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Beginning PM


Hello all,

I'm 22 years old male soon to be 23 Blush and i've been taking 600mg 2x 300mg PM from Khongaherb since today !!!

Did someone ever tried that brand yet ?

Is there anything i should be concerned about and is this the right amount to see or feel some upcomming changes ♡?

How long did it take for you all ?

(05-12-2019, 11:17 PM)D_x Wrote:  Hello all,

I'm 22 years old male soon to be 23 Blush and i've been taking 600mg 2x 300mg PM from Khongaherb since today !!!

Did someone ever tried that brand yet ?

Is there anything i should be concerned about and is this the right amount to see or feel some upcomming changes ♡?

How long did it take for you all ?

22 ! ..... And going on this route. 
Seriously at such a young age don't self medicate, if you are serious about transitioning go see a good doctor.
Wish you all the best  Wink

(05-12-2019, 11:27 PM)Drew Wrote:  
(05-12-2019, 11:17 PM)D_x Wrote:  Hello all,

I'm 22 years old male soon to be 23 Blush and i've been taking 600mg 2x 300mg PM from Khongaherb since today !!!

Did someone ever tried that brand yet ?

Is there anything i should be concerned about and is this the right amount to see or feel some upcomming changes ♡?

How long did it take for you all ?

22 ! ..... And going on this route. 
Seriously at such a young age don't self medicate, if you are serious about transitioning go see a good doctor.
Wish you all the best  Wink
I may be young yes, but very intrested in seeing some changes without going to a doctor for transitioning Wink. So it would be very nice if any of you can help me out. 

Can you give me a reason why i shouldnt continue if you are against it ^^. @drew

I havent noticed any weird side effects yet, but it might still come (or not) who knows.

Thanks in advance for your help and kindness.

Dx  am not trying to be negative and would like to help. Sorry I don't have any experience with your PM supplier. My own experience, last year I was on purely PM 3000mg per day and started budding after 3 months then quit. Got scared.
This year have restarted and am totally confused with my results or lack of results so am not the best to give advice on herbal things.

But 22, I wish I had the courage at that age to accept my ........gender defect and do something about it but at 22 was already married and had 2 daughters. 

So, I would say 600 mg seems a bit low but please read posts from Lotus, if you are set on self medication, lots of great advice there, but honestly, I know it's hard, really, really hard, but at such a young age going the right way through a doctor is the best way, just wish I had that option back then. 

Just be careful Dx, and results don't happen overnight.

Not familiar with that brand and your original post didn't say anything about transitioning (so not assuming that is the initial aim).

As far as brands go, I'd have a look at Ainterol. Many here (not all) have used that and it appears to be a leading brand in the PM space (among many lesser knowns).

One thing to look out for is if taking too much of anything estrogenitic is leg cramps and DVT. Listen to your body and don't overdo it. 

Don't expect to see results overnight.

A multifaceted approach likely works best (meaning not just PM). But that doesn't simply taking mean more and different supplements. Could include massage, pumps, etc.

Not familiar with the brand.

At least 22, you can have great results. Typical time line is 4 months to buds, 18+ months to boobs. Everyone is different though.  Your youth is a great asset though.

Thank you all for your wonderful responses ! 
I've made the decision to try it out and see where it leads me to, since it can have other positive effects too !

I will keep you all updated if i find any concerns or weirdness about this product.

I ordered the product from some website in the netherlands and it seems like some HRT people uses this without any problems.

If someone wants to know how and what then they can always reply on this thread.

I've been on PM since a couple of days now and i dont notice any different then my skin being softer and my nipples being sensitive/feeling different against my clothes.

My hair is being wavy and soft normally its way thicker and a lil bit fatty (prob cuz of male hormones)

Maybe a stupid question but does PM have the chance to increase the areola/nipples too ?

(11-12-2019, 12:46 AM)D_x Wrote:  I've been on PM since a couple of days now and i dont notice any different then my skin being softer and my nipples being sensitive/feeling different against my clothes.

My hair is being wavy and soft normally its way thicker and a lil bit fatty (prob cuz of male hormones)

Maybe a stupid question but does PM have the chance to increase the areola/nipples too ?

Yes, nipple and areola growth will come as the breasts grow.

(11-12-2019, 01:00 AM)dawn Wrote:  
(11-12-2019, 12:46 AM)D_x Wrote:  I've been on PM since a couple of days now and i dont notice any different then my skin being softer and my nipples being sensitive/feeling different against my clothes.

My hair is being wavy and soft normally its way thicker and a lil bit fatty (prob cuz of male hormones)

Maybe a stupid question but does PM have the chance to increase the areola/nipples too ?

Yes, nipple and areola growth will come as the breasts grow.

Hello amazing people of the world, ive been on and off about PM, since i see that some people claim to have huge blood clots from this product/herb and that its highly dangerous. Is all of this true and what about the thai people that use it for ages why didnt they got it ?
Is it maybe cuz of the combination the HRT people use or maybe the food routine ?
It would be great to find some solid and honest answers.

I've tried it about for 1 month and nothing really weird happend, so im really confused with all the negativity this herb recieves from some people.

I would like to have some breasts, but yea risking blood clots hmm..

I'm taking 600mg each day and im in the greenzone of BMI + i'm going to start running everyday to lose some weight and get some curves ^^

I appreciate your answer alots, so thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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