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I'm thinking about taking some serious time off.... As things have slowed down lately, I thought I'd be back on the day 270 a the magical nine month point. If there's a reason to. I'm just over saturated with all online stuff and mentally very tired.

I wish you all happy holidays. <3 See you later lovelies.

You started life with a swingin dick, and now you at the 80 percent point of becoming a woman.
Its not all about breasts.
Your breast growth may have slowed, but there is still that 20% left to take you over the top. Voice, mannerisms, gait, emotions, etc
And once your boy parts are gone, you will have attained womanhood.
And I fear that you will vanish from here as well.

For me its very exciting to watch a gurl start her journey, grow, and progress though the many phases towards transition.
But then the effervescence fades, and real everyday life takes over. No more thrill of the first time out in a dress, or the first times someone comments on your breast, or the big one about telling friends and family. Just the humdrum of sun up and sun down.

So even though you feel that things have stopped and no one is excited as they were in the past, we still love you you are moving on your own momentum now.There are bunch of new bees' that need attention too. Keep offering your history and advice.
enjoy the knowledge that you are an great inspiration on hundreds on this site, and beyond.

So Merry Christmas and always look at the bright side of Life.



(12-12-2021, 06:37 PM)Happyme Wrote:  Didi
You started life with a swingin dick, and now you at the 80 percent point of becoming a woman.
Its not all about breasts.
Your breast growth may have slowed, but there is still that 20% left to take you over the top. Voice, mannerisms, gait, emotions, etc
And once your boy parts are gone, you will have attained womanhood.
And I fear that you will vanish from here as well.

For me its very exciting to watch a gurl start her journey, grow, and progress though the many phases towards transition.
But then the effervescence fades, and real everyday life takes over. No more thrill of the first time out in a dress, or the first times someone comments on your breast, or the big one about telling friends and family. Just the humdrum of sun up and sun down.

So even though you feel that things have stopped and no one is excited as they were in the past, we still love you you are moving on your own momentum now.There are bunch of new bees' that need attention too. Keep offering your history and advice.
enjoy the knowledge that you are an great inspiration on hundreds on this site, and beyond.

So Merry Christmas and always look at the bright side of Life.


Yea, its not all about boobs, but I'm just not where I wish to be and what I deserve... Plus all the million other things that are still wrong about my body. I want to be comfortable and happy living in this thing, I'm not sure if I'll ever really get there. Its painful. Constant feelings of inferiority and not good and not enough are rotting my heart. People tend to think that its just envy, its not that.... Its body dysmorphia mated with hyper awareness of my surroundings and other people. This is why I need a break as I just can not stop paying attention unless I shut things away completely.

I'm not gonna completely disappear. I never have before despite taking some breaks. I just want time off... I want to come back with something new to show, it makes no sense to post same stuff over and over... "no change" Nobody is interested in that. I feel like almost nobody is interested in general. I see more activity here on other topics, mine has been becoming just musings of a mundane trans woman rather than super lucky boobie queen so why bother. Sad I'm just accepting my fate of being not that interesting because I'm not that special either, all the super good looking ones and super busty ones get all the love and attention anyway. I may just shut up and come back when there's something worth posting.

Hi DiDi,

I have taken breaks from my online activity. I get it. Take some time for yourself. Please be kind to yourself, you are a wonderful person.

I sometimes wonder about my presence here. My boobs are small and my growth is super slow. I am slowly becoming feminine and like to write about it, but this site focuses on breast growth. I often wonder if I am at the right place. But other sites seemed to be filled with drama and I hate that. I am staying because I like this place. I know you will be back, but take a deserved break for you.

Hugs to you, a wonderful girl!



(13-12-2021, 09:47 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  
(12-12-2021, 06:37 PM)Happyme Wrote:  Didi
You started life with a swingin dick, and now you at the 80 percent point of becoming a woman.
Its not all about breasts.
Your breast growth may have slowed, but there is still that 20% left to take you over the top. Voice, mannerisms, gait, emotions, etc
And once your boy parts are gone, you will have attained womanhood.
And I fear that you will vanish from here as well.

