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Are males staying male being scared away from this site?


A short disclaimers here: I don't want to offend anyone with this post, and I am aware that it may be controversial and/or simply prove that I am a dick.

I raised the same question indirectly in other posts and I have had replies that proved me right, even some PMs. I have a feeling that this site is drifting towards a TS oriented forum. 
Don't get me wrong: I respect TS and their struggle, that I find more important than my own fetishes, but it seems to me that this site is losing its original "mission" of putting together men that wanted to grow a pair using natural methods (read: herbs).

Nowadays "are you transitioning" is one of the first questions asked to new joiners, even before they can introduce themselves. Advices about seeing gender doctors are more and more frequent and threads about HRT are now in the home page. Yes, they are about "genetic males" but no, they are not about "NBE", that was one of the aims of this site.
My impression is that many guys that just want to grow a pair are now discouraged because in most posts they are referred to as "girls" or "gals". This can be very offputting if a man is just looking for a place to discuss the effects of herbs on his chest.
I also noticed that while the frequency of new posts and users on Ainterol's forum has increased, it has instead decreased here. 

I know that some admins are going through transition, along with many senior contributors, but I wonder if this is still the right place for guys to share their experience with NBE. "Males staying male" is now one of many categories nowadays.

Please don't read this as a way to cause a stir. I just wish that we can still ise this place as an informative safe haven for men wanting breasts without feeling the pressure to transition, which in many cases (the majority of the users here) is not what we want.

Hate to say , I agree with you.

This point has been raised to me via pm by several girls here, oops gals , or whatever we are,


Well thank you for asking, I for one am not in the TS camp. Well only in some wild fantasy, which I hasten to add will not be happening. I am content to explore a little around the edges with my fellow travelers on this strange journey of ours.

The name on the tin does say Breast Nexum, so one would expect that to be the main emphasis of the site.

I think some ask that question (are you transitioning) as they are genuinely curious about people's experiences, but have to agree, that it might be a bit much for some who would be discouraged to pursue their budding interests in growing breasts if they are given the impression that more than that is sort of assumed, expected or a given.

To me, yes the site does seem to have moved on from just growing breasts, but I think one of the issues is that there does seem to be somewhat of a lack of new things to learn in terms of going a herbal route - there is very little new to be discovered and combined with a number of people jumping onto the transition train which they didnt perhaps have any intention of doing so when they first started. 

When I first lurked on the site a couple of years ago the herbal route was the main thrust, however I think a number of people for whatever reason tried it and didnt like it or tried it and did.  I dont think most people on here (and myself) would denigrate others choices about what they choose, for me life and the choices you make are all about the individual, what is right for one is not right for others. 

One of the main things with the apparent shift in the focus of the site is that I guess that illustrates one of the risks of experimenting with pm and other non-hrt substances.  The site is still the main source of information on going a herbal route, it is completely verboten on other forums despite peoples success to the contrary, I am always happy to answer questions and provide advice as much as I can but most of the information is already here in some form. 

At the same time given the cost of PM and other associated supplments for me it is only natural that people will switch to HRT......whether this forum is the right place or not for such discussion to be is another matter, but if those who switched went elsewhere there would be a dearth of people on the forum.

Well, Breast Nexum (with an M) was born from a branch of Breast Nexus (with an S). Breast Nexus focused (and still does) on NBE and that's why I personally joined that site, and then this when it was separated. It may be that I misunderstood the aim of Breast Nexum, but at the beginning they were very similar and even here the focus was on NBE.

I don't agree on the assumption that there is little left to learn about NBE. There is plenty. And there is plenty to learn from ongoing conversations about effects on different males from different herbs in different doses. If one's experience with NBE has passed because they are now on HRT it doesn't necessarily means that others are not interested in live updates from other males using different herbs and programs.

A lot of the info on this site are here because many guys joined it when they were experimenting with herbs. If this forum turns into yet another TG/TS website, like there are many, then we'll soon just have some threads about HRT and not many about those herbs that one can buy off the counter to "self medicate" or to feel like transitioning but with weaker substances that you don't need a prescription for.

