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Project X (hrt)

Hmmm, the banana stuff is interesting. I realise they are talking banana skin, not pulp, but I've always loved banana's and I've had at least one, pretty much every day for the last 60 years. Guess what? I also have BPH!!!

(09-02-2017, 07:32 AM)Pansy-Mae Wrote:  Hmmm, the banana stuff is interesting. I realise they are talking banana skin, not pulp, but I've always loved banana's and I've had at least one, pretty much every day for the last 60 years. Guess what? I also have BPH!!!

Maybe you need more bananas?  Shy I saw a YouTube fella claiming he eats about 9-10 bananas a day (for years) and has no ill effects.......he's very fit too. I'll have to find that video.

Also shared at BreastNexus:

(22-02-2017, 08:00 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Proline-, glutamic acid-, and leucine-rich protein-1 (PELP1/MNAR) are estrogen receptor (ER) co-regulators, egg whites are an example of Leucine. Proline is an imino acid (technically), but can be made by glutamic acid........who knew it's an estrogen receptor co-regulator? we do now. Big Grin 

Vitamin A (retinol) is pro-aromatase, castor oil is one example of vitamin A, (some Aloe Vera burn gel 
have vitamin A...hint hint?).

I see soy has some limiting collagen effects, but honestly I'd stay away from soy considering how it destroys the's weak at stimulating estrogen receptors (which is why you need so much of it to have some benefit). I also wouldn't take soy if your estrogen production is near normal....which has a reverse effect to lowering estrogen, while peploe with low estrogen production might see some (albeit cyclical results) raising estrogen.

Review of Retinoid Biology: Part 2 (Increases production of hyaluronic acid and fibronectin)
Mariana Phillips, MD. (Updated July 2015*)


Slow peptide bond formation by proline and other N-alkylamino acids in translation.
Pavlov MY1Watts RETan ZCornish VWEhrenberg MForster AC.
Author information

Proteins are made from 19 aa and, curiously, one N-alkylamino acid ("imino acid"), proline (Pro). Pro is thought to be incorporated by the translation apparatus at the same rate as the 19 aa, even though the alkyl group in Pro resides directly on the nitrogen nucleophile involved in peptide bond formation. Here, by combining quench-flow kinetics and charging of tRNAs with cognate and noncognate amino acids, we find that Pro incorporates in translation significantly more slowly than Phe or Ala and that other N-alkylamino acids incorporate much more slowly. Our results show that the slowest step in incorporation of N-alkylamino acids is accommodation/peptidyl transfer after GTP hydrolysis on EF-Tu. The relative incorporation rates correlate with expectations from organic chemistry, suggesting that amino acid sterics and basicities affect translation rates at the peptidyl transfer step. Cognate isoacceptor tRNAs speed Pro incorporation to rates compatible with in vivo, although still 3-6 times slower than Phe incorporation from Phe-tRNA(Phe) depending on the Pro codon. Results suggest that Pro is the only N-alkylamino acid in the genetic code because it has a privileged cyclic structure that is more reactive than other N-alkylamino acids. Our data on the variation of the rate of incorporation of Pro from native Pro-tRNA(Pro) isoacceptors at 4 different Pro codons help explain codon bias not accounted for by the "tRNA abundance" hypothesis.

Proline P (Pro)

Newest Research on Why You Should Avoid Soy


Retinoid acids promote the action of aromatase and 17 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 on the biosynthesis of 17 -estradiol in placental cells

The biosynthesis of 17 -estradiol (E2) in human placenta involves the actions of aromatase and 17 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (17HSD1). Aromatase, an enzyme complex comprised of P450aromatase (P450arom) and NADH-cytochrome P450 reductase, converts androgens to estrogens, whereas 17HSD1 catalyzes the reduction of estrone to E2. In the present study, the effects of retinoic acids (RAs) on P450arom and 17HSD1 expression in placental cells were investigated. Treatment with all-trans-RA (at-RA) or 9cis-RA increased E2 production in JEG-3 chorio- carcinoma cells and cytotrophoblast (CTB) cells isolated from normal early placentas. Meanwhile, the activity of aromatase and expression of P450arom mRNA were induced by at-RA in JEG-3 cells. Northern blot analysis showed that the effect on P450arom mRNA expression occurs in a dose- and time-dependent fashion. Similar to at-RA and 9cis-RA, Ro40–6055, the retinoic acid receptor (RAR )-selective activator, increased the expression.

Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2008 Aug 13;290(1-2):2-7. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2008.04.019. Epub 2008 May 13.
PELP1--a novel estrogen receptor-interacting protein.
Brann DW1, Zhang QG, Wang RM, Mahesh VB, Vadlamudi RK.
Author information

PELP1 (proline-, glutamic acid-, and leucine-rich protein-1) is a novel estrogen receptor (ER)-interacting protein that has been implicated to be important for mediation of both the genomic and nongenomic signaling of 17beta-estradiol (E2). PELP1 contains ten nuclear receptor-interacting boxes (LXXLL motifs), which allow it to interact with ER and other nuclear hormone receptors, a zinc finger, a glutamic acid-rich domain, and two proline-rich domains. The proline-rich regions contain several consensus PXXP motifs, which allow PELP1 to couple the ER with SH3 domain-containing kinase signaling proteins, such as Src and PI3K P85 regulatory subunit. PELP1 is expressed in many different brain regions, including the hippocampus, hypothalamus, and cerebral cortex. Further work has demonstrated that PELP1 is colocalized with ER-alpha in neurons in various brain regions. PELP1 is primarily expressed in neurons, with some expression also observed in glia. Subcellular localization studies revealed that PELP1 is highly localized in the cell nucleus of neurons, with some cytoplasm localization as well, and PELP1 is also localized at synaptic sites. Work in other tissues has demonstrated that PELP1 is critical for nongenomic and genomic signaling by E2, as PELP1 knockdown studies significantly attenuates E2-induced activation of ERK and Akt signaling pathways, and inhibits E2 genomic transcriptional effects on gene expression in breast cancer cells. Preliminary studies in the brain, suggests that similar roles may exist for PELP1 in the brain, but this remains to be established, and further work to characterize the precise roles and functions of PELP1 in the brain are needed.
PMID: 18571832 PMCID: PMC2578818 DOI: 10.1016/j.mce.2008.04.019

So Lotus - 50% increase in only a couple of weeks?!!!  And folks are not freaking out on that?!!!  I want to know brands for the olive oil and Aloe - how many fingers and what pattern of swirl you got going on for those kinds of gains!!!

Are you using anything else in the Olive/Aloe mixture?

and PS: Avatar is OMG!

(10-03-2017, 03:33 PM)bunnysdead Wrote:  So Lotus - 50% increase in only a couple of weeks?!!!  And folks are not freaking out on that?!!!  I want to know brands for the olive oil and Aloe - how many fingers and what pattern of swirl you got going on for those kinds of gains!!!

Are you using anything else in the Olive/Aloe mixture?

and PS: Avatar is OMG!

Lol, you found it.  Wink  Between the two BN sites maybe about 15-20,000 views have seen it or read about it, out of that 8-10 people have asked questions about it. If even one person benefits from it that's cool, the main I share details about breast growth is that it has to be beneficial for me.

On breast massages I've used the following techniques from the beginning. This thread (in parts) is  highly technical.....I didn't intend it that way, it just kinda (lol) developed that way. Attached is another tip about fat energy.....useful for breast growth (imo). 

(21-11-2014, 09:02 AM)Lotus Wrote:  The massages I do, 

1) While in a seated position, arms rested at your side and hands on your thighs.
2) Now raise your arms (elbows) as high as you can while keeping your hands on your thighs.
3) Then slowly squeeze your arms back down to your sides while adding pressure.(As if you had a ball under your arms and your simulating squeezing that ball as hard as you can on the way back down)
4) Do 3 sets of 10 ea. (or more if you can)
(Use a ball if it works better) Wink


Another massage
Also been working this Breast massage/exercise:
* With your hand grab your breast from your side, pull it towards the center of your chest, now hold and flex for 2-3 seconds or longer if you can, repeat up to 10 times!
* Try it with your palms pushing your breasts towards the center, as if your trying to touch your nipples together, now interlock your fingers together, using your hands squeeze like a cupping motion, also flex your pec's (tighten) at the same or alternate hand/pecs....up to 10 times.


Training the pectorals, the pectoralis major and minor (the chest "pecs") are the muscles that lie directly underneath the the breasts. As these muscles get bigger, they can push breast tissue upwards and outwards, providing visual volume, and resulting in a "perkier" appearance. 


I've been doing my own version of an Isometric chest contraction, but for the purpose of demonstration, follow the first part of the video. This can be done anytime, standing or sitting, that's what is so perfect about it, no weights or mats.

No equipment needed chest exercise

(22-12-2015, 10:29 PM)Lotus Wrote:  
(22-12-2015, 10:09 PM)hannah Wrote:  Hi Lotus, I was reading this:

Available research suggests that doses of more than 25 milligrams of lycopene daily may lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol and total cholesterol. Although this is promising, more high-quality research is needed in this area.

And I thought about the 'fat in fat out' sentence in the big post up here, could this be of help?.... Lowering ldl helps fat storage? Or is this totally off route..bc im already on green tea and coconutoil etc. Im searching for something new..