For me its very exciting to watch a gurl start her journey, grow, and progress though the many phases towards transition.
But then the effervescence fades, and real everyday life takes over. No more thrill of the first time out in a dress, or the first times someone comments on your breast, or the big one about telling friends and family. Just the humdrum of sun up and sun down.

So even though you feel that things have stopped and no one is excited as they were in the past, we still love you you are moving on your own momentum now.There are bunch of new bees' that need attention too. Keep offering your history and advice.
enjoy the knowledge that you are an great inspiration on hundreds on this site, and beyond.

So Merry Christmas and always look at the bright side of Life.


Yea, its not all about boobs, but I'm just not where I wish to be and what I deserve... Plus all the million other things that are still wrong about my body. I want to be comfortable and happy living in this thing, I'm not sure if I'll ever really get there. Its painful. Constant feelings of inferiority and not good and not enough are rotting my heart. People tend to think that its just envy, its not that.... Its body dysmorphia mated with hyper awareness of my surroundings and other people. This is why I need a break as I just can not stop paying attention unless I shut things away completely.

I'm not gonna completely disappear. I never have before despite taking some breaks. I just want time off... I want to come back with something new to show, it makes no sense to post same stuff over and over... "no change" Nobody is interested in that. I feel like almost nobody is interested in general. I see more activity here on other topics, mine has been becoming just musings of a mundane trans woman rather than super lucky boobie queen so why bother. Sad I'm just accepting my fate of being not that interesting because I'm not that special either, all the super good looking ones and super busty ones get all the love and attention anyway. I may just shut up and come back when there's something worth posting.
I understand,
One last thought
Life is like a rope, you can hold on and go for a ride, sometimes, smooth and fast, some times slow and bumpy. One thing you can never do, as hard as you may try is push the rope!
Love ya

DidI look at the threads and the popularity stars.
I don't have a single one, ditto! Just not liked very much here but you have lots, so interest in posts isn't an issue. I do get it though, your dilemma. We do start off concentrating only on boobs, they grow then suddenly OH SHIT !!!!!!! What about the rest of my body, then we have to figure out ways of slimming, shedding all body fat, toning legs, arms, belly without getting muscular but being feminine and it's a huge undertaking and a bit overwhelming. Figuring out how to do all this is .....well a mammoth task there are so many parts to work on so I do think or hope I do understand. But with dedication and love for what you do its achievable. I don't know who's pictures you have been looking at to make you feel inadequate but that doesnt matter at all. When I see boobs, well I can't remember who it was but in a big jacket I thought WOW am so envious I wish they were mine they are so very beautiful and way more feminine than mine but me your legs bitch because mine are smoking hot! Smile Well no its not a competition here, we all have our bits we like ( to be honest my calves have a bit too much muscle I have to get rid of) but we are all doing the same thing to ourselves with various success in body areas and there is no reason to feel a failure for not progressing as fast as you would like. Everything takes time, but it's a wonderful journey. Also there will always be a person showing pictures of parts you will think, alright that's impressive and better than what I have. That's not a reason to give up. I have seen many, many people with much impressive booby growth than i, don't care.... . it's me that matters and it's you too.

just one more thing to add,  I love winter it's my favorite time of year but with my new body I'm fucking freezing, really I am. I would die in Finland how do girls survive there? So frigging cold. Just in lower saxony and shivering it's so cold.

Hold on DiDi, since when did this become a poularity contest?. She who has the bigest, bounciest most round tits wins.... what exactly?. We are here to tell our experiences, seek help, and encourage one another.

Writing here helps you get things out of your system, and others to understand they are not the only ones with these issues. Are we special ?, I'm afraid we are not, we're not the first ones through this, we won't be the last ones either. Do each of us have a unique story and path through NBE/Transition/Woman-ism/Whatever you want to call it?. Absolutely!. Are our stories worth telling? Absolutely!. Do we only care about how big your tits got this week? Hell no!.

If you want to take a break that's great, but please don't do it because you think no one cares unless you post a new boobie pic, your experience as a transgender and your feelings are far far more valuable.


Very well said Sonya

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