantee.

     What kind of results can I expect from the trans-dermal E patch, and exactly how is it superior to the pills? I know there was a thread that covered this but I can't seem to find it. ADHD is a jerk when you're trying to find things.

GG, my wife work changed Rx Plans over the new year...  B.S.  I was getting Vivelle Dot patches for $10.50 USD per month.  New plan it's $75 after taxes.  Of course, they said I could switch to the Mylan product, but it's once a week, and the patch is the size of a peach. (the vivelle's size was 1/2 by 1 inch as comparison)  Also, very few positive reviews in regards to Mylan.

Anyways....  I stopped herbs for 4 months cause I wanted a good baseline on hormones and other blood components for my regular Doctor and GD.  As normal, I lost a full cup size.  Within 2 weeks after starting the patch, I gained almost all of that back.  After a full month, I gained an additional 3/8" of bust size.  And, all of this on a .05mcg dose rate per day.  The GD said that dose rate is about 1mg of tablet form, and patches  much better on liver and almost no history of blood clots.

(26-01-2017, 05:56 AM)natanel1993 Wrote:  hi i want too to get patch 
i heard that its ok to be with patchs without any blockers thats correct?

Only if you have no testicles.  Otherwise you have to use higher rate patches which can cause problems.

Still no approval. Not denied either. Just no news at all yet... No news is better than bad news?

(29-01-2017, 12:42 AM)GamerGuy Wrote:  Still no approval. Not denied either. Just no news at all yet... No news is better than bad news?

I take it to mean, there is still hope!

Finally! My insurance company finally pulled it's head out of it's backside and approved full coverage for the estradiol patch! I feel like a kid at Christmas time! Now the journey REALLY begins!

(13-02-2017, 11:46 PM)GamerGuy Wrote:  Finally! My insurance company finally pulled it's head out of it's backside and approved full coverage for the estradiol patch! I feel like a kid at Christmas time! Now the journey REALLY begins!

Told ya so!

(13-02-2017, 11:46 PM)GamerGuy Wrote:  Finally! My insurance company finally pulled it's head out of it's backside and approved full coverage for the estradiol patch! I feel like a kid at Christmas time! Now the journey REALLY begins!

Was I any help?

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