Hi Hannah, 

This fat in/fat out is what I think that FAT Flux does for our fat cells, meaning that energy from new fat is used within that hour, in others words fuel for breasts cells to synthesize new growth. This is just a theory (lol, mine), but, I see the science, now extrapolating into NBE is the tough part. Emulsification in the intestines (or should I say, better Emulsification) is tied to progesterone and testosterone, (through a network of enzymes), I know, more complexity. Rolleyes however, insulin is the master control here, imo. Green tea helps in burning fat, (I think other fat supps can be helpful too), which can help fight LDL. Exercising can also benefit getting rid of storing the new fat. However, stored fats house estrogen, isn't that a huge potential to burn that stored estrogen?, I would think so considering we continue to add more and more phytoestrogens/estradiol. Studies show that the half life in E2 (Pharma) is present for days, so we may not think E2 is working (so I take more) but it's still working despite not feeling any therapeutic edge. TTYL Smile

It is also possible for fat cells to take up glucose and amino acids, which have been absorbed into the bloodstream after a meal, and convert those into fat molecules. The conversion of carbohydrates or protein into fat is 10 times less efficient than simply storing fat in a fat cell, but the body can do it. If you have 100 extra calories in fat (about 11 grams) floating in your bloodstream, fat cells can store it using only 2.5 calories of energy. On the other hand, if you have 100 extra calories in glucose (about 25 grams) floating in your bloodstream, it takes 23 calories of energy to convert the glucose into fat and then store it. Given a choice, a fat cell will attach itself to existing fat and store it rather than the carbohydrates because fat is so much easier to store, plus it likes it that way.....stubborn aren't they?.

How Fat Cells Work
Apologies to the pm's i have yet to respond to, I'm working on it.  Blush

Lotus, I started the olive oil and aloe massages today. I'm totally with you on this one! I love the combo!  Big Grin Blush Breasts feel heavy and full! Are you doing this at a particular time of day each day? Are you doing the messages every day? Thanks as always!

(13-03-2017, 03:54 AM)Marcy Wrote:  Lotus, I started the olive oil and aloe massages today. I'm totally with you on this one! I love the combo!  Big Grin Blush Breasts feel heavy and full! Are you doing this at a particular time of day each day? Are you doing the messages every day? Thanks as always!


I really like the glow of this combo on the breasts, it is after all the same components of transdermal E2 patches, minus the E2. But in this approach human fat (Oleic acid) and polymers help extend and prevents cells from losing vitality to work effectively for breast growth.

Schedule permitting is when I do it, I've got it down to about 10 min application w/massage. Whatever hasn't been absorbed (or dried) I use corn starch (lavender scent, lol). The Aloe Vera is a mild laxative, so you may not want that everyday, olive oil I use just about everyday (mostly internally). I saw peanut oil as being another oil because of how travels in a certain pathway stimulating epidermal growth factor. 

Sorry, I missed the brand type bunnysdead-I believe the olive oil has to be cold pressed, the Aloe Vera has lidocaine and vitamins A and vitamins. Store brand for both should be sufficient.

whats the ratio on the two oils thanks

(16-03-2017, 10:49 PM)sexless6969 Wrote:  whats the ratio on the two oils thanks

Hi sexless6969, 

For best results (in my case) I find the ratio needs to be equal parts, olive oil goes on first followed by aloe vera.

Oleic acid: its effects on stratum corneum in relation to (trans)dermal drug delivery.
Francoeur ML1, Golden GM, Potts RO.
Author information

Calorimetric studies with porcine stratum corneum (SC) have shown that the lipid phase transitions associated with the intercellular bilayers are markedly affected by treatment with oleic acid. Specifically, the transition temperatures ™ and cooperativity are reduced, whereas no effect was observed on the endotherm associated with keratin denaturation, suggesting that oleic acid primarily affects the SC lipids. The decrease in the lipid-associated Tm's was further correlated with the amount of oleic acid taken up by the SC. Parallel experiments with silastic implied that the uptake is dependent on the thermodynamic activity of oleic acid in the vehicle itself. The in vitro transport of Piroxicam across human and hairless mouse skin (HMS) was significantly enhanced by oleic acid, as a function of the extent of oleic acid uptake, with an attendant change in Tm. These results emphasize the role of SC lipids in percutaneous absorption. Transport also depended on the donor concentration of ionized drug suggesting that the enhanced transport mechanism cannot be accounted for solely on the principles of the classical pH-partition hypothesis. Accordingly, a model of skin permeability enhancement involving solid-fluid phase separation within the SC lipids is proposed for oleic acid, consistent with the existing phospholipid literature. In conjunction with the use of oleic acid as an enhancer, very soluble hydrophilic salts were recognized as key factors in attaining maximum delivery. Oleic acid uptake, lipid delta Tm, and enhanced drug flux were all found to correlate, exhibiting a bell-shaped curve as a function of the ethanol vehicle concentration. Therefore, uptake and/or DSC experiments are useful for formulating enhanced topical delivery systems.

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