Again: I have nothing against TS. Nothing. I am happy if they are happy and I am happy that there is a space for them on this site. But I feel like the number of new posts that I see on Ainterol should instead be here. Summer has passed in the northern emisphere and this is the time when, every year, people jump back on the horse. There usually are many new users, posts, experiences about NBE at this time of the year, but not this once.

Allow me to be preoccupied.

(27-11-2017, 05:16 PM)Shirazmn Wrote:  A short disclaimers here: I don't want to offend anyone with this post, and I am aware that it may be controversial and/or simply prove that I am a dick.

I raised the same question indirectly in other posts and I have had replies that proved me right, even some PMs. I have a feeling that this site is drifting towards a TS oriented forum. 
Don't get me wrong: I respect TS and their struggle, that I find more important than my own fetishes, but it seems to me that this site is losing its original "mission" of putting together men that wanted to grow a pair using natural methods (read: herbs).

Nowadays "are you transitioning" is one of the first questions asked to new joiners, even before they can introduce themselves. Advices about seeing gender doctors are more and more frequent and threads about HRT are now in the home page. Yes, they are about "genetic males" but no, they are not about "NBE", that was one of the aims of this site.
My impression is that many guys that just want to grow a pair are now discouraged because in most posts they are referred to as "girls" or "gals". This can be very offputting if a man is just looking for a place to discuss the effects of herbs on his chest.
I also noticed that while the frequency of new posts and users on Ainterol's forum has increased, it has instead decreased here. 

I know that some admins are going through transition, along with many senior contributors, but I wonder if this is still the right place for guys to share their experience with NBE. "Males staying male" is now one of many categories nowadays.

Please don't read this as a way to cause a stir. I just wish that we can still ise this place as an informative safe haven for men wanting breasts without feeling the pressure to transition, which in many cases (the majority of the users here) is not what we want.

You can count me in the males staying male camp.  I've only made a few comments so most of my participation is lurking and learning.  I tend not to be as interested when subjects veer away from NBE.  I would love a more active MSM forum where we discuss daily experiences, issues etc.  Basically anything to do with guys who want and enjoy having breasts.  But I fear that may be a lot to ask for since anytime a man does something even remotely associated with femininity we are chastised and shamed.  Growing breasts is not a small thing like wearing a little nail polish or plucking a few hairs from a eyebrow.  For those reasons as much as I would like it I don't think that we would ever get the numbers that TS or even CD boards get.

This place just kind of evolved that way it seems.....

Lets face it, a lot of transwomen want to grow breasts, and where the trannies gather, they will discuss their own issues, I myself am guilty. That shouldn't scare other people away....but maybe we should focus more on staying on topic.....I've seen a lot of NBE threads derail into hrt threads etc......

The forum is open to genetic males seeking breast growth, this means if you're straight/bi/trans/intersex/cd/gender fluid, etc seeking breast growth you are welcome to join (or lurk) if you so choose. TG/TS has been part of B-NEXUM since its inception, if this offends anyone you are free to go elsewhere.

People come and go, and for some we never hear from them again (but hope they're ok). Some people go through a metamorphosis at B-nexum , meaning they'll start NBE and discover it's not enough, or they'll want to take things further (meaning HRT), we don't banish them just because they choose this path, they, just like straight males seeking breast growth need all the help we can give them.

 Forums go thru different phases....and that's people driven....there's no hidden agenda by any one group or another to take over (or dominant) the forum. Personally, I think some of the less than desirable social commentary turns people away.

@Lotus, I was expecting a fiery reply from you.
As I said I have nothing against TS. What I am "against" is that the intended audience of this forum seems to have shifted from NBE for men to HRT for trans people. There are many sites for TS and TG people out there, but BN was a rare gem that would focus on males growing boobs.

You are right: people come and go. And recently there have been less newcomers and more goers. An opposite trend compared to similar sites, and I fear that, having focused on TS people, if a man that wants breasts joins BN he will quickly leave because the transgender pressure is high.

Forums go through different phases, like their admins. This doesn't mean that those users still anchored to the original meaning of the site must be happy about it. I am just venting my sadness for seeing my category, MsM, slowly disappearing and not because they move to the TS side.
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