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Progress, plans and other ramblings

This is a long post, its more about just putting my thoughts down without the need to discuss, but if there's something to say, say it. Smile

I want to vent a bit about (Naked Finland, the Finnish style old school site, bit like fetlife but not as modern.) Since I started NBE and I keep posting pics and stuff on that site, the attention I get there has changed dramatically.... Almost no women ever even comment on something, most gay men are also gone, but surprisingly many "straight" guys seem to like me a lot now. That site isn't great for finding friends, random sex partners yes and random people to chat with. The thing is that I'm now a weirdo even on that sites standards. I do not fit in any niche there. I'm not a typical crossdresser, I'm not all in MtF trans (They're super popular there it seems!), I'm not a gay trap type, I could never do that sort of thing... There's lot of them there too. So.

It seems that I don't fit in at all, I do get the most weird kind of "fans", 99,99999% men. I don't mind the attention, a lot of it is really flattering and ego stroking fun.  But also its difficult to find like minded people there to chat with, the CD/TV types seem to run scared when they realize I'm not getting a hard on from dressing up, the trans people run off when they realize I'm not all about going on HRT and living full on as a woman, about 99% of the women there aren't really interested about me at all, no surprises there... And then from those who are interested, only very few are the kind I like to talk with. Dirty old men who drool younger "shemale" types are often quite disgusting.

Oh and writing blogs there is useless... Most of the time its dislike fest and trolling and shitty comments if I say something. I used to, but now I prefer BN for example. Anyway, I don't really know why I still use that website, it has its sides, but most of the fun is pretty much gone. One reason I can think of still at this point and that is pure curiosity. It seems the more feminine I get, the more interesting comments I get and I thought why not keep uploading pics from time to time, see what happens. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist too, so its filling that need a bit. I have learned to love my body quite a lot, more so in the last two years as things are really going the way I feel the best with.

I'm just curious, if I end up making my dreams about my body to come true, namely a lot bigger boobs, over all more feminine look and more curves, more hourglass.... How will they perceive me then? Specially if I don't openly identify as a MtF trans person? As that would be not fitting to any mould, not any "personality type" that you bump into on that website. Being some corny unicorn who doesn't fit in isn't an easy place to be anyway.

I'm daydreaming now, but if I add plenty more inches on my body in the right places, I could imagine the attention going through the roof, both in good and bad. The AS is one of those websites that can be really fun and also nerve wreckingly frustrating... I don't know what to do with it, should I just go dormant and not post anything or keep doing what I'm doing, namely being an oddball and not fitting in, updating my progress for all the dirty old buggers to jerk off to. I dunno.

Don’t worry about the stamp of approval from naysayers. 
You be you. Grow them puppies! You look fabulous!

(17-12-2020, 08:53 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  This is a long post, its more about just putting my thoughts down without the need to discuss, but if there's something to say, say it. Smile

I want to vent a bit about (Naked Finland, the Finnish style old school site, bit like fetlife but not as modern.) Since I started NBE and I keep posting pics and stuff on that site, the attention I get there has changed dramatically.... Almost no women ever even comment on something, most gay men are also gone, but surprisingly many "straight" guys seem to like me a lot now. That site isn't great for finding friends, random sex partners yes and random people to chat with. The thing is that I'm now a weirdo even on that sites standards. I do not fit in any niche there. I'm not a typical crossdresser, I'm not all in MtF trans (They're super popular there it seems!), I'm not a gay trap type, I could never do that sort of thing... There's lot of them there too. So.

It seems that I don't fit in at all, I do get the most weird kind of "fans", 99,99999% men. I don't mind the attention, a lot of it is really flattering and ego stroking fun.  But also its difficult to find like minded people there to chat with, the CD/TV types seem to run scared when they realize I'm not getting a hard on from dressing up, the trans people run off when they realize I'm not all about going on HRT and living full on as a woman, about 99% of the women there aren't really interested about me at all, no surprises there... And then from those who are interested, only very few are the kind I like to talk with. Dirty old men who drool younger "shemale" types are often quite disgusting.

Oh and writing blogs there is useless... Most of the time its dislike fest and trolling and shitty comments if I say something. I used to, but now I prefer BN for example. Anyway, I don't really know why I still use that website, it has its sides, but most of the fun is pretty much gone. One reason I can think of still at this point and that is pure curiosity. It seems the more feminine I get, the more interesting comments I get and I thought why not keep uploading pics from time to time, see what happens. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist too, so its filling that need a bit. I have learned to love my body quite a lot, more so in the last two years as things are really going the way I feel the best with.

I'm just curious, if I end up making my dreams about my body to come true, namely a lot bigger boobs, over all more feminine look and more curves, more hourglass.... How will they perceive me then? Specially if I don't openly identify as a MtF trans person? As that would be not fitting to any mould, not any "personality type" that you bump into on that website. Being some corny unicorn who doesn't fit in isn't an easy place to be anyway.

I'm daydreaming now, but if I add plenty more inches on my body in the right places, I could imagine the attention going through the roof, both in good and bad. The AS is one of those websites that can be really fun and also nerve wreckingly frustrating... I don't know what to do with it, should I just go dormant and not post anything or keep doing what I'm doing, namely being an oddball and not fitting in, updating my progress for all the dirty old buggers to jerk off to. I dunno.

Don't feel all alone here. I bet that every one and mean every single person who posts here has had some variation of context of your post. Nothing happening here is of the "norm."  So enjoy the "grow".  I discovered the great feeling of nipple sensation in my late teens and longed for more sensation in my nipples for years.  Without warning I found this site and read and read the posts to discover there IS a way to grow nipples and to my amazement grow breast too. Now that I have large noticeable nipples AND have grown some boobs, I often wonder what have I done?  The answer is, exactly what I wanted to do.  No regrets.  No second guessing. My attitude is I have my view of my self and THIS website helped me get there.  I post to let others know you can grow boobs to enjoy, to fill your need, to show off, to feminize to what ever extent you want.  There will always be "haters" out there. Pay them no attention.  At the end of the day, climb into your own bed, put on something that feels great in contact with your new boobs and ENJOY your accomplishment.  You deserve it! 

Take care,

I've always had big issues about fitting in, and honestly I don't even want to. I'm used to it. Big Grin But fitting into my bra, I'm good at that one. Kind of. Its some times frustrating to be the oddball, even in a setting where most are... The anonymous nude websites are kinda funny on this, people don't tell their names, most don't show their faces, but they're ok showing everything that's under wraps in everyday life. I hop in there and soon notice I don't fit into the mold there either. I guess that's my place in life, a storm which ruffles some feathers from time to time. Also few good friends beat thousand not so good ones any time, anywhere.

Its quite interesting social experiment btw, when I started in there, I was quite "normal" on that sites standards. Then I began being more open about my kinks which clearly changed who's interested and who isn't. After starting NBE things radically changed in quite short time. As time went by and I kept post stuff about my boobs ballooning, things kept changing even more and then reached the point about which I was ranting in the post above. Its not like its some life or death question, but observing this has been both fun and frustrating. Big Grin 

Oohkay, my PM order has been completed... And its shipping from Thailand again. Darn. It might take ages to get here again. Hmmmph... So I need to switch over to the not so efficient pm while waiting unless its super fast this time. Too bad, well, at least I'll have some use for the other stuff too. At least I'll have time to get what I'm thinking about adding to the broth, I thought to widen the array to FG and MSM. Those I can get quite easily, no need to order from abroad.

Shipping from Thailand sucks. It usually took 6 weeks to get here that way to me from there.

(18-12-2020, 10:24 AM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  Shipping from Thailand sucks. It usually took 6 weeks to get here that way to me from there.
 Took about the same to get here last time... So I might switch over to other brand and substitute with something as I wait. But who knows, I might get lucky this time around and get them in few weeks instead of months.

