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Project X (hrt)

(23-02-2021, 03:20 PM)Alexis P Wrote:  I don't know how i missed this, i'm sorry. In the end i did find another brand of Reishi capsules more specifically this: link
his was a really good advice and i'll keep it in case this new Reishi should prove itself ineffective or if in the future i would not be able to purchase anymore.  Apparently Green Tea with EGCG (50%) is easier to find than Reishi with Beta-Glucans  Big Grin" alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin"> .
Dumb question: i should take only one of these two right? (Reishi OR Green Tea?)
Again, thank you for the advice! I apologize if i've seen it only now.  Shy" alt="Shy" title="Shy">

Hi Alexis

No worries, it's cool. Good question, albiet similar they both have their separate health and wellness aspects. 1-2 cups of green tea should pose an issue.

(24-02-2021, 04:44 AM)Lotus Wrote:  
(23-02-2021, 03:20 PM)Alexis P Wrote:  I don't know how i missed this, i'm sorry. In the end i did find another brand of Reishi capsules more specifically this: link
his was a really good advice and i'll keep it in case this new Reishi should prove itself ineffective or if in the future i would not be able to purchase anymore.  Apparently Green Tea with EGCG (50%) is easier to find than Reishi with Beta-Glucans  :D .
Dumb question: i should take only one of these two right? (Reishi OR Green Tea?)
Again, thank you for the advice! I apologize if i've seen it only now.  :shy:

Hi Alexis

No worries, it's cool. Good question, albiet similar they both have their separate health and wellness aspects. 1-2 cups of green tea should pose an issue.

I've been taking reishi and green tea extract together for more than a month, albeit the GTE wasn't the highest concentration in existence...

At any rate, i'm not dead. Theres a data point for you. Glad to help contribute to science.



I think it was derived from soy if that helps with your thirst for knowledge hehe


   Dearest Lotus;

   I have an unending thirst for knowledge. Please help!

  I have come to the belief that the prodution of the abundance of testosterone is the problem, so can you please share your knowledge on what natural substances can help to reduce the production of my arch enemy T.

   Huge thanks for all you do for us.



Hi Steffy Anne, 

The strongest one-two punch for anti-androgens are the duo of Reishi w/Green Tea (i prefer matcha). In particular of green tea is actually EGCG (the benefits of EGCG has been detailed throughout this thread)

If I can explain how EGCG works it would go like this: 

EGCG inhibits cancer (LNCaP cells), and the nuclear translocation and protein expression of androgens (DHT)

In other words. EGCG prevents androgens from going into the nucleus and mitochondria which then can go on to what's called protein expression. And that's a fancy way of saying how if this (# protein expression) happens Dht goes on to do its business of ruining breast growth, hair loss, masculinization, yada yada. 

And then on top of that DHT increases R.O.S (reactive oxygen species) which f*ck up mitochondria by damaging (oxidative stress) the cells...thus we take antioxidants. This is where Green Tea comes in, hoorah because it's a super charged antioxidant.
  • And as I (and you) know, Resihi inhibits DHT by 80%-90% (I've attached numerous studies).
  • From my calculations (from science papers) of converting to body weight (say around 200 pounds) 220 mg is enough to inhibit DHT using Green Tea.
  • EGCG is similar to Bicalutamide (brand name casodex), per the study.
Green tea polyphenol EGCG blunts androgen receptor function in prostate cancer

Steffy, I hope this answers your question. However, the next step beyond the herbal route is pharma anti-androgens. Spironolactone and Finasteride have side effects as we know. And they both lower progesterone (not good for breast growth and feminizing). My advice on that is to add GABA (which is stimulated by Theanine in green tea)...yay. Finasteride inhibits allopregnanolone, which through its pathway causes depression, but we just fixed that, right?. Or counter to that and add Dopamine via Mucuna pruriens 

Dopamine mediated antidepressant effect of Mucuna pruriens seeds in various experimental models of depression

I’ve been drinking green tea daily since I joined this site and started following Lotus’s work. I drink Lipton brand, in the fresh sealed foil pouches. It’s just more economical for me. It tastes potent. I hope it’s strong enough, but I remember reading a guide online once that rated the most popular brands and Lipton ranked at the top. I don’t drink Macha though, but I’ve been drinking Lipton daily for five years now.

  Thank you Lorus;

  your council on green tea and Reishi has been convincing , and I have been using them both for several months. My question is spacificly towards reducing the production of Testosterone, and I am asking this because I feel like I am playing whack a mole with my T. It gets produced, and then I wack it with Peony, Reishi, Green Tea, etc. I sure would like to nip this at the root of the problem by Reducing the production, of T and then I would not have to chase it aroung all my insides with Aromatase, and 5-ar,  by binding and blocking and inhibiting etc, and  Spiro anf Finasteride, and even bicalutamade are not going to reduce the prodution of the giant monster EVIL T. You know I feel like I'm playing whack a mole, and that gets old real fast, and I am 69 already.

   I was hoping you might have found some natural substance equivalent to, or comparable to Cyproterone acetate, or maybe like Medroxyprogesterone. You know, something that stops the production of T, or at least Reduces the production of T, so that I don't have to chase it around with a stick whacking it forever and ever and ever.

  I was hoping that you could pull a magic rabbit out of your (supercomputer brain) hat that stops or at least reduces the production of T.

   Oh well. I guess its just whack a T here, and whack a T there.

    With a Huge thanks for all you do.


  Faith + Hope + Love >  Love and Joy, and Peace.


  Thank you Stevenator;

   I appeciate your personal experience with Lipton tea, and any advice about saving money is real important to me, but I recently found out I did not follow Lotus's spacifics directing us to use the high potency Reishi, and Green tea, and conciquently the stuff I have been using was cheap junk that did not do what I needed it to do, so from now on its only the good stuff for Steffy Anne cause I am worth it and so are you.

    Thanks again;

   Steffy Anne

Fath + Hope + Love >
Love and Joy and Peace


  Dear Lotus, and friends;

  I found out Peony, and Licorice both reduce the production of testosterone. We know Licorice raises blood presure, but they make a DGL Licorice that might help for desperate DIY'ers.


    Steffy Anne

Faith + Hope + Love >

Love and Joy and Peace


Hey Steffy Anne

You may want to take a look at Lotus whole thread, i know it's huge but it's super interesting to see Lotus' ideas and knowledge morph as the research comes in and the data gets applied to NBE. I say this because i vaguely remember Licorice being written about, it may save you some research time of your own, but be sure to keep reading as some ideas are dropped further on in the thread because new research dismisses  the original idea.

Bonny x


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