14-06-2017, 03:38 PM
Somewhere a while ago, I read if you do FG that there's less changes in your aerolas. Is this true? I'd love to have tiny breasts, ones that I can conceal easily or go swimming shirtless with, disguising them as more of slight pecs or tiny manboobs. However, it appears the biggest giveaway to breasts are them being pointy or tubular. How can I prevent this? Fenugreek and SP? I'm okay with some changes in my aerolas, but I just mainly don't want them to be too large or pointy. Mainly, I'm interested in the breast tissue itself.
Also, any ways you recommend to get breasts like these? I'm a very slim, young guy so I figure I already have a good start.
or Athletic/muscular:
Also, any ways you recommend to get breasts like these? I'm a very slim, young guy so I figure I already have a good start.
or Athletic/muscular: