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Progress, plans and other ramblings

Lots of rock stars push gender boundaries with their wardrobe. You could incorporate certain looks and let the flair fly. Hell, they’ve been doing that since the 60s. But even modern guys get away with it.

(22-12-2020, 04:02 PM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  Lots of rock stars push gender boundaries with their wardrobe. You could incorporate certain looks and let the flair fly. Hell, they’ve been doing that since the 60s. But even modern guys get away with it.
Oh yea, definitely... Specially in certain niche like glam/80's hair metal scene or specially when things go Goth. I think the goth scene is the most androgynous group I can think of and they're always more or less rubbing elbows with the metal scene. Another bunch is punks who mix and match a lot.

I grew up on 80's (thrash)metal and have quite a lot of that going on with my looks, a lot of my girly side goes along with this just like that. Its funny, you can be extremely feminine looking and in certain circles, its just added credibility. Depends though, when you go way underground where everything is about the niche, the clique, more selective and exclusive things get one way or another.

But I've witnessed this first hand many times, "girly" stuff goes when its done right, its surprising how allowing and androgynous the metalscene can be some times. To most outsiders, its often "Oh that guy's a metalhead, ok." Cool

It’s all about balance within your scene. I hope you find it. But, you have a bit of leeway since you’re an (artist) musician. One of the most outlandish dressers I know is Steven Tyler. Definitely one of a kind clothes. I swear the guy has his own tailor. But, that’s something completely different. Thanks.

(22-12-2020, 04:30 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  
(22-12-2020, 04:02 PM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  Lots of rock stars push gender boundaries with their wardrobe. You could incorporate certain looks and let the flair fly. Hell, they’ve been doing that since the 60s. But even modern guys get away with it.
Oh yea, definitely... Specially in certain niche like glam/80's hair metal scene or specially when things go Goth. I think the goth scene is the most androgynous group I can think of and they're always more or less rubbing elbows with the metal scene. Another bunch is punks who mix and match a lot.

I grew up on 80's (thrash)metal and have quite a lot of that going on with my looks, a lot of my girly side goes along with this just like that. Its funny, you can be extremely feminine looking and in certain circles, its just added credibility. Depends though, when you go way underground where everything is about the niche, the clique, more selective and exclusive things get one way or another.

But I've witnessed this first hand many times, "girly" stuff goes when its done right, its surprising how allowing and androgynous the metalscene can be some times. To most outsiders, its often "Oh that guy's a metalhead, ok." Cool

Oh, music is my 1st love, alas I only ever learnt to play the recorder and tenor horn! but I've always loved music, especially live; my era is an eclectic mix of late 70's/80's so disco, prog rock, electronica, underground house, mod, late punk, 2-tone/ska, new wave, romantics, metal, rock and pop; basically, if it was a good tune/lyrics I'd like it  Smile
Look-wise I used to mix and match so always had an odd look mixing a few girls clothes with my boy clothes, actually, I probably looked a right mess, but hey-ho the joys of being young  Smile

It was the same here, although each genre had their own look I found them quite accepting to different styles as long you had your own individual look and it wasn't a pastiche of their look, I'd get stares and lots of interesting conversation with many a lass. Although, like you say, there was always the underground hardcore niche/clique where it had to be their way or not at all!!

Let's keep pushing those boundaries  Smile

(23-12-2020, 11:43 AM)wee2er Wrote:  Oh, music is my 1st love, alas I only ever learnt to play the recorder and tenor horn! but I've always loved music, especially live; my era is an eclectic mix of late 70's/80's so disco, prog rock, electronica, underground house, mod, late punk, 2-tone/ska, new wave, romantics, metal, rock and pop; basically, if it was a good tune/lyrics I'd like it  Smile
Look-wise I used to mix and match so always had an odd look mixing a few girls clothes with my boy clothes, actually, I probably looked a right mess, but hey-ho the joys of being young  Smile

It was the same here, although each genre had their own look I found them quite accepting to different styles as long you had your own individual look and it wasn't a pastiche of their look, I'd get stares and lots of interesting conversation with many a lass. Although, like you say, there was always the underground hardcore niche/clique where it had to be their way or not at all!!

Let's keep pushing those boundaries  Smile

You sound quite like me as that's what I do all the time unless I'm at work. Big Grin Mix and match rules. As does breaking the rules.

Every time I think about recorders, I’m reminded of the time I saw a large Peruvian Pan Flute Band in the Paris subway back in the early 90s.

Btw... I'm clearly experiencing probably the biggest growth spurt I've ever had. My boobs are super over the top sensitive and puffy. They feel heavy and poking anything hurts like heck. If I'm not totally in the la-la-land, you may expect some nice progress pics in few weeks if this pace goes on. Big Grin

(23-12-2020, 08:14 PM)Stevenator_too Wrote:  Every time I think about recorders, I’m reminded of the time I saw a large Peruvian Pan Flute Band in the Paris subway back in the early 90s.

Honest, I wasn't one of them, I was never good that good, chronic asthmatic so always ran out of puff!!!  Smile Smile Smile

(23-12-2020, 10:00 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Btw... I'm clearly experiencing probably the biggest growth spurt I've ever had. My boobs are super over the top sensitive and puffy. They feel heavy and poking anything hurts like heck. If I'm not totally in the la-la-land, you may expect some nice progress pics in few weeks if this pace goes on. Big Grin

Who cares about la la land, keep them growing.
That reminds me I need to post mine alas mine are mere pimples compared to yours, but we all have to start somewhere  Smile
Post them pics when they are ready  Big Grin

(24-12-2020, 10:27 AM)wee2er Wrote:  Who cares about la la land, keep them growing.
That reminds me I need to post mine alas mine are mere pimples compared to yours, but we all have to start somewhere  Smile
Post them pics when they are ready  Big Grin

I've been a bit pink foggish the last week or so, happens every time there's something really in the works I guess. I think I've been putting a tad too much energy and thought into NBE lately, I know how it goes, if I obsess about it, I will get frustrated and envious of others.(Mostly ladies.)

I just had a chat with someone about it, ironic, every time I notice some new nice growth and progress going on, first I feel so proud and happy, but soon start to see how its never enough... See in others what I lack in myself. And then at the same time I get so much love and nice comments and people come out of the woodwork complimenting me, asking for advice and all that. It baffles me as of course, like everyone else, I tend to downplay myself a lot and think that I'm nothing. But hearing so many nice things, its surely heart warming. <3

Btw, I really need to get my skirt fixed, I would love to wear it today but have to pick something else. Dressed up a bit just to see what I can't wear tonight... Hmmph. Fixed asap, I love this skirt so much. My only one so far.

Merry christmas lovelies, I have to head out. Blush

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