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Day 37

I haven't measured yet, but the last few days haven't given any changes except the normal fluctuation. I measured at my record bust few days ago, 50,0" same as some while ago so nothing new there.

I'm starting to get out of the rut I had going which I think was almost completely hormonal and missing my gf, things are feeling much better already. I think my body just went nuts for a while for changing medication. I'm now bit over a week in with Progynova. A friend of mine send me bunch of those and for a while I was scared the post fucked up, but nope, they arrived and now I have medication for two and half months or longer if I drop the dose. (Which I will do if I must.) Gives me good time to save some money and secure my situation... I'm seriously considering about getting mine from Lena and doing injections as the price can't be beat, albeit buying from her is a bit tricky. (Payment in Bitcoin, using parcel forwarding service and so on.)

Lately I have found several absolutely awesome new friends, I can't say it enough that peer support and friends are nothing short of amazing, I couldn't do this alone and I'm grateful to have such awesome people in my life, some from BN, others I've found on facebook and some found me...

There's a special someone I have to mention, she's American Vietnamese super cute trans girl, cute as heck, smart and 100% my kind. She's nothing short of enchanting. I have started talking with my gf about seriously considering some sort of poly relationship, we have talked about it before as we're both open minded and I know for a fact that there's plenty of love in me and I could work this kind of thing out... The best relationships I've had have all been as if dating a best friend. These seem to be far more mature and lasting kind and what's better than friendship which goes deeper than usual... I love my gf, there's no way I would leave her some anyone else, but I can't deny my feelings, I'm having a big crush on this Vietnamese girl. (The feeling is mutual.)

Oh and then a boobie update! With a picture. It seems like even though my measurements haven't changed much, my nipples are finally starting to grow and there's likely a bit more fullness than before. HRT, noogling and religious wearing of supple nips seems to pay off. This picture is from yesterday, just random snap without much thought put it in. I want to point out that I'm not leaning forward, just holding  my arms down. Do you see a change? Big Grin

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Day 38

Everything is business as usual. But there's a timeline picture I want to post. I'm very happy to see this happening... So yea, behold the might of hormone replacement therapy. Big Grin

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(28-07-2021, 09:27 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Day 38

Everything is business as usual. But there's a timeline picture I want to post. I'm very happy to see this happening... So yea, behold the might of hormone replacement therapy. Big Grin
DiDi,  your body has really taken on female shape.  Your waist to hip ratio is just awesome!  And you are growing one fine pair of breasts.  Sorry it takes so many of us such a long time to find where we really belong.  But you are HOME now.  Kind of cool to see the changes in your body and your brain.


(28-07-2021, 09:28 PM)catbeginner Wrote:  
(28-07-2021, 09:27 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Day 38

Everything is business as usual. But there's a timeline picture I want to post. I'm very happy to see this happening... So yea, behold the might of hormone replacement therapy. Big Grin
DiDi,  your body has really taken on female shape.  Your waist to hip ratio is just awesome!  And you are growing one fine pair of breasts.  Sorry it takes so many of us such a long time to find where we really belong.  But you are HOME now.  Kind of cool to see the changes in your body and your brain.

Thanks Cat. <3

The change in hips was quite a surprise, I didn't expect this to start happening like this... I can't complain. Heck I'm barely started with HRT and things are going so fast so much better. My breast growth is interesting, I seem to be losing band length and likely fast/muscle from my back, but boobs seem to be growing a bit slower at the moment. But then again, my nipples are getting bigger. Heck I dunno where its going next... The only way is bigger better curves, that much is certain.

I'm waiting now to see how much money I will have and I got to make some decisions. Whether to get injectable EE from Lena, or if I will get some additional stuff to help with my program, herbal concoction I've been hinting about. I don't have much money to use so I have to make priorities. Better HRT meds would be the number one thing to get, but that will cost me some. But then again, if that works out, I will have 18 month supply of likely the best stuff I can get my hands on.

That's an unmistakably woman's body right there. The kind of shape that men learn to appreciate more and more as they mature.

WOW DiDi...a full body nude!!! Awfully brave but you pulled it off okay. Me....never going to let people see my skinny arse top heavy body am way too sensitive to show all of me, ribs, a slight PM belly I can't get rid of despite diet and exercise and seriously underweight but that belly bit won't go. But you have gone there. Respect DiDi!!! Looking impressive. Still a fan, and sensitive to your emotions, yes I do read everything but don't feel qualified to respondeven though I have similar feelings. Alright time to very jealous, alright I have my own and more than a handful but am very, very jealous of you and what you have achieved in such a short time. Not trying to be competitive on the body scene even though I try so very, very hard to be the not. Alright am very competitive but have lost. Utmost respect.

Day 45

I'm in a some kind of a stall it seems, measurements fluctuating on the same old, same old... I think my hips are still growing, band length likely still getting shorter, but boobs aren't changing at all. The soreness is there on most days, quite a little of it actually. I think my nipples have started growing too. I have been wearing supple nips A LOT lately and its showing. Also there's more areola puffiness going on. I don't know why it seems that fast breast growth seems to have stopped for a while, I guess its all about my body adjusting and new hormone balance building up. I took some pics few days back, very lewd so I might need to hide something to post them here. Tongue

I need to soon think ahead about using money and what to do with my program as there's some things I would like to try out and I need to make sure I wont run out of my medication, there's plenty for now, but not longer than few months.

Thank you Nipply Russel. <3 The hip growth and emerging hourglass shape took me by big surprise as I didn't take any pictures for a while... And it seems its just getting better with time. ^_^

Drew, thank you. <3

Day 51 I think? 

I have been offline due  to forgetting my laptop cable to our summer house... Not much to update except a lot of everything. Measurements haven't gotten any more interesting, but I did get big time record swelling with noogle the other day. Got my 85 H bra fit quite nicely without any extra padding. So I guess something's happening. And there's more, my body changes are really on a roll. Just a bit disappointed by boobs seemingly not changing much lately as if I have stalled... But HRT is treating me well. I will post pictures in two or three days once I get my laptop on. There's quite a lot to post about. Some very positive and surprising things have been taking place. 

But about my boobs, I think there's some kinda of filling up going on, losing band length slowly but surely and my nipples seem to be getting bigger. I'm overdue on updating my program as I planned as this month got very tight on money which I didn't expect. I was supposed to have more to spend but ended up with much less and that wasn't my own doing. Oh yes, I'm soon hitting two months on HRT which means one more reason to update on what's going on. 

Lets just say things are shaping out better than I expected they would.  Big Grin

Glad to hear from you Lara, we've missed you this week.
Keep taking care of yourself to come back stronger and more relaxed.

See you soon! <3

Day 52

It appears that Progynova isn't all that effective on me. Since switching over from Estrofem, I have stalled, the last few days showing some improvement though. I'm having to stock up on HRT and think of my options soon, I have enough to last two months and no more and I think my best bang for the buck and the best option there is, is to order from Lena. Its a hassle to do it though, but there is no cheaper and more effective option available. Likely not even the health care system here could provide me with good alternative from what I know. And the wait, the goddamn endless wait just doesn't end.... So I must do something. This means saving up some money and taking the gamble and learning how to inject.

I had quite a dip in the numbers bit over a week ago, I was unmotivated to even keep measuring and marking them, but I'm back at it again. Looks like what ever that stall was, is over and there's changes happening again. I did get heck of a record swelling from noogle the other day though and I think I've got some new fullness going on since some time ago. Smile Here's pictures from that day, I don't think I've shown a pic letting them lovelies hang downwards before.

So yea, next, update my HRT big time, no more playing around with shady grey market shops and over priced meds, I'm going for the holy grail.

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