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(18-05-2022, 06:54 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Heck I'm a teenage girl fixing a 38 year old body that developed wrong, of course I'm whiny teary cringe fest some times. Blush

Oh my God!

Teenie girl you just made my day. Cool

You are splendid HT. <3

So start again. Hi DiDi long time no see.
Of course everybody is allowed to vent once in a while and that was me venting too, unfortunately on you.
We are very different I keep my feelings to myself and won't let anybody inside, absolutely nobody. I am almost numb to feeling empathy through lifestyle and experience, some call that PTSD, I call it survival.
We will always be different but will try to keep my opinions to myself and not vent it out. Feel free to vent on me anytime, anybody. I can take it, just supress everything and pretend it hasn't happened but I do sometime's forget that others are less insensitive

(19-05-2022, 06:46 AM)Drew Wrote:  So start again. Hi DiDi long time no see.
Of course everybody is allowed to vent once in a while and that was me venting too, unfortunately on you.
We are very different I keep my feelings to myself and won't let anybody inside, absolutely nobody. I am almost numb to feeling empathy through lifestyle and experience, some call that PTSD, I call it survival.
We will always be different but will try to keep my opinions to myself and not vent it out. Feel free to vent on me anytime, anybody. I can take it, just supress everything and pretend it hasn't happened but I do sometime's forget that others are less insensitive

Sounds sort of familiar in the way that I used to suppress a lot for a long time. Then I consciously took a U turn when I decided I have to transition... I've kept so much inside, lot of old demons are still tormenting me almost every day. I don't think its good to just bottle up everything, at some point, it all just explodes and that's not pretty.

Hi, I'm very new to this forum and have been leaving a few posts about since I realised I was trans just over 3 years ago when I first originally made this account funny enough, I resurrected it. I've been looking around for another transwoman that is exploring NBE for us.

So basically I'm a Transwoman that has been transitioning now for a bit over 2+ years, in that short time I've reached 36DD. I'm 34 years old I'm happy with my size but I would like more. There is just so much information and things that I worry would conflict with my HRT especially on the main pages. So I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing what your doing at this time.

Here is my HRT (I'm from the UK)

  • Evorel 100 (Twice Weekly - Mon & Friday 3x100mcg Patches)
  • Decapeptyl SR 11.25mg (Every 3 months) - T Blocker (Queue for Bottom)
  • Cylogest 200mg (Once Daily for 14 days cycle up the bum) {Began at Tanner Stage 3 about}
  • Estradiol 1mg (Daily for 16days cycle)
  • Finasteride 1/4 5mg Daily

As I'm on patches their effectiveness decreases over the few days before I swap them

Vitamin wise I take
  • Vitamin D3 4000 IU (Once Daily)
  • Tablet based MSM (4x2200MG Daily + 80MG Vitamin C) {Been doing this since I started HRT}
  • Omega 3 1000mg (EPA 180mg & DHA 120mg) Daily
  • A simple A-Z

Here are my most recent blood results we can't get progesterone readily tested, as it requires testing within 20mins of the blood being taken in the UK so requires a hospital visit with a onsite lab. With covid restrictions still enabled I'm unable to get that tested at this time.

hope you can aid me I don't have much of a limit on size beyond a GG/H so a strong regime I can handle Big Grin


Hi Mel87. <3

You could add calcium on the side of MSM and D3. This reminds me, I need to get vitamin C supplement going, I likely have a deficit on that. Also you could start the ginseng + caynne + lemon extract on the side, the one that Lotus has written about in her thread. I was on it for about two months and it seemed to be very helpful, I just recently started it again. I was on a forced break as the ingredients are somewhat expensive and I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel with HRT etc. already.

You've been cycling progesterone? Have you thought about trying a stable dose? I've done 100mg boofed daily for over three months and its been working awesomely. I've been planning on going up to 200mg daily, I tested it a while back and it seemed to work just fine.

Also you should look into massage and pumping on the side, latter has helped me a lot with shape in particular and it also slowly gives permanent growth.

Day 333

Nothing else to update today, except that please to meet you all, my name is now officially Lara Johanna. <3 Name change got approved today.

(20-05-2022, 01:23 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Day 333

Nothing else to update today, except that please to meet you all, my name is now officially Lara Johanna. <3 Name change got approved today.
 Congratulations, Lara! :-)

(20-05-2022, 01:23 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Day 333

Nothing else to update today, except that please to meet you all, my name is now officially Lara Johanna. <3 Name change got approved today.
Now that is good news Smile 
Happy weekend Lara Smile

(20-05-2022, 01:18 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Hi Mel87. <3

You could add calcium on the side of MSM and D3. This reminds me, I need to get vitamin C supplement going, I likely have a deficit on that. Also you could start the ginseng + caynne + lemon extract on the side, the one that Lotus has written about in her thread. I was on it for about two months and it seemed to be very helpful, I just recently started it again. I was on a forced break as the ingredients are somewhat expensive and I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel with HRT etc. already.

You've been cycling progesterone? Have you thought about trying a stable dose? I've done 100mg boofed daily for over three months and its been working awesomely. I've been planning on going up to 200mg daily, I tested it a while back and it seemed to work just fine.

Also you should look into massage and pumping on the side, latter has helped me a lot with shape in particular and it also slowly gives permanent growth.

I'm just a little unsure of the dosage of calcium, Lotus's thread is well over 400 pages I don't suppose you know what dosage she is taking as when I use the search my net cuts out at times ^^;.

The reason I cycle progesterone is that it made me quite unwell, I get period like symptoms and I was perpetually in them. Also the appetite it gives me makes me feel very unsettled and dysphoric. Well my clinic knows I'm cycling and it mimics a cis girls amount quite accurately. I once had the #7 post all time on /r/transbreasttimelines (deleted chasers) but at the time I was still tanner stage 3 now I'm a solid 4 on both. Also the spike from progesterone coincides with some wind down I think I get especially at a 200mg dosage allows the receptors to come back down. I also have the opportunity to explore 400mg Cyclogest if I desire and have been thinking about that too.

So for 16 days I have that Progesterone and 14 days I take an extra pill so far my bloods have shown I mimic very well.

I do massages twice a day morning and night and I must say I've never tried pumping before but when I moved from pills to patches I did suffer from let down responses for awhile though it was little it was quite crazy.

Oh and congrats on the name change!

If I've done this correctly there should be an image of me at T3 36DD. I won't do a more up-to-date image just in case there are peeps stalking ^^; but there are both identical nowadays and have filled up more towards to the top but the general idea on my size and shape is there.


Hi, Lara.  Congratulation on the official name change.  That is big, IMHO.  You have gorgeous breasts.  You are making the rest of us jealous.  Good luck on you continuing journey. Love BJ!

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