September 24, 2020
I finished my first bottle of PM 88 days into my NBE. Based on
Shirazmn's description, I believe I reached the point where I've budded but no or very little initial "breast augmentation" has occurred. I first noticed budding at about Day 62.
I thought that would be the end of my journey for a few years. But, as we all know, it's nearly impossible to ignore the cravings—especially once you awake the nodes inside.
October 17, 2020
I didn't even make it a month since finishing my first bottle when I ordered my second bottle of Ainterol PM. It should be here on about Thursday.
I'm trying to decide whether to take 1/day or 2/day. My question is will any development be able to happen with as little as one 500mg or is 1000mg the bare minimum to see any results? I will also be taking 3600mg RM 2/day as my anti-androgens. I really don't want to have extremely noticeable changes happening in 3–6 months, or even a year. I'd rather it be a
very gradual, seemingly unnoticeable progress to others. I know that at some point, it will become very obvious.
My intent is to have the development occur in a way that it could be attributed to gynecomastia—triggered because I am approaching 46 years old, have been overweight (240lbs/109kg), am now 215lbs/97.5kg, and plan on getting down to 200lbs/90kg by the end of the year.