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PM or FG, SP, RC?


So I am wanting to begin, through a bunch of research here in the forums ive seen people split 50/50 as far as which Avenue to go down
1. Just begin and start with PM and maybe some SP
2. Start with FG SP RC to lay the groundwork and then go to PM

I'm fine either way I just want to know which way I should go

Red Reishi Mushroom is a far superior anti androgen than saw palmetto.

If I were beginning again, I'd begin with where I began: PM. And still wouldn't put much emphasis on anti androgens either.

Fenugreek is nice as an add on, but in liquid extract form used topically. 

Good luck.

Thank you both so much!

Another thing that I'm worried about is losing my libido, does fenugreek help with that?

It’s a thin line tight rope walk to try and maintain libido. Boobs grow best when testosterone is limited, and T gives erections. It’s practically one or the other. I took extended breaks to help recover libido. It’s difficult to do. FG is a great Prolactin source. It’s also can lower your blood sugar, so be careful. FG with Saponins has worked well for me. Lots of people have had success like VoD has referred to. Had I’d known what I know now, I would have added MSM a looong time ago, and I probably would have had better early success if I had started focusing on boosting Growth Hormone earlier. It would serve you well to study the Breast Growing Notes thread, in the ‘herbal enhancement’ Sub-Forum. Also, Breast Massage & Fat Brushing definitely works.

(10-07-2019, 05:22 AM)Stevenator Wrote:  It’s a thin line tight rope walk to try and maintain libido. Boobs grow best when testosterone is limited, and T gives erections. It’s practically one or the other. I took extended breaks to help recover libido. It’s difficult to do. FG is a great Prolactin source. It’s also can lower your blood sugar, so be careful. FG with Saponins has worked well for me. Lots of people have had success like VoD has referred to. Had I’d known what I know now, I would have added MSM a looong time ago, and I probably would have had better early success if I had started focusing on boosting Growth Hormone earlier. It would serve you well to study the Breast Growing Notes thread, in the ‘herbal enhancement’ Sub-Forum. Also, Breast Massage & Fat Brushing definitely works.

For someone relatively new to all of this can you dumb it down for me?

Prolactin (a natural hormone but also from Fenugreek abbreviated FG) along with Estrogen or phytoestrogens from Pueraria Mirifica (PM) will help grow your boobs. But prolactin and estrogen/phytoestrogens will also most likely diminish your male libido. Fat brushing is a technique whereby you literally pull at your fat from other areas up/down into your breast area in the hopes of mobilizing the fat deposits to the breasts, and breast massage is exactly what it sounds like. Good for blood flow and health.

If you want an easy option to start with, try a 500mg capsule of PM a day for 4 weeks and see how you like it. The journey is both scary and exciting. You may find you like it for a while, get scared and quit for a while, come back to's ok, it's a very personal matter. Read up on old topics and in time you'll find a regimen that suits you.

FG SP and RC is training wheels NBE. you get a little feel for growth and development but for most, not much growth happens.

PM is the real deal. You will get breasts on PM. A PM program can be enhanced with RR and WP, and there are a great variety of supplemental things that can help the process, but at the core of the program is PM.

If you want to maintain a libido, maca and horny goat weed help. Your junk is a use it or lose it situation when you go on PM.

Re: Fenugreek and losing libido

One thing to note in this regard is that some of the most highly advertised free testosterone boosters for men has Fenugreek as it's core component (for example, Nugenix with Testofen). The ads imply that you will get a boost in the bedroom. What is not clearly spelled out is that Fenugreek use will likely give some men gyno moobs as well. 

So if you're looking for the positive (libido boost) and the perceived negative (breast engorgement), you might just find a bit of both in the more potent forms of Fenugreek!

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