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Took me a minute to realize.... This is a great day!

I'm hormonally a WOMAN!!!! For real! <3

Hi DiDi,

That is very cool and I am happy for you!

See all that worry for nuthing!
I love watching you grow, not just those, but the whole woman!

Day 167

It seems obvious that my breast growth has slowed down or that I'm hitting plateau. Measurements have mostly stood still for about a month which has never happened before since I started growing rapidly about a year ago. Nothing else has changed, breast volume keeps on creeping higher ever so slowly, but its well within normal fluctuation so can't really tell. Nothing else has changed.

I have gained a bit of weight though, lately hips, waist and bust have all gotten a bit bigger. Doesn't bother me as I'm planning to do some weight cycling, perhaps gain few more kilograms during the winter, then when spring comes, bicycle rides, hiking and dead lifts + less carbs, more proteins is the plan. I thought I could gain a bit more and then aim to loose 10kg off of me and see what happens.

Anyway, as it seems I'm hitting a plateau with breasts, I'm going to try the Dr. Powers method of getting out of a stall by adding 2mg oral E to the mix for 1-3 weeks. This should kick my estriol level higher which might wake up the titties. I haven't done this consistently before, only taken a pill on days when I feel anxious from having my E low. (Which doesn't happen any more now that I'm on the short cycle btw.)

So starting today, I'll add 2mg progynova orally just before sleep, continue for at least a week, longer if needed.

I'm done with the chore of daily measuring. It got so tedious I thought I'd give up on it for now and measure once a week instead. Getting to know how fluctuation works was very interesting experiement, I may get back on it later, specially if I happen to get another growth spurt at some point.

Small update... It appears that I just got new records with the corset. Gf said it looks like it. I should get more active wearing this.

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Hi DiDi,

I love your shape! 


Tongue Big Grin Wink 
Like Kay said

Day 168

I may have spoken too early about reaching a plateau... I did my routine two one hour pumping sessions and measured new record volume afterwards. Without growth, this shouldn't happen as I'm very consistent with the way I do the pumping. I got some pics and a short video to show how its like today. I'm very very pleased, can't wait for this size to be permanent. I would say this is my goal size and anything on top of it is extra. Big Grin Which I of course wont mind if it happens.

Here's the videolink, obviously NSFW.

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I'm on sensory overload

Day 174

Nothing's changed. I got worse measurements than I did a while back. My boobs keep fluctuating on the same measurements even though my levels are perfect. I'm starting to feel really discouraged by this. If this keeps on going, I will soon loose motivation to even try. I've kept on doing everything as usual but things just aren't progressing the way I would want to...

I've been hit by a streak of shitty luck, just when everything else works out, I almost got fucked over by our system here and nearly lost my already meager benefits. I'm trying to get more sick leave after my first doctor visit at the trans clinic is done. That's on Wed 15th. Just days ago we lost our bands rehearsal room, we had to move out in crazy haste, the owner of the place is bankrupt and the power was cut out, we just got all the sensitive instruments and audio equipment out. My living room is now a storage room for the time being. No idea when we find another place to rehearse at, it can take weeks or months... So no bands at the moment as we're forced on having a break. That's one less thing to keep me motivated.

Lately I've burned myself out with everything transition related. It seems that most trans spaces online are quite toxic. I need time off. I decided to stop posting for some time... Specially no pictures. I'm not getting the validation I've been seeking with that, my breasts haven't grown so there's nothing new to show. My selfies get ignored most of the time and I only get attention when I show some skin, its pissing me off. I thought I'd just stop posting, get off the internet mostly and do real life stuff and not give a fucking thing on how my transition goes. I need it because all this online shit is ruining my already bad mental health. All I see around me is super successful perfect doll girls who are either insanely lucky or insanely privileged. My body image is horrendous, I don't need to make it even worse by comparing to everything. I just can't make it stop, so I thought its better to protect myself and just stay away. Maybe I'll come back once I feel better about this T ravaged ugly thing I have to live in. Its the same here, my thread is read like crazy but it almost never brings up any kind of discussion, so why in the hell do I bother. Specially when people are expecting progress which doesn't seem to be happening right now. Perhaps I'll just fade out in obscurity, not being a boobie queen but just another ordinary trans woman who hit a plateau and never got the dream body.... Which I think I deserve, but if it just decides its not gonna happen or just takes heck of a long time...

I might update something if there is something to say. Otherwise I'll just keep quiet. I don't want to feel like shit all the time, its better to look away and not pay attention.

I feel ugly, uninteresting and hopeless. Its better that I just log off... I'm already crying my eyes out writing all this.

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