Thnks Sandi.
I have been lurking here a lot in the last few days.
I will get on PM soon, I thought it thoroughly for a long while before decisding and I thought to give it a go, life is too short to not grab the opportiny. I ordered PM pills made of the 10:1 extract from ebay, some UK seller as it was quite cheap. Seemed to be a reputable person/company selling the stuff so I thought I'd try and see how it goes. I'm just bit undecided about the dose as its said that extracts aren't as potent as the real deal, but how much so? Anyway, I thought I'd try to find out and start with about 1000mg/day and perhaps take a high/low aproach... I was thinking of trying tree weeks on, one week off cycle perhaps. Anyway, I haven't yet decided on the details, but I really want to try it out.
Also I saw people recommend to have some DHT blocker going on and making sure to get enough calcium while on PM. I need to look more into it.
I haven't been noogling much lately, took some long breaks, massage mostly and then I wanted to try out PC and it does work to an extent. I've been on it for about two months now and my aerolas are changing, puffy in the morning and so smooth and way bigger than before. Also I have noticed some new fullness I didn't have before unless I had been noogling a lot in a short time. I guess this is my one year in update as its about twelve months since I started experimenting with the pumps.
I have been giving a lot of thought on this and I really want to take this to another level... The more feminine my body becomes, more I like myself and feel at home within. This obviously have made me think about my gender... More about this later on I guess.
Here some pictures I just took, I need to take some nice aerola/nipple pic next time they're all out. So, one year in and just now going on herbals for real, what do you think or my progress so far?
I decided to also order Ainterol caps as I finally found where to order them... Hopefully the mail works fast. I'm sooo excited. ^___^