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PW waistline


Not sure where to post this, is a bit of a sensitive subject, well is is for me but it's something that's been bothering me most of the year.
Before starting PM I heard of possible side effects on the belly saw elsewhere before and after pictures and after PM the bellies were kinda hanging a lot. Sorry don't know how else to put it but were hanging. This happened to me, alright my belly was already kinda big but started to noticeably hang over my belt.
Was shocking and I lost a third of my body weight in under 6 months.
YAY; boo yah, well done Drew.........NO!!!!!!!!

How I did it was tremendously stupid and dangerous would absolutely, definitely not recommended it.
Still sorta suffer a bit even though I'm statisticaly underweight, will lay in bed and visually count the calories I have consumed in the day, yes I can now look at a plate of anything and give a pretty accurate calories estimate, anyway if I have had over 1000 calories it's quite possible that I will visit the bathroom to eject the entire contents of my stomach so I can sleep.

Uuuuum, sounds worse than it really is, now have it under control this doesn't happen every day.

But as males when we get older we do put on a few pounds, that's expected.....but not for us.
I mean were all here to sculpture our bodies into the form we desire no matter the consequences so I cannot imagine that I'm the only person on this site with a waistline obsession. Or am I?
Noooo I can't be, there has to me more of us. Transforming our bodies into the desired form is far too important


I have probably 20 kg of belly fat that I would very much like to lose. I have not yet figured out how to do it. So far, I have been drinking a lot of green tea and occasionally supplementing with forskolin in addition to some HIIT. If I were more consistent, I’d probably have better success but life is not always cooperative. Smile


(05-10-2020, 10:52 PM)Troublewithnibbles Wrote:  

I have probably 20 kg of belly fat that I would very much like to lose. I have not yet figured out how to do it. So far, I have been drinking a lot of green tea and occasionally supplementing with forskolin in addition to some HIIT. If I were more consistent, I’d probably have better success but life is not always cooperative. Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile">

Sorry I'm the least qualified person in the world to give dietary advice.


Great post Drew and you are definitely not alone.
I've struggled and lost the war in the waistline spread many years ago, however, over the years I have managed to firstly come to terms with a bit of a belly and secondly I can actually loose some of it.
I've tried all sorts of diets, counting calories etc etc and none have worked for me.
The secret I found was a exercise (but this is really just for good health not for weight loss) and intermittent fasting.
I realised that on many days I would naturally miss lunch/dinner just becasue I was working and either dint't get time to eat or just forgot! Then I by chance saw a program on TV about intermittent fasting and realised that I could quite easily do this.
After doing some research on it which shows many different ways of intermittent fasting I decided to try a simple routine of 
1-day fasting (less than 1000calories)
2-3days normal eating
1-day fasting (less than 1000calories)
2-3days normal eating
Of course I also cut out all the rubbish I was eating to such as snacks, biscuits etc.
What I found was that I could easily swap and change days around if needed and once I'd got into it, it was easy to do.
I also found planning your weekly meals a big help as this makes sure you have the food in and removes the temptation of 'oh what shall I eat tonight?'
The first time I did this regime I went from 98Kg down to 72Kg in about 5-months, then over the years my weight does creep back up, so I just repeat the regime and lose a few kilos.
I'm currently at 80Kg and want to get back down to 72kg so I am trying to get back onto my regime, although for some reason I am struggling this time to get into it.
However, now that I have started my NBE journey, this has given me more impetuous to crack on and do it, so for me it's fingers crossed - grow some breasts and lose my belly.
It is difficult but with perseverance and support it can be done safely and healthily.

(06-10-2020, 12:51 PM)wee2er Wrote:  Great post Drew and you are definitely not alone.
I've struggled and lost the war in the waistline spread many years ago, however, over the years I have managed to firstly come to terms with a bit of a belly and secondly I can actually loose some of it.
I've tried all sorts of diets, counting calories etc etc and none have worked for me.
The secret I found was a exercise (but this is really just for good health not for weight loss) and intermittent fasting.
I realised that on many days I would naturally miss lunch/dinner just becasue I was working and either dint't get time to eat or just forgot! Then I by chance saw a program on TV about intermittent fasting and realised that I could quite easily do this.
After doing some research on it which shows many different ways of intermittent fasting I decided to try a simple routine of 
1-day fasting (less than 1000calories)
2-3days normal eating
1-day fasting (less than 1000calories)
2-3days normal eating
Of course I also cut out all the rubbish I was eating to such as snacks, biscuits etc.
What I found was that I could easily swap and change days around if needed and once I'd got into it, it was easy to do.
I also found planning your weekly meals a big help as this makes sure you have the food in and removes the temptation of 'oh what shall I eat tonight?'
The first time I did this regime I went from 98Kg down to 72Kg in about 5-months, then over the years my weight does creep back up, so I just repeat the regime and lose a few kilos.
I'm currently at 80Kg and want to get back down to 72kg so I am trying to get back onto my regime, although for some reason I am struggling this time to get into it.
However, now that I have started my NBE journey, this has given me more impetuous to crack on and do it, so for me it's fingers crossed - grow some breasts and lose my belly.
It is difficult but with perseverance and support it can be done safely and healthily.