I met a friend of mine yesterday, I hadn't seen him for several months prior.... I decided to come out of the closet about my NBE stuff. This guy has been "in the know" about my weird stuff for a long time, but I had not told him about actively changing my body at all. This is the guy who once blurted out while drunk "stop roleplaying a chick!" to which I replied by showing my boobs and asked him, "does this look like roleplaying to you?". Big Grin This guy is rather open minded, but for some reason he has to keep belittling me somehow every time, I wonder what is he afraid of? The first time I was out with him wearing a bra which left little to guessing, he couldn't keep his eyes off me. Now he's more relaxed about it, I guess the brainwashing is starting to work. But still he had to say that mine look like overgrown moobs. I wonder what the heck are this guys standards?

Its kinda funny really, I want to shock him some time real bad once I grow a cupsize of few.

But overgrown moobs? Where exactly?

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Some people don’t want to have that conversation. Deep down it makes them uncomfortable, so they resort to put-downs. The really insecure lash out with violence. I don’t know why body transformations freak so many people out, but they do. Once you add a few cup sizes, it will be interesting to see where his mindset is then. Unfortunately, we’re in the small minority when it comes to kinks. People, in general, seem to prefer their compartmentalized boxes. I’ve been interested in TG since I was a child. Keenly watching other people’s disgusted reactions, and taking notes, along the way. Human nature hasn’t changed much along these lines over the decades. Unfortunately, our path of stepping stones is narrow and winding. I’m reminded of the T-girls of yesteryear throughout history. Their enclaves were always dark dingy holes in a wall, only accessed at 2am. Not much has changed over time. Sure, rupaul has his tv show. But it still has a 0.002 market share. (Keep Growing)

and cool photo. Love your lighting techniques. 

(18-12-2020, 10:05 PM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  Some people don’t want to have that conversation. Deep down it makes them uncomfortable, so they resort to put-downs. The really insecure lash out with violence. I don’t know why body transformations freak so many people out, but they do. Once you add a few cup sizes, it will be interesting to see where his mindset is then. Unfortunately, we’re in the small minority when it comes to kinks. People, in general, seem to prefer their compartmentalized boxes. I’ve been interested in TG since I was a child. Keenly watching other people’s disgusted reactions, and taking notes, along the way. Human nature hasn’t changed much along these lines over the decades. Unfortunately, our path of stepping stones is narrow and winding. I’m reminded of the T-girls of yesteryear throughout history. Their enclaves were always dark dingy holes in a wall, only accessed at 2am. Not much has changed over time. Sure, rupaul has his tv show. But it still has a 0.002 market share. (Keep Growing)

and cool photo. Love your lighting techniques. 

Yep, I've taken note of this too, certain kinds of people feel very uncomfortable deep down even talking about it... Having a close friend change in front of their eyes might be shocking too. I wonder if my buddy is somehow trying to deny the obvious, even though when he's accepting to it on the surface?

I think the internet has opened the pandora's box for interaction in this "scene" a lot. Although its obvious that Finns are far more difficult to find or to connect with due to our national psyche and general attitudes. Things always heat up slowly and trends come in late as we're so far from everything.

I can't wait to go further down the path and see what happens. I have certain friends from whom I'm expecting very awkward reactions once they realize that I'm not a "just a guy" any more. The day when their perception finally gets it, perhaps by some freak accident in which I happen to flash a pair of huge female boobies in front of them... Perhaps its some get together and we go to sauna. I dunno, but crazy times are ahead and I'm gonna enjoy every bit of it. Big Grin

Be careful you don’t lose any friends that you want to keep. Sometimes a boob flash is a shock that they don’t have time to contemplate. Maybe let them ease into it and give them time to study and sleep on it. Let their subconscious have time to work it out instead of the cream pie to the face gag. 

Regardless, this so-called journey is a blast. Enjoy the scenery as you grow. 

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