Inermittent fasting does sound sensible and leaving out those comfort foods especially.

I just got to thinking that especially with PM a great many people here must like me be self medicating which isn't a good idea and possible may pose a risk to ones health. If some are willing to take that risk for results some may also be tempted to take bigger risks just hoping for the best.


(05-10-2020, 10:34 PM)Drew Wrote:  

Not sure where to post this, is a bit of a sensitive subject, well is is for me but it's something that's been bothering me most of the year.
Before starting PM I heard of possible side effects on the belly saw elsewhere before and after pictures and after PM the bellies were kinda hanging a lot. Sorry don't know how else to put it but were hanging. This happened to me, alright my belly was already kinda big but started to noticeably hang over my belt.
Was shocking and I lost a third of my body weight in under 6 months.
YAY; boo yah, well done Drew.........NO!!!!!!!!

How I did it was tremendously stupid and dangerous would absolutely, definitely not recommended it.
Still sorta suffer a bit even though I'm statisticaly underweight, will lay in bed and visually count the calories I have consumed in the day, yes I can now look at a plate of anything and give a pretty accurate calories estimate, anyway if I have had over 1000 calories it's quite possible that I will visit the bathroom to eject the entire contents of my stomach so I can sleep.

Uuuuum, sounds worse than it really is, now have it under control this doesn't happen every day.

But as males when we get older we do put on a few pounds, that's expected.....but not for us.
I mean were all here to sculpture our bodies into the form we desire no matter the consequences so I cannot imagine that I'm the only person on this site with a waistline obsession. Or am I?
Noooo I can't be, there has to me more of us. Transforming our bodies into the desired form is far too important

Hi Drew

How long had you been on PM before you noticed any significant effect on your belly? If anything,  since I've started taking PM for the first time (some 2 weeks ago) I 've lost weight  a bit around the waist. My skin there seems to have gone a bit looser and softer,  and softer in other places as well. But this may be because I've switched from eating a lot of soya beans, and also flax and fennel seeds.


After my initial fascination with this forum, and the possibility of having breasts, I realized that for me breasts were worse than meaningless for me in the absence of having a feminine shape.  The focus of my fixation has therefore become my waist, because, for me, that is the origin of the female form.  I have, therefore, taken my waist from 35" to 25" in the course of 3 years time, without sacrificing muscularity or strength.

It is amazingly simple - just eliminate grains from your diet.  I probably consume 5000 calories a day in high fat, high protein food, as well as lots of veggies.  Keto, or modified keto, thereby minimizing insulin release, is the magic door to eliminating the deep visceral fat that gives us big guts.

Age is no problem.  I am 63 years old, and my wife tells me I have a more athletic shape now than when I was 26.

I think pear explained it better as the skin getting looser.

5000 calories a day? wow.

Understand too  considering the waistline the origin of the female form I tho personally wanted to lose everything muscle mass too getting more feminine arms and legs, or what media encourages to view as feminine.

Am in no way saying that a skinny woman is more desirable than another.

Well not for me personally I prefer roundness, just not on me


Plenty of room for everyone's preferences.

(06-10-2020, 07:19 PM)PleasantlyFascinated Wrote:  After my initial fascination with this forum, and the possibility of having breasts, I realized that for me breasts were worse than meaningless for me in the absence of having a feminine shape.  The focus of my fixation has therefore become my waist, because, for me, that is the origin of the female form.  I have, therefore, taken my waist from 35" to 25" in the course of 3 years time, without sacrificing muscularity or strength.

It is amazingly simple - just eliminate grains from your diet.  I probably consume 5000 calories a day in high fat, high protein food, as well as lots of veggies.  Keto, or modified keto, thereby minimizing insulin release, is the magic door to eliminating the deep visceral fat that gives us big guts.

Age is no problem.  I am 63 years old, and my wife tells me I have a more athletic shape now than when I was 26.


Are you saying eliminate all grains? Surely whole grains like whole wheat bread/ brown rice are the good grains and refined grains like white bread/white rice are the bad ones. I've read  so many good things about whole grains such as lowering risk of high cholesterol, lowering risk of some cancers, reducing belly fat, good for heart health, reducing risk of type 2 diabetes, fiber, good source of vitamins and minerals